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First off I would like to say hello to everybody. I see that the Peyton Manning hit was a topic of discussion on here. It's kinda of funny to me that Dungy would come 5 years later and say that hit started his neck problems. Notice that the refs never flagged that play and saw it as Peyton getting caught in a bad position. If you notice in the play, Andre is pulling him by the waist toward the line of scrimmage and I am going away from the line of scrimmage. Because of Andre pulling on him he fell to his knees causing my arm to slip higher to his neck area. Initially I thought he was trying to slip my tackle not knowing Andre was involved. I was fined 5000 for this hit and I appealed it because the refs saw what happened and that's the reason there was no flag. Sometimes QB's have to know the end of the road and not try to complete a miraculous pass. After my weight was distributed forward, there was no stopping it from going in that direction. I really feel like the only reason I was fined was because of who the QB was. My appeal was even heard by a former defensive coordinator who should have understood that Peyton only got caught in a bad position. Actually I could have held on longer but realized that something wasn't right so I let go and that's when his helmet popped off. I'm pretty sure that he has taken a lot of hits since 2006 so who knows when his neck actually got hurt. He has thrown for thousands of yards since then and he killed us the 2nd half of that game. I saw him at the pro bowl a couple years ago and I asked if he thought I was being dirty when that hit happened. He said NO and that he was caught in a bad situation. Then I told him I got fined for that hit and he acted like he knew nothing about it and acted surprised about me being fined. The only reason I was fined was because he made a statement after the game saying "The guy wouldn't let go of my freaking head." I really believe that is why the league fined me. Never was a nasty player and I certainly wasn't being nasty on that play. Peyton is a good dude and I hope he ends up ok and comes back because he is good for the league. If that play hurt his neck then I apologize but if that play happened the same way 1000 times, it would still be the same result. I guess now I will be know as the player who hurt Manning's neck 5 years later. Lol. It's football and a lot of other people have gotten hurt who last name isn't Manning so it's a dead issue. Just setting the record straight and thank all of you for the support. Go Skins!!!!!! HTTR

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Nice analysis PD, always interesting to see the other side of things. I don't think ANYONE thinks you are a dirty player - far from it. Seems like everyone gets fined at some point if you're a defensive player. Just the nature of the position you guys are in. You never see quarterbacks getting fined for hitting anyone!

And it all comes down to money IMO. Fans want to see the ball in the air - nothing generates excitement as much as a dynamic passing game. That's the cash cow for the league right now, and it's been that way for a while. The NFL is going to protect their investment by fining you guys when do the very thing you've been taught and paid to do. You hit a running back like that and no fine. You hit Brady or Manning, better get your checkbook out!

Seems mighty hypocritical sometimes, but oh well.

Thanks for stopping by, as always. Don't be a stranger!

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The only reason I was fined was because he made a statement after the game saying "The guy wouldn't let go of my freaking head." I really believe that is why the league fined me. Never was a nasty player and I certainly wasn't being nasty on that play.

He might have let his emotions mess with his thought process when making that statement. I imagine it hurt at the time, and he knew there was something wrong with his neck. At the time, that probably annoyed him enough to think you were been playing dirty, even though you weren't. Sometimes when something goes wrong, people look for someone to blame.

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I remember the thread on it back in '06, and pretty much everyone agreed that it wasn't intentional and that the fine was ridiculous back then too. You don't have a history of playing dirty PD, so it's hard to imagine such was the case back then. While I couldn't find a video clip of the hit, from the pictures you can see what you say, that Carter is low (on the ground in fact) while you are up top and unable to see Carter, and you can see at that point Carter is pulling Manning down so that his head goes further into your arm's grasp. That's probably also why Manning initially commented that you wouldn't let go of his helmet, but then later, after watching the game film, knew it was simply a case of him being in a bad spot.

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Please do come around these parts more often! We all value your incredible insight.

That said, don't fret over the Peyton thing. Football is a physical game, and sometimes guys get hurt. That play was 5 years ago! Most of us like Peyton as a player (thankfully he's in the AFC though), but I don't think anyone would ever let a hindsight view of that play affect their opinion of you.

Thanks so much, Phil.

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You should have seen the game day thread when that play happened. We all loved it. There was nothing dirty about that play. The league should just put flags on the QB's.

Now they are calling roughing penalties for hits that happen as the QB is releasing the ball and the defender is in the air. It's completely ridiculous. I'm sure that they don't even care about what they see when they watch the replay and just fine the players anyway. The Cam Newton Int called back by a roughing call on Sunday, for instance. What a joke.

Anyway, NOBODY has any reason to believe than any of Peyton's pain is your fault. The dude gets paid 100's of Millions of dollars to stand back there and get flags thrown when anybody breathes on him too hard. He'll be fine. :D

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No need to feel guilt or explain though it's appreciated. We all have been a part of an accident in one form or another. The intent was not maliscious and you have no history of going out and injuring players. You are certainly not a dirty player nor was it a dirty play. Unfortunately, you are part of a game in which the laws of physics impact. Now, was that the hit that started problems for Peyton... who knows, but you were not responsible for the injury except to the extent that you were doing your job.

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