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Most Hated NFC opponent


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Dallas (I'm relatively young; give me a good reason to hate them besides the fact that they're Dallas)

There is no other reason needed. They're Dallas. They exist. End of discussion.

Kids these days. Buy 'em books,send 'em to school...... ;)

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Dallas. I have a cousin who became a Dallas fan to spite the family (his family later turned into Ravens fans, except him), my best friend in college was a Cowboys fan (I was young and dumb, I plead for mercy!), and my HS principal, who I hated, was a Dallas fan. His was the best story, he grew up in MD, but used to tell us it was stupid to cheer for the Redskins just because they were the local team. The reason he was a Cowboys fan: when he was in HS (again, in MD) the 'Skins won the SB and he saw a lot of people sporting Redskins gear. So he became a Cowboys fan. Because he was an *******.

2nd is Philly, mostly because of their fans, now partly because of their players. Then NY 3rd.

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Eagles (their fans)

Giants (Eli's overrated)

Dallas (I'm relatively young; give me a good reason to hate them besides the fact that they're Dallas)

Well, first give us the reason(s) you hate the Giants more than the Cowboys. The only thing you mentioned was that Eli is overrated. If that's the case, then, hell, the entire franchise of Dallas is overrated lol...Romo sits to pee is far more overrated than Eli is. At least Eli won a Super Bowl and MVP award.

If Eli Manning being overrated is enough for you to hate the Giants, then you already have your reasons for hating the Cowboys more. Far more.

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this is a really hard one right now...

I always hate Dallas... BUT.. the Giants have owned us for so long.. I'm really hating the Giants right now... BUT... Philly being the "dream team" and all that media hype crap right now is really getting on my nerves and it's making me sick.

Overall througout history.. I hate Dallas most....

Right now...

I hate Philly, Giants, Dallas... in that order..

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Ya' know, I've never really hated NY. I don't like them as division rivals, but I've never really felt much animosity toward them. The pukes and Philthy go without saying, but the Giants, not so much.


That's me, too :yes:...their team and their fans seem to be the least arrogant of the division rivals. There's no real Giants fan version of Westbrook36 or Ken or TonyRomoProBowl on ES lol.

However, in the 80s even during Gibbs' high point, we seemed to ALWAYS get tripped up by the Giants lol :mad:...

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You guys are starting to get me nervous... I'm going to the Seahawks/ Redskins game this year.

Oh and:

Dallas(and there's more Cowboy fans in Nampa then Seahawks, 49ers and D Broncos combined..... Raiders may come close)

Philly( though NYs streak on us is maddening, I wish someone would bslap DeSean Jackson stupid)


St Louis

Tampa (STILL can't stand Warren Sapp, and Alstott never broke the plane)

Seattle (We're better then that)


Green Bay (ranked 4th during Favre era)








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can...not...stand...those...goddamn...puke green uniform wearing...retard fan having...big game choking...overrated...Iggles. I hate that team and its fans soooooo much

I hate the Cowboys but their fans are tolerable.I went to both games last year. No problems with Dal-ASS fans, in fact they were pretty cool. I nearly fought a 40 year old Iggles fan though...it was getting really ugly and I was disappointed in myself but they are truly scum

---------- Post added September-8th-2011 at 08:12 PM ----------

I'm getting sick to my stomach hearing these Seattle stories...I probably would have lost control and I have honestly never been in a real fight in my life....

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I hate the Cowboys but their fans are tolerable.I went to both games last year. No problems with Dal-ASS fans, in fact they were pretty cool.

Texan Dallas fans normally are pretty decent folk who you can have a decent time with. They know their football and you can respect that and have a good conversation with them. It's the bandwagoning morons in the rest of the Country who couldn't point out Texas on a map, let alone Dallas, that are the problem.


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Texan Dallas fans normally are pretty decent folk who you can have a decent time with. They know their football and you can respect that and have a good conversation with them. It's the bandwagoning morons in the rest of the Country who couldn't point out Texas on a map, let alone Dallas, that are the problem.


exactly GHH...the Upper Marlboro/Largo/Landover area is covered in bandwagoning Dal-ASS fans...honestly, i dont have a problem with ppl who dont root for hometown teams but when you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about the team or its history...It makes me sick...I'm a Yankees fan due to family ties but dammit I know EVERYTHING about that damn team...I cannot stand clueless fans...

Oh and were you there in person for that Seattle debacle and if so, how did you control yourself?

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Texan Dallas fans normally are pretty decent folk who you can have a decent time with. They know their football and you can respect that and have a good conversation with them. It's the bandwagoning morons in the rest of the Country who couldn't point out Texas on a map, let alone Dallas, that are the problem.


Yeah they were so awesome when I went in '03 and '04... I had a blast both years... Although we lost both times... I assume that helped them be nicer.

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The only answer to this question is Dallass AND Philthy

Both of these teams irk me in that special place deep down inside where the darkest thoughts a man should have live. Just the sight of their colors cause a spike in my blood pressure.

A look at a jersey and I have to start forcing myself to have rational thoughts and once the dumbass wearing it starts speaking I want to burn the jersey on the spot... with him still in it!

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Eagles: DeSean Jackson and because they are the Eagles...

Giants-I hate them more than humanly possible when we are playing them. Brandon Jacobs and Bradshaw...I HATE THEM.

Cowboys: I'm young, but there are PLENTY of reasons to hate them.. Marion Barber posing after every run (Although he is gone). Them being severely over-rated every year. Keith Brooking..I can't stand him.

I hate Seattle because everything they've put me through.

I also HATE Mathew Stafford...But I don't mind the Lions.

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Oh and were you there in person for that Seattle debacle and if so, how did you control yourself?

Mercifully not, as I'm pretty sure I'd of been in a Seattle jail cell as that game was going on.

The **** their low life fanbase posted on the net over #21 immediately after his death was sickening enough. The abuse our fans went through up there would of sent me over the edge.

Conversely, Dallas, our most hated rivals, where one of the first fanbase's to respond in the aftermath and as good as throw their arms open to our grief. As much as we dislike them, that will never be forgotten.


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