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Most Hated NFC opponent


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There isn't a team that really stands out to me. Too bad we are limiting this to NFC because I hate me some Steelers and their local DC/MD/VA fans. Just go away. OK, you drove through Pittsburgh once on your way to any place better. You have a cousin who use to know someone who lived there? Good for you.

NFC has to be the Seahawks. Not only for the 2007 playoffs but for 2010 playoffs. 7-9. really. What a joke that whole division is. Thankfully the Rams are improving and will win it this year (I hope) because I can't stand Seattle. At all.

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Eagles: DeSean Jackson and because they are the Eagles...

That's a good point. Hating a dude can make u hate their team easily.

Sub Poll: Most hated player?

Desean Jackson, Hines Ward, Miles Autsin. Can't stand their faces with those stupid cheese-eatin grins all day.

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I hate all those pricks... Each of the NFC east rivals have something that I just hate. Each brings its unique hate, like the eagles because of their dumb fans. Dallas because they're just Dallas. The giants because the beat us every darn year even if we're good. but the abuse I get from the fans is a pain. Everyone in my life knows I'm a huge redskin fan and because I work in D.C. the pure hate I get from rival fans is the worst. Can't talk back because we've stunk for the past 20 years.

So yeah, I hate those three teams...

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I do not hate on anybody, but I really dislike the Eagles. Lots of their fans are really obnoxious, Reid fooled us with McNabb, I can't stand what Vick has done, and last but not least I remember the body bag game.

About the Cowboys, it is THE number one rivalry. It is quite a financial jackpot, both teams being the wealthiest franchises. Such rivalries make the teams and the games better and much more exciting to watch.

I also remember that they showed class when they paid respect to Sean on their forum, opposite to the Seahawks. 1) Eagles 2) Cowboys and the Seahawks outside NFC East.

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Dallas (I'm relatively young; give me a good reason to hate them besides the fact that they're Dallas)

Good Reason #1 - They are smug - America's Team my *** - The real "America's Team" should live in the Capitol of the US. Their owner at the time gave them that stupid nickname, so they are the "Self Appointed Favorite Team In the US" I call Shenanigans.

Good Reason #2 - People ALWAYS overrate them. No matter the year, it's always "and don't forget about the Cowboys" then when they turn in a 6-10 performance, same as the Skins, the next season it's "and don't forget about the Cowboys....Oh, the Redskins....They are going to suck"

Good Reason #3 - They said for years that the hole in their old stadium was so "God could watch his favorite football team" so I guess it's not enough to be "America's team?" Gotta be God's Team too huh? I am so glad that we offically own that stadium after winning the last meeting of the two teams there......OWNED.

Good Reason #4 - They say Tony Romo sits to pee is elite, but a guy who can't win in the playoffs is NOTHING BUT OVER HYPED.

Good Reason #5 - They entered the league in the 60's only after BLACKMAILING Redskins owner George Preston Marshall. Talk about Classy beginnings.

Good Reason #6 - It is HISTORY. It's your herritage as a Redskins fan, and an obligation that you owe to your family of fellow skins fans. You aren't old enough to remember this, but the Eagles have been irrelevant for most of their history. And even now, when they are the class of the NFC East, they still can't win a superbowl. The Giants are our oldest rivals, it's fun to hate on them every week, but who cares if they win it all? But when the Cowboys win the Superbowl......you should want to puke. It should hurt your bones. It should hurt the bones of your forefathers.

That's why you hate the Cowboys, then Dallas, then the Dallas Cowboys, then Jerry Jones' Team, Then the team with the star.....In that order. 1-5.

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