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Bleacherreport.com:: Landry Sets the Record Straight about his Surgery and being a Redskin


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Who reported this? At this point it is not set in stone. Why would you tag Davis? Give that man a contract and tag Landry. It just makes more sense.

You tag Davis because he is coming off a drug suspension and you want him to prove he has got the message before you give him a long term deal and lots of guaranteed money.

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I'd like to first get out of the way, that this was one of a handful of Bleacher Report articles I could read through. It wasn't full of a bunch of hypothetical crap, so props to the writer for actually talking with LaRon about it (or at least using quotes from him).

I'm torn with LaRon. I like the style he plays with and think it adds to our defense to have him back there. The issue is obviously health. If the PRP's actually work, I could see why he'd go that route. 1.5 years to heal is a VERY long time with the ~10 years of time a good NFL player plays. The fact that he was so healthy up until the 2 Achillies issues is a positive. He may just be a hard enough worker to deal with it and come out the other side without much, or any loss in performance. No matter what, it is a risk for the Redskins, and a risk for Landry as well.

and for anyone interested in Platelet Rich Plasma: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Platelet-Rich+Plasma&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

a quick summary of one article:

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been utilized in surgery for 2 decades; there has been a recent interest in the use of PRP for the treatment of sports-related injuries. PRP contains growth factors and bioactive proteins that influence the healing of tendon, ligament, muscle, and bone. This article examines the basic science of PRP, and it describes the current clinical applications in sports medicine. This study reviews and evaluates the human studies that have been published in the orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine literature. The use of PRP in amateur and professional sports is reviewed, and the regulation of PRP by antidoping agencies is discussed.
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I understand Laron's concern, but I can't get past this point in my thinking.

He's apprehensive about undergoing a surgery that could entail significant recovery time. If the Redskins didn't want to keep him around, I don't think they would propose that solution, right? What good is it for the team to pay for this procedure, and then let him go in the middle of his rehab? I would think the team would be pushing for his recommended therapy (less downtime, but less chance of full recovery in my uneducated opinion) if he wasn't in the long-term plans. It's more of a "use him up and let him go" prescription than undergoing another surgery hoping to fully address the problem.

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.........and for anyone interested in Platelet Rich Plasma: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Platelet-Rich+Plasma&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

a quick summary of one article:

It's 20 years old, but they still don't have any idea as to why it works on some occasions or after some surgeries, and why it doesn't with others. It's meant to encourage healing, but in some cases it doesn't encourage it in the ways they're hoping for. For instance, with Laron's apparent bone growth in the area of the tendon, according to Dr Andersen, it was not an expected outcome of the treatment and it may have been a **** up by the doctor that initially did the PRP therapy, but no one really knows for sure. According to the team, THAT was the "alternate treatment" he had last year.

A treatment that's been used for 20 years, but it's still experimental. It seems to have worked wonders for Banks, and possibly have been detrimental to Laron.

If he followed the team's direction last year and went ahead with the surgery and it didn't work out, I can definitely see why he is trying something else out now. I HAD been on the "WTF" side of things, but the fact that he's already tried surgery and it didn't work for him would make me skeptical as well. Especially if it's going to be done by the same surgeon.

I still say what I've been saying, it's the injury, not the surgeries, that are never going to allow Laron to be 100% again. With Achilles injuries, only 2/3s of the players who have them ever come back to play in the NFL, and of those none ever return to their former explosiveness. It's not an injury with a great recovery rate because no matter what you choose to do, it will never allow the athlete to perform with the explosiveness they used to have.

When the achilles is injured and then healed, it will never allow itself to move correctly again. The tissue that heals around the injury doesn't work the same as pre injury, healthy tissue. Even the steps that are taken to tape a previously injured achilles prevent the same level of explosiveness.

Even so, I think he'll play again, a Laron at 90% is more athletic than a lot of safeties at 100%.

I went a lot deeper into it in the other thread, so if you're looking for more it's in there.

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Sign him to a quick deal similar to what the chargers gave Bob Sanders recently. At least he wants to stay with the redskins and sounds like he'd be reasonable with a contract.

Their are plenty of teams that would love to have even a oft-injured landry over what they currently have in their secondaries - I'm pretty sure Jerry Jones owns one of them.

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I would think the team would be pushing for his recommended therapy (less downtime, but less chance of full recovery in my uneducated opinion) if he wasn't in the long-term plans.

The team would be pushing for the therapy he has decided on if it was the best decision. After all, he would be back sooner. Obviously, they did not feel it was the best way to go and are letting him know by not paying for it. He is going against his employers’ wishes by electing to have this alternative surgery and paying for it on his own. Laron apparently believes that he knows best. Hope for his sake that he's right. I have my doubts.

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As much as I love the Redskins, I hate to say this but when they want to launch a PR campaign to get rid of a player there is no length to what they are willing to say and do. I'm on record saying that we need to re-sign Landry, if we are truly going to change the negative stigma about our beloved team, we have to re-sign him. Too many players have left our team only to have great success somewhere else. Devin Thomas is the latest name on that list.


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AZ is a hub for Stem Cell treatment in the US.The AZ doctors worked wonders on Grant Hill.

Stem treatment is not widely accepted or is highly recommended at this time due to the infancy of the technology. In some cases, certain treatments are not even allowed to be performed in the US. However in some cases, Stem Cell treatment can be very effective regarding cellular regeneration.

Peyton Manning for example would probably have to retire if not for the Stem cell treatment he was rumor to have taken in Europe. Again I have no factual information on Peyton Manning health procedure. I am just connecting the dots because in most cases nerve damage do not heal at all.

I hope the end result works out for Laron Landry. He is one of those special talent physically that comes along once in a blue moon.

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As much as I love the Redskins, I hate to say this but when they want to launch a PR campaign to get rid of a player there is no length to what they are willing to say and do. I'm on record saying that we need to re-sign Landry, if we are truly going to change the negative stigma about our beloved team, we have to re-sign him. Too many players have left our team only to have great success somewhere else. Devin Thomas is the latest name on that list.


This post would be funny if you weren't serious.

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Too many players have left our team only to have great success somewhere else. Devin Thomas is the latest name on that list.


Who do you consider to be on that list? Pierce and Clark were years ago. Rogers, sure, but he's on the wrong side of 30 and how much of a solution was he when he was here? Thomas was fine for the Giants as a gunner on special teams, but he's still nowhere near his projected potential as a WR. Also, we cut Thomas... the stigma of old was that we would buy high-priced free agents from other teams but not take care of our own free agents. Rogers was spouting that off last year because we wouldn't show him the money. No team did. The best he could get was a one year prove it deal. Good for him, but he had years to perform better and have a better attitude. Good riddance.

Under Shanahan our teams has a much more structured process and I believe we're more respected in the way that we go about our business. If nothing else the culture around Redskins park has changed quite a bit. Even after a 5 win season you heard far less bickering and whispers than in years past.

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Did anyone else get the generalized statement from this article that Landry is not going to be a Redskin next year? Mike isn't really an easy going guy and neither is Haslett. I have to imagine from not listening to team doctors, it will land Landry in the Mike S doghouse. I respect his decision and it's nice to hear his side of the story, but this is not going to settle well with the organization. Thanks for everything Landry.......my expectations were way to high with you and I blame myself because I put them their when we lost Taylor.

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It is his decision ultimately on a serious injury, but based on his prior performance and injuries I don't know if we can continue to wait for him to be healthy, which may never happen. I hope I am wrong, but it seems like possibly a recurring thing. If we franchise Cheech, not sure we will be able to pay what he may want.

You hate to see him go somewhere else and produce, but unless we get him on the cheap it may be heading to a parting of the ways.

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Not to mention those 8 "MVP" quality games he played for us last year....our Defense was ranked the worst in the league. It's not like he elevated the unit. They sucked with him and sucked without him.

Same could be said for 21...We didn't exactly have a dominating defense with Sean (We had a top 5 his rookie season, and progressively got worse...31st in 2006).

No one player on defense has that significant an impact.

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As much as I love the Redskins, I hate to say this but when they want to launch a PR campaign to get rid of a player there is no length to what they are willing to say and do. I'm on record saying that we need to re-sign Landry, if we are truly going to change the negative stigma about our beloved team, we have to re-sign him. Too many players have left our team only to have great success somewhere else. Devin Thomas is the latest name on that list.


Devin Thomas has had great success?!?!?!? :ols: :ols:

Thomas may have a SB ring, but it is only because he is on the team that won it.

He didn't have GREAT SUCCESS helping them get it. :rolleyes:

The Patriots cut their "home-grown talent" all the time when they are ready to move on. And from what I understand from the more whiny types here, they are one of the "model teams" the Redskins should be imitating.

So do the Giants. Don't we have a couple of players on our team the Giants didn't re-sign? Yet they won the Super Bowl this year without keeping everything intact.

However, the Redskins are supposed to DESPERATELY hold on to every single player, whether they are any good or in the team's plans or not.

How is the team going to get better if they don't try?

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I think the problem is that probably the Redskins and Landry would have differing views on what is a "reasonable" contract.

If Landry wants to get paid a guarrenteed money that puts him as a top 10 safety then i think you have to let him go... only way we keep him is if he is willing to go for an incentive laden contract that could potentially pay him like a top 10 safety in the league if Landry is able to recover 100% from this injury.

My gut feeling though, there is going to be a team out there that is willing take a risk on Landry and it will be smarter for Landry to take the guarenteed money...

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Yeah it would be a bummer to see him walk. Carlos Rogers said it best that this organization lets its homegrown talent walk. It is time to put this to an end. Would be hard to watch dirty 30 playing the hell out of an NFL field like we all know that he is more than capable of doing in another uniform. It is a risk we must take to start finally keeping some homegrown talent.

he's bitter at the old regime and the fans, not that we let homegrown talent walk. id venture a guess that our homegrown talent "walks" just as much as anybody elses.

bottom line if youre not producing, you shouldnt be given special treatment. this is a business and shanny's job is to assemble the best players, not to give preferential treatment to players that arent performing.

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You tag Davis because he is coming off a drug suspension and you want him to prove he has got the message before you give him a long term deal and lots of guaranteed money.

I personally think Davis has a louw risk of relapse. Marijuana isn't addictive like say Crack or Heroin.

Davis is young and talented with too much on the line. Besides I would put a clause in his contract regarding failed drug tests. Something where we could recoup lost money. The lawyers could figure something out.

The tag makes more sense for Landry. You can't just let a guy with his potential walk. Too often we let our draft picks walk and they go on to shine. Give Landry the tag and see how he performs next year.

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The tag makes more sense for Landry. You can't just let a guy with his potential walk. Too often we let our draft picks walk and they go on to shine. Give Landry the tag and see how he performs next year.

Landry has potential off the charts, but he is too injury prone. Tagging Davis is probably more smarter IMO

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if he was to have surgery we wouldn't re-sign him because he would be out all of next season any how. This being a problem is stupid, re-sign him for a year... he said he would take a cheap, performance based contract for 1 year and if he makes it through flawlessly.. GREAT!!, if not, you don't have to worry about paying him. win-win. If you don't re-sign him you added yet another hole to a team full of holes. Take the chance and draft a safety late, like we do every year, or don't and draft one higher or sign a FA.

Dead Horse being beaten as usual

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A few observations. First, if these truly are direct quotes, the guy cannot articulate complete sentences that even make sense. Second, he has a bit of a Carlos Rodgers attitude and despite the fact that he tries to say all the right things, the tone of his comments to me is he really does not want to be here. The tone of his comments are already such that he is trying to set the fans up that if I leave it's their fault. I think it is clear from the article that unless he does not have other options he will not be a Redskin. So be it as far as I am concerned because if he cannot stay on the field then it doesnt matter what his potential is. You also get the impression from his comments that he thinks much more highly of his career than in fact he has statistics to back it up and that is never a good thing.

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I've always hoped that we would re-sign him. From what everyone is saying we are not going to be and I'm going to be disappointed. It's not worth debating because as is normal around here, people have their opinions (which they are entitled to) and will not change them. But put me on the side that hopes and thinks he is worth us signing him to an incentive laden contract with some decent guaranteed money for 4-5 years but with a clause similar to McNabb's that would allow us to cut ties if things don't work out.

I love Landry's intensity and how hard he plays the game. The man friggin writes "suicide mission" on his chest before every game to remind him of how he wants to play each game. He brings a nastiness to this defense that it definitely needs and we are much better with him. I HATE the idea of seeing him play for anyone else and I'm sure we will regret it if he does.

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