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MNF excuses to be late for work!?


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Move this thread of necc. But..

I need to watch the Monday Night Football game tonight. Start's at 8:30pm EST and I have to be at work at 10:00pm. If I went in at 11:45pm I should be ok. So what's a good excuse I can use?

We only have 1 carseat which is in my wife's car, so I was thinking along the lines of I have to watch our 1 year old until my wife gets back, but where would she possibly be going at 10:00pm at night and won't be home until 11:30pm?

Thanks guys

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I use the following excuse on Monday, before the game:

"The redskins will be playing tonight, and the game will probably run late so I'll be in late tomorrow morning"

Maybe i just have not-uptight bosses though...

I also use this excuse for Sunday night/thursday night games.

edit: i also use it to get out of work for half a day on home games during the week, and for coming in super late the next day for prime time games.

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Tell them that you can't work a monster that would schedule you during the Redskins and Cowboys game.

Light your bosses car on fire to show you mean business.

Apply for bail in the morning.



As for the 11:30 excuse, her car broke down/got rear ended/went off the road and you have to wait on a tow guy, would one of those work??

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The best excuse I was ever given in my years as a manager was "My grandma got bit by a snake on Minnesota Avenue". I mean, it was so out there I just had to accept it.

So try something along those lines, i.e. "you couldn't make this stuff up".

Unless of course, your boss knows that you are a huge Redskins fan, in which case he/she will know why you were late, and if so, you might as well just be honest about it. Myself, I'd prefer to be given a lame excuse rather than a lie which insults my intelligence. Can't you ask for the time off in advance for "personal reasons"?

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funny thing about excuses -- the more common the thing you're using as an excuse is, the less likely it is to be believed. "stomach issues" or "car won't start" are basically going to get an eyeroll from the boss, but if you say something crazy like "the cat caught on fire" then they are a lot more likely to buy it!

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Good luck with that one. Id say use an hour or two of VACA if u have it. Dont risk losing the job over a game. And im pretty sure seeing how u live in Skins territory they are going to know it's b/c of MNF

It's very simple

I have a religious obligation.

When I was hired at my job they saw I said I can't work Sundays. The guy asked me why and said is it religious reasons? I said not that it matters but yes in a sense. He sorta chuckled and said what do you mean. Told him I am a Redskin fan and won't ever miss a game

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Just be careful you dont make up some stupid story that's not true.

My brother who is a great bull ****ter once used these 2 excuses during thanksgiving thursdays.

called his work.and said that "My brother won box seats to the hockey game tonight and asked me to go." When he hung up I told him that that they were not playing at home and in fact playing in Atlanta. Duh.

He also used the excuse (no word of a lie), "I can't make it into work, someone put a hit of acid in my beer".

So don't ask him for advice. And myself, I am traumatized by those "excuses", so I am not help for you. Good luck.

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I need to watch the Monday Night Football game tonight. Start's at 8:30pm EST and I have to be at work at 10:00pm. If I went in at 11:45pm I should be ok. So what's a good excuse I can use?

Tell them she didn't fell well and went to a 24 hr. clinic like Patient First (long wait) . Then an emergency diaper run to Wal Mart. :thumbsup:

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