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Apparently I've Started Sleepwalking. Need Advice.


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So I was visiting family last week, and my uncle told me on Sunday that he saw me enter and then leave his bedroom on Saturday night at about 1:30 AM. I had absolutely no recollection of that happening, and knew that I'd gone to sleep before 1, so I was a little weirded out, but didn't make too much of it. Figured that a lot of people, maybe even most people, probably sleepwalk once or twice in their lives. Hell, there are plenty who have sleepwalked and will never know, since you often end up right back in bed.

Unfortunately, I went to sleep in my bed last night and woke up in a completely different room, and now I'm seriously concerned. I've heard about people getting into their cars and driving while sleepwalking, or just leaving the house and wandering the streets, or doing things with sharp objects. The thought of my body being able to attempt basic tasks while I'm completely unconscious is actually pretty terrifying. I tried to find some good information about preventing sleepwalking today, and most of it is just advice for better sleep. As I've posted a few times before, I've had struggles with sleep for as long as I can remember and have been trying all sorts of things for years.

Has anyone else had a problem with sleepwalking, and more importantly, has anyone successfully stopped sleepwalking via some sort of method? I'm trying to make use of some of the better sleep suggestions, but I also need to keep myself safe in case I do sleepwalk again. I'll have time this weekend to buy some sort of door alarm that I can set up to go off at night if I open my bedroom door. For now, however, I'm honestly considering moving some heavy things in front of my door before I go to sleep, in the hope that if I do get up I won't be functional enough to move all of them and get out of my bedroom. I really don't know what else to do. Thinking about ways to literally stop your future self from doing something is surreal, to say the least. Any help would be appreciated.

And for the record, yes... I am Tyler Durden.


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Look into your area for a sleep studies clinic. They will work with every sleep-related disorder. If you can pay for it in whatever way, check in for the over-nighter. I've worked them and participated in them and they are generally very useful. It's what most competent MD's or even specialists will refer you to most of the time if you have any serious sleep issues (not just apnea).

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I had issues sleep walking for years. My solution (which occured purely by accident) get a sleigh bed frame with extra thick mattress and box spring. The top of my mattress is 38" off the floor, I am so afraid of falling out of the bed and hurting myself that I sleep in the middle of the bed and havent had a sleepwalking episode since we got the set up we have now. Instant cure for me.

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Try setting up something that will make a lot of noise. Maybe a stack of empty soda cans in front of the door, or a bunch of bells at face level in the doorway. This could be an issue if it wakes other people up, but it's something cheap and fairly painless you could try at first before moving on to more drastic measures.

Also, I don't know if anybody's mentioned mousetraps yet, but you should totally give those a try.

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Try setting up something that will make a lot of noise. Maybe a stack of empty soda cans in front of the door, or a bunch of bells at face level in the doorway. This could be an issue if it wakes other people up, but it's something cheap and fairly painless you could try at first before moving on to more drastic measures.

Also, I don't know if anybody's mentioned mousetraps yet, but you should totally give those a try.

I would fall down a flight of steps and not wake up so I'm not sure if a couple bells will do any good.

drink a few shots of bourbon before bed

In my case, drinking actually made the episodes worse. I would nearly be guaranteed a sleepwaling adventure if i drank before bed.

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That sucks. I've had my share of minor health issues over the years but I've almost always been able to count on getting a good night's sleep no matter what.

I agree with Jumbo. Make a beeline to a sleep clinic and do the overnighter. They might be able to diagnose something that's fixable.

might have some suggestions for you. Also you might consider changing your handle from "Hubbs" to something like "Skins Somnambulist"...you know, making lemonade out of lemons and all that. :)
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In my case, drinking actually made the episodes worse. I would nearly be guaranteed a sleepwaling adventure if i drank before bed.

I watched my drunk, sleep walking cousin pee in the kitchen sink :ols:

Drinking isn't a good thing for sleepwalkers.

Layoff the sauce hubbs.

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Or you could do what Jumbo suggested, but why listen to experts when you can get advice on extremeskins. :ols:

Experts? Please. I'm like the Insane Clown Posse trying to learn about magnets. I don't want some lying scientist to tell me a bunch of made-up bull****. :silly:

In all honesty, if it persists I'll definitely go to a sleep lab, but I'm thinking in slightly more immediate terms at the moment.

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this can be very dangerous. Stand Up Comedian Mike Birbiglia is a sleepwalker and jumped out of a 2nd story window of a hotel. He now sleeps in a sleeping bag up to his neck and wears mittens so he can't open the sleeping bag. Enjoy your new sleeping arrangements.

edit: looks like Yusuf beat me to the Mike Birbiglia reference.

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You need to talk to your primary care physician about this. I don't know if you are taking any sleeping medications or other substances that can exacerbate this issue, so I am not going to even address that except for just saying that you need to discuss this with your doctor. You doctor will also very likely refer you to a sleep clinic for a sleep study. I highly recommend this. I worked in a sleep clinic at Hopkins when I was in college and it is amazing how many issues the specialists can identify in these types of studies. Hope you are able to find some answers and start getting some better sleep.

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I watched my drunk, sleep walking cousin pee in the kitchen sink :ols:

Drinking isn't a good thing for sleepwalkers.

Layoff the sauce hubbs.

lol, my roommate in college did this a couple of times, only he missed the sink and pissed on the cabinets directly below. He doesn't normally sleep walk though..it was probably just a product of drinking way too much.

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lol, my roommate in college did this a couple of times, only he missed the sink and pissed on the cabinets directly below. He doesn't normally sleep walk though..it was probably just a product of drinking way too much.

Haha, thats funny. Many years ago when I was still a reckless hooligan in my early 20's, I did something similiar to this after an extremely drunken night, except it wasn't the cabinets, but the dresser drawer in the guest room. Fortunately no guests were staying with us at the time, but it did make for a serious "WTF happened" moment in the morning.

If drinking is involved, my first guess would be to cut that out and get a good nights sleep. You can always pick drinking back up after you learn how to stay in your own damn bed. Otherwise, I would suggest doing a combination of everything thats been suggested thus far, including the zombie make up :ols: Even better, try sleeping naked, but check into a bed/breakfast for the weekend, that should make for some interesting conversation at breakfast in the morning, and who knows, maybe you come back with a really cool story to tell us :D

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