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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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3 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Getting read to watch Air: Courting a Legend,  the story of how Nike lured Michael Jordan and of course the creation of Air Jordans.

The movie gets a solid B. Plenty of mid 80's nostalgia with the soundtrack.  This is a Amazon Studios production, so it will eventually be on Amazon.



What's kind of funny, while there's an actor playing Michael; you barely see Michael in the movie.


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I watched the Tetris movie earlier this week.  It's on Apple TV.  


It's pretty good.  Based on the true story (not sure how much of the movie was embellished) about the guy who discovered Tetris (not invented it, but that guy is also heavily involved in this movie, too) and the race to bring it to the rest of the world.  Taron Egerton plays the main character, he does a good job.  Giving it a solid B, it's a good mix of thrills due to racing against time/business competitors, some laughs, nostalgia and good villains.  


Earlier this week, Spiff Jr. (15 months) was home from daycare because he was a little sick, the MiL was here watching him while the wife and I were working.  Spiff Jr. doesn't give a **** about his toys.  I mean, he'll play with them from time to time but they don't hold his attention but left to his own druthers he'd much rather roam the house and explore things. 


As mentioned, we have Apple TV and Spiff Jr. LOOOOOOOVES playing with the remote.  It's one of his go-to things, he knows that if he picks it up and starts mashing buttons, it triggers a response on the TV.  He'll mash and mash and mash, turning on the TV and flipping through random screens, starting apps and closing them, starting TV shows and movies, playing music, whatever.  


Well, we soon discovered that Spiff Jr. went ahead and purchased the second Avatar movie one day this week so I'm watching that now because...well, he bought it and now I own it so why the **** not?  


I will say it is visually stunning but I hate this ****.  I'm 30 minutes in and rooting for the bad guys.  I know they won't win, obviously, but I hope they wipe out as many of these silly blue ****es and their precious planet in their loss..  So I'm giving it an A for visual effects but an F for being heavy handed with the themes and ****ty dialogue.  And I get that it's about the environment, imperialism and colonialism but whatever.  I can't believe this thing is 3 hours long and that my impeccable Apple TV movie library that contains notable films such Road House, Necessary Roughness and Point Break is now sullied with its presence.  


In 13 years, I'll need a reminder to take 20 bucks out of Spiff Jr's allowance.  



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The Movie Critics are using Fake Reviews and Complaints to "rig" the reviews against Super Mario Brothers (2023). It’s their tried and true form of cheating, now introduced to the industry at a level never seen before. They are disgusting, and sooo bad for our Country!
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[ Boy slips into a "Coma" after exploring family attic, and a bunch of weird **** starts happening in the house]


I missed this one, first time around. Watched with ladyfriend last night. I gotta say I thought it was heading in the tired "Haunted child, mommy is distressed and daddy doesn't believe her" route, but it took a great twist, and I absolutely loved it.



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4 hours ago, ixcuincle said:
The Movie Critics are using Fake Reviews and Complaints to "rig" the reviews against Super Mario Brothers (2023). It’s their tried and true form of cheating, now introduced to the industry at a level never seen before. They are disgusting, and sooo bad for our Country!

Well it isn’t hurting the box office. $204 million US box office last 5 days and it should have a record worldwide opening for animated film at 377 million.


I just saw it and it was good. I’ll give it a solid B.  If you played the video game, you will like it.

Edited by 88Comrade2000
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Super Mario Bros.


I'm a video game fanboy and give it a 10/10.


Saw it with my 8 year old and he loved it.


I've played every Mario game in existence and there are just so many damn easter eggs in the movie that I am sure I missed a bunch of them.  The story is super simple and formulaic which makes sense since it's also for kids.  


I don't know how someone could be a fan of Mario/Nintendo and not have a blast with the movie.  I just wished it was longer.  I'll be buying the bluray when it comes out.

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I just got back from seeing Renfield, starring Nic Cage, Nicholas Hoult, and Awkwafina. I thought it was a blast...I'm surprised by some of the scores and reviews it's getting (being review bombed maybe?). Cage and Hoult were great and Awkwafina was solid. The plot is meh but let's face it - this movie is all about the actors, crazy action, absurd gore, blood, and humor. Oh, and a big thumbs up to a theme that was unexpected: mental health awareness.

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On 4/5/2023 at 11:10 PM, purbeast said:

It's only "a classic" because it's one of the first ones he made.

no, I genuinely think it’s an awesome and classic movie has nothing to do with it being earlier in his career 


On 4/5/2023 at 11:10 PM, purbeast said:

Aliens travel light years to a planet that is like 75% covered in the liquid that they can't even touch.

This isn’t weird at all. Not really sure why people get hung up on this point, it’s never made sense to me. Look at all the dangerous things humans do to mine resources from Earth or do other jobs and tasks. From the alien perspective, it’s sending a group of guys out to a job site, yeah it’s dangerous, but you’re technologically superior, have the element of surprise and they shouldn’t be able to defeat you so it’s worth the risk. Humanity constantly does dangerous things throughout history in the pursuit of resources or wealth. We have no idea how many other planets that contain water and civilizations that they’ve done this to successfully, it seems it isn’t the first given that they knew to stay away from water based areas and still had a pretty successful invasion until the last minute. This is just silly nitpicking that sounds almost high schoolish in its criticism to me, probably because I was in high school when it came out and heard the same 



On 4/5/2023 at 11:10 PM, purbeast said:

Dumb ass movie that was also marketed as a horror movie that isn't scary at all.

what movies do you consider scary? Signs has a lot of creepiness and atmosphere to it along with performances that sell it and a perfect soundtrack to enhance the spookiness. Go back and watch the original trailers, they are not misleading about what the movie is. 

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9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

no, I genuinely think it’s an awesome and classic movie has nothing to do with it being earlier in his career 


This isn’t weird at all. Not really sure why people get hung up on this point, it’s never made sense to me. Look at all the dangerous things humans do to mine resources from Earth or do other jobs and tasks. From the alien perspective, it’s sending a group of guys out to a job site, yeah it’s dangerous, but you’re technologically superior, have the element of surprise and they shouldn’t be able to defeat you so it’s worth the risk. Humanity constantly does dangerous things throughout history in the pursuit of resources or wealth. We have no idea how many other planets that contain water and civilizations that they’ve done this to successfully, it seems it isn’t the first given that they knew to stay away from water based areas and still had a pretty successful invasion until the last minute. This is just silly nitpicking that sounds almost high schoolish in its criticism to me, probably because I was in high school when it came out and heard the same 



what movies do you consider scary? Signs has a lot of creepiness and atmosphere to it along with performances that sell it and a perfect soundtrack to enhance the spookiness. Go back and watch the original trailers, they are not misleading about what the movie is. 

The scariest part of the movie is the fact that Mel Gibson must have bought out Ikea's glass cup inventory so his daughter could leave half drank cups of water in every crevice of their house.


As for the second point you try to make, if humans were smart enough to travel to other planets and land on them, we would know that something like Mars is not a place we could setup and how because there is hardly any water on the planet and we need water to survive.  You're also trying to compare traveling light years to another planet to mining resources on earth.  Quite an apple to oranges comparison.  It's just a really ****ing stupid part of the movie, and in the end, the aliens don't really even have to do with anything about the "faith" message of the movie, which is also so ****ing stupid.  


"Tell him to swing away Jimmy" when there is conveniently a baseball bat hanging next to Commodus somewhere between the thousands of cups of water around the house.  Also, why not just, you know, take the cup and DUMP THE WATER ON THE ALIENS?


As for scary movies, there isn't much recent that is scary anymore everything just tries to jump scare now a days.


I'd say the most recent movies that were genuinely creepy and scary was something like Sinister or The Conjuring.

Edited by purbeast
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On 4/16/2023 at 1:08 AM, Momma There Goes That Man said:

This isn’t weird at all. Not really sure why people get hung up on this point, it’s never made sense to me. Look at all the dangerous things humans do to mine resources from Earth or do other jobs and tasks. From the alien perspective, it’s sending a group of guys out to a job site, yeah it’s dangerous, but you’re technologically superior, have the element of surprise and they shouldn’t be able to defeat you so it’s worth the risk. Humanity constantly does dangerous things throughout history in the pursuit of resources or wealth. We have no idea how many other planets that contain water and civilizations that they’ve done this to successfully, it seems it isn’t the first given that they knew to stay away from water based areas and still had a pretty successful invasion until the last minute. This is just silly nitpicking that sounds almost high schoolish in its criticism to me, probably because I was in high school when it came out and heard the same 



There's more water in the air we breathe then CO2...and that's just the average versus arrid and tropical areas.


Always felt you and others similar take here was wrong on this, so poking around some science sites this morning (anyone can correct me on this) but if there was as much  sulfur dioxide in our atmosphere as water vapor, all of us would be dead before finishing reading this post.


The idea that the atmosphere itself is eating away at their skin and internal organs, slowly or quickly, and they still decide to invade us buck ass naked doesn't make sense...and I like that movie, just the twist is indefensible, imo.



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8 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Ever watch a movie twice and like it better the 2nd time?


"Dunkirk"... for some reason I thought it was meh. Watched it with my daughter recently for her extra credit and I thought it was well done.

I haven't watched it a second time, but Dunkirk was something I disliked. I suppose watching it a second time, I wouldn't be so caught up in figuring out that they're splicing together scenes from entirely different days and hours of the battle, but it made it hard for me to get invested in the characters when I had such a hard time keeping up with what was going on around them. Then at the very end, a plane runs out of fuel just after arriving, glides back and forth over the beach, and shoots down a fully fueled Stuka dive bomber before physics finally kick back in and force the gliding plane to land.

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10 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Ever watch a movie twice and like it better the 2nd time?


"Dunkirk"... for some reason I thought it was meh. Watched it with my daughter recently for her extra credit and I thought it was well done.

This has definitely happened.


I HATED Napoleon Dynamite the first time I saw it after hearing all of the hype about it.  I don't even know why or how I saw it a second time, but the second viewing it started to click and now if I see it on TV or something, it's one of those movies I will keep on the TV until the end when I catch it mid way through.

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7 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


There's more water in the air we breathe then CO2...and that's just the average versus arrid and tropical areas.


Always felt you and others similar take here was wrong on this, so poking around some science sites this morning (anyone can correct me on this) but if there was as much  sulfur dioxide in our atmosphere as water vapor, all of us would be dead before finishing reading this post.


The idea that the atmosphere itself is eating away at their skin and internal organs, slowly or quickly, and they still decide to invade us buck ass naked doesn't make sense...and I like that movie, just the twist is indefensible, imo.



1) you guys are lousy hangs at parties, no question about it lol

2) not to really get deep into it but the water at face value is already fine for me, because I’m looking at what the movie is trying to say and the characters rather than nitpicking the science of an alien movie.
regardless the “aliens” aren’t really the focus of the movie as the point is about Mel Gibson and his faith. There are a lot of different ways that can be interpreted. One of which, means the aliens represent demons tormenting everyone and the water becomes essentially holy water, which is even left out in their particular house by his daughter whom he describes as an Angel upon her birth. The conclusion of this, and the “no coincidences” idea ultimately restores his faith and I found that beautiful, even as an atheist. 

But no, let’s critique fake alien invasion tactics and whip out our hygrometers while ignoring the point of the movie instead 



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29 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I don't care what "the point" of a movie is if the path to get there is dumb as rocks, which it is in Signs.


It's okay that you like bad movies.  I won't hold it against you.


Independence Day is widely liked despite the stupidity of the alien invasion and how easy it was to kill them. Personally, I think the hate against Shyamalan isn't warranted*.



*Except for what he did to Avatar : The Last Airbender. 


**** that guy for that. 

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12 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Independence Day is widely liked despite the stupidity of the alien invasion and how easy it was to kill them. Personally, I think the hate against Shyamalan isn't warranted*.



*Except for what he did to Avatar : The Last Airbender. 


**** that guy for that. 

ID4 doesn't try to take itself seriously though, whereas, Signs does.  I mean as we've discussed in here, Signs tries to have some higher meaning to the movie about Faith, and ID4 is just about welcoming aliens to erf.


And it wasn't "easy" to kill them, until Will Smith learned to fly a UFO in a couple hours, flew with Jeff Goldblum into space, enter the mothership in stealth mode, Jeff Goldblum hacked the alien ship and uploaded a virus!  

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11 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


There's more water in the air we breathe then CO2...and that's just the average versus arrid and tropical areas.


Always felt you and others similar take here was wrong on this, so poking around some science sites this morning (anyone can correct me on this) but if there was as much  sulfur dioxide in our atmosphere as water vapor, all of us would be dead before finishing reading this post.


The idea that the atmosphere itself is eating away at their skin and internal organs, slowly or quickly, and they still decide to invade us buck ass naked doesn't make sense...and I like that movie, just the twist is indefensible, imo.



the aliens you saw on the ground were their version of trained beasts is my theory.  It’s the only thing that makes sense.  They were naked, had no technology, were actively harmed by the environment, and weren’t smart.  A locked door stumped them, despite the strength of their legs.  You know what behaves like that?  Animals.  They can be fenced in by flimsy fences that could never withstand their power.  They just don’t know it and so they remain inside.  

there’s no chance the beings that made those invisible spaceships are the same ones running around in that movie.  So my working theory is that those aliens are essentially hunting dogs.  Their masters don’t care if they’re harmed, only that they live long enough to accomplish the task.  The task being to steal some folks, not invade the world.

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