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Apparently I've Started Sleepwalking. Need Advice.


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There have been quite a few cases of sexual assault by sleep walkers. Sleep walkers are not aware, they are indeed "sleeping." Its pretty common. Just be careful, make SURE you seek out professional help - and don't listen to too many people on Extremeskins.,.about much of anything!

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Haha, thats funny. Many years ago when I was still a reckless hooligan in my early 20's, I did something similiar to this after an extremely drunken night, except it wasn't the cabinets, but the dresser drawer in the guest room. Fortunately no guests were staying with us at the time, but it did make for a serious "WTF happened" moment in the morning.

ha, my roommate wasn't so lucky as that was the first time he "met" my other roommate's new girl friend, who are now planning to get married. So obviously that story gets told over and over and over again.

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Um....ok. :yawnee:

(never heard that one before)

He might be talking about side effects of Ambien, a very popular prescribed sleeping aid.

The review was prompted, in part, by queries to the agency from The New York Times last year, after some users of the most widely prescribed drug, Ambien, started complaining online and to their doctors about unusual reactions ranging from fairly benign sleepwalking episodes to hallucinations, violent outbursts, nocturnal binge eating and — most troubling of all — driving while asleep.
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I sleepwalk when I'm really sick or if my family is gone - if the kids aren't here for any reason, I seem to go looking for them in my sleep. Weirdly enough, it seems to be genetic as this also happens to my Dad.

I've never left the house, but I always switch up how I lock the doors if I'm here alone. i.e.; I lock everything - screen doors and stuff like that, that we don't typically do & put some obstacles in my way.

If it is a real issue, you could put in an automation system that will monitor the pressure in your bed & pick up if you leave. In response, it can turn on lights..notify people, etc. Not an altogether cheap solution though, so I wouldn't suggest it unless it becomes a serious issue. We typically put these things in so folks can monitor the elderly living on their own. It allows them to make sure they're eating, sleeping, etc.

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