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The Release of the Jordan Concords (I need to vent)


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In mixing bowl cities like DC, the American population deals with all kinds or races on a regular basis, so people might not sterotype all blacks as being idiots because they know better.

But where I live in Denver where the black population is less than 10%, a good portion of white people who live here do not interact with black people at all on a daily basis...and i think to myself...is this all they see of black people to form their opinions? A bunch of black dudes on the news in Atlanta, running over a little girl so they can be the first to buy some Nike Air Jordans??? And I wonder when those people see me at the mall with my wife, do they look at us like that? Does what i said even make sense?


I know exactly what you're talking about... Actually I guess I bounced around between average and well below average ratios, from Richmond to outside of Pittsburgh (can't remember off hand if there were any black classmates), to outside of Charlotte where our valedictorian and homecoming queen were black, to outside of Little Rock (take a guess)

So throughout my middle to high school life I bounced from no big deal to idiotic stereotype and back and forth... And I do completely understand where you're coming from, but also disagree that this is viewed as a "racial issue" at it's core by most rational people...

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And I wonder when those people see me at the mall with my wife, do they look at us like that? Does what i said even make sense?


Sure it does. I felt that way when I lived in WV. I often wondered if people saw me as the stereotype of people who live the state. But then, if they did, they're demonstrating their own idiocy, not mine.

Further, you certaintly weren't breaking any rules, and I appreciate your sentiment. It seems to me that in SOME segments of the African-American community, things like education and common decency are viewed as being "too white." I think that's a VERY tiny fraction of the AA population as a whole. But having good and decent people like yourself combatting that kind of attitude can only be a good thing.

I think we all want any group that we're associated with to be viewed positively, and it can be frustrating when other members of that group do things that reflect negatively. (Think Eagles fans. I'm sure there are good Eagles fans, but the obnoxious idiots get the attention.)

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I was at the Annapolis mall this morning and the lines for a pair of damn shoes was absolute insanity. Apparently someone at the mall was robbed this morning for their shoes.

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here is the story: There is a video report on the link.

December 6, 2011

(NECN: Eileen Curran, Franklin, Mass.) - Nine students have been expelled from a Massachusetts college following a brutal beating that was caught on camera. Police say the fight started over a pair of sneakers. Criminal charges will be filed in the case.

The video shows one student attacking another at Dean College in Franklin, Mass. while other students laughed and mocked the victim.

“You see someone actually laughing at someone who got knocked out, it’s really disgusting,” said Blaine Moriarty, a fellow student and friend of the victim.

It’s a chilling scene -- the victim dazed and bleeding from the head after the brutal beating, not being helped, but being laughed at.

“All I can say, it’s a shame,” said Chad Todesco, another friend of the victim. “I can’t believe no one stopped it.”

The fight happened late Friday afternoon. You can see one kid sucker punch the other, while a number of students stood by laughing and taunting the victim.

The explanation posted on the web with the video said the victim stole the sneakers of the kid who beat him -- an expensive $225 pair of Nike Foamposite sneakers. You can see the student take the sneakers off the victim.

“I guess they must be the newest shoes out, the new expensive shoes," said Moriarty.

But police say the sneaker did in fact belong to the victim. They contacted the victim’s family, who produced a receipt for the shoes. Police say either the student mistakenly thought the victim had stolen his shoes, or he wanted to steal the victim’s sneakers, so he made up the story.

Either way, the school has expelled that student and eight others at the scene after viewing the video.

“We took a look at the actions of the other students and their role in mocking the student or not coming to the defense of that student,” said Dean College spokesperson Gregg Chalk. “(Those actions) were, in our mind, just as egregious as the perpetrator’s.”

The victim was treated and released from the hospital. He has since returned to school. HIs friends say they are giving him some space to deal with what has happened. They just can’t believe this would happen here.

“It’s sad to see one of our friends get attacked like that,” said Moriarty.

“That’s just disrespectful,” said Todesco. “Someone should have said something and it’s not on the school, it’s on the students. It gives us a bad name which shouldn’t happen.”

Police expect to file charges against one or more of the now former students within the next couple of days.

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Right. Playing ball in those shoes means putting them at risk to be scuffed or scratched, and you KNOW that can't happen LOL.

Well considering that you could get mugged and the fact that they are expensive as hell I doubt I'd even wear them. Then again I only use basketball shoes to play basketball so I wouldn't have any use for out dated ugly shoes.

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Now this is something I didn't want to get into because I really don't listen to secular rap anymore, but I feel that rap music nowadays has a huge impact on the way that young Americans act today

Agree 100%. When every other song is about hoes, money, car, clothes, shoes, drugs, etc. It has an impact. Now I'm a white male, up until about late last year, I was a huge hip-hop guy. I listened to everything and anything. But now, I can't take it anymore. Maybe its because I can't relate to it (not that I ever could) but I think as long as they keep rapping about those things, people who listen to that stuff won't feel successful until they are like that.

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Honestly, Nike and Jordan need to take these releases online.

It was a ****show when I was in high school - and it seems like it's only gotten worse.

I can't believe how much value people put in some stupid shoes. I'm not saying I didn't ever buy an expensive pair of Nike's in high school (I did) - but I never would waited in line for them or gotten into a fight about them.

Absolute craziness.

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no arguments there, Matt. 90% of the "hip-hop" out now a days is garbage. They're all either "cocaine rappers" like gucci mane or young jeezy, or they're all soft ass soap opera rappers like Drake. There are a few artits out now worth listening to, but the rap game as a whole is garbage. The Roots new album is amazing though :)

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