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PFT-Willie Parker on the Redskins: “They don’t care about football”


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Well I think he is, but I think you have to remember with contracts and stuff being what they are, you can't just cut everyone you don't like. I think there would have been a lot more guys gone last year if he could have. Noitice that several guys on the party list have been released, like Portis and others like Rogers don't look to be back Just sayin....

He literally replaced close to half the roster though. So he cut a good number of guys he didn't like, for one reason or another.

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Everybody here dismissing his opinion isn't really offering much insight to why besides that he's washed up which doesn't really have any connection to his thoughts on the team. Look at some of the players on this team and you'll see he's right. How many people on this team can you say are focused on football. London Fletcher...Cooley..Orakpo...ummm...ummm..yea. This is why Shanny/Allen were brought here. To change the culture and stop bringing in the big name flashy players and get guys that actually care about football and put in the hard work to win games and become champions. Just ask Ryan Clark.

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Here's my only rebuttal to that... Because I agree with what you said for the most part.

Getting stabbed doesn't show an ability to balance much of anything.

Haha, oh come on, you're gonna blame the guy for getting in the way of a knife held by some dead-ender out on the street?

The dude is 23 years old, it was the off-season, and he neither instigated nor participated in anything wrong.

I've been mugged, and I've tried to stop things from getting out of hand in barfight-type situations -- luckily I've never taken a knife wound for my trouble.

I can assure you that despite these things, I'm a dedicated, model employee who's bright eyed and bushy tailed when it's time to work.

Anyway, back to the point, wasn't Rapistberger out with a crew of Steelers at a karaoke bar during Super Bowl week?

So whatever, Willie.

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Yeah, I think that's what had me confused:

""This is night and day from D.C. It's night and day," he said. "The guys here are more, I'm not going to say -- the guys here are, it's work. It's work and less play. It's less play, it's less moseying around. It's standard here to go to the playoffs, it's standard here to be your own team. There, it was more of a fashion show. Here... it's hey, let's go to work today."

Would you mosey around with Peyton Manning looking at you on the other side of the ball in practice. We haven't had good leadership on the field in years. The Colts win because of their leadership and talent. Once we get that leadership in place, the culture will change.

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It was Carlos Dansby, I believe, who ripped the skins players for not caring about winning. That is the real issue, I dont care if they party every night, but they have to care deeply about winning and losing. Im confident that many of our draft picks will make the team this year. They look like character guys and im confident we will get the culture turned around.

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When did I say we were winning?

It was implied with "Didn't DeAngelo say this stuff about the Raiders? Winning cures all" or something to that effect.

I guess I'm not sure how the "winning cures all" fit into that statement.

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My point is ... Who is Willie Parker? The guy that couldn't make the roster on a 6 win team. The guy that doesn't have enough professionalism to close his mouth about his previous employer. Say what you want about McNabb but he never spoke one ill word about Philly.

Plus like I said before what is there to do in Pittsburgh? What type of nightlife do they have there? Take all the players on the Pittsburgh team and have them play in DC. Let's see how many of them want to party. Big Ben for instance, he would go molestor crazy in DC.

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It was implied with "Didn't DeAngelo say this stuff about the Raiders? Winning cures all" or something to that effect.

I guess I'm not sure how the "winning cures all" fit into that statement.

If your team is winning, people don't make those sort of statements. We did make the playoffs in 2007 and then finished with an 8-8 record in 2008, that was the season D. Hall joined us. Obviously not juggernaut status, but he was coming from an Oakland organization that won 4 games in 2007 and was 2-6 the time he got released whereas we were 6-3.

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I was just in the process of posting this haha Screw him, everything looks good in hindsight, the Steelers released his ass for a reason

on the bright side. we may be about partying, but we sure don't rape chicks every damn day, especially not hotel staff

Do you have any interest in whether he may be right? Sure would explain alot about this team.

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Well I think he is, but I think you have to remember with contracts and stuff being what they are, you can't just cut everyone you don't like. I think there would have been a lot more guys gone last year if he could have. Noitice that several guys on the party list have been released, like Portis and others like Rogers don't look to be back Just sayin....

Since when did any NFL coach have to resort to cutting a player to get the teams attention?

They didn't cut Hanyesworth but he got the teams attention didn't they?

And I don't doubt it at all that NFL players party these days. I know for a fact that specific Cowboys know and use some of the same people I do, if you know what I mean. NFL players party there butts off. That's not surprising to me.

And it doesn't surprise me about anything said about the teams of the past.

The problem here is we see a former player bad mouthing the team he was just cut from saying that we don't care about football under Mike Shannahan and current players party too much. When someone attacks an organization they are attacking the top. Mike is at the top of the food chain as far as players go. So WP is attacking MS and this is the first time under his leadership that someone has went so far to say MS doesn't run a tight ship that we've heard about since he became our coach.

Now I get that some of you think it's no big deal, and some think that WP sucks and that he's just being bitter, none of those viewpoints surprise me. What does surprise me is that no one's connecting this to Shannahan or even realizing that these comments came from a man who's only expirence was with the Redskins led by Shanny.

This is an attack on the coach and I don't think he'd need a full season to reign in the team or get them to care or get them to show up to work sober. Shanny always gave us an impression like with Hanyesworth and his "tests" that it was his way or no way. Why anyone's taking away anything about this statement and it not being a knock on that man is surprising to me

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So Mr Shannahan who is widely considered a "My way or the highway" and a "I'll kick your ass and make you thank me for it" coach needs more then 8 months to get the attention of a team. You really believe that? I don't

No he needs more than 8 months to get the right players in here that will buy into his system. Its difficult to evaluate a team from a talent and professional stand point with out seeing how they conduct themselves during the season.

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Since when did any NFL coach have to resort to cutting a player to get the teams attention?

They didn't cut Hanyesworth but he got the teams attention didn't they?

And I don't doubt it at all that NFL players party these days. I know for a fact that specific Cowboys know and use some of the same people I do, if you know what I mean. NFL players party there butts off. That's not surprising to me.

And it doesn't surprise me about anything said about the teams of the past.

The problem here is we see a former player bad mouthing the team he was just cut from saying that we don't care about football under Mike Shannahan and current players party too much. When someone attacks an organization they are attacking the top. Mike is at the top of the food chain as far as players go. So WP is attacking MS and this is the first time under his leadership that someone has went so far to say MS doesn't run a tight ship that we've heard about since he became our coach.

Now I get that some of you think it's no big deal, and some think that WP sucks and that he's just being bitter, none of those viewpoints surprise me. What does surprise me is that no one's connecting this to Shannahan or even realizing that these comments came from a man who's only expirence was with the Redskins led by Shanny.

This is an attack on the coach and I don't think he'd need a full season to reign in the team or get them to care or get them to show up to work sober. Shanny always gave us an impression like with Hanyesworth and his "tests" that it was his way or no way. Why anyone's taking away anything about this statement and it not being a knock on that man is surprising to me

over analyze much?


you are making waaaaayyyyy too much out of nothing

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No he needs more than 8 months to get the right players in here that will buy into his system. Its difficult to evaluate a team from a talent and professional stand point with out seeing how they conduct themselves during the season.

Thats all well and good EXCEPT that Willie Parker never made it to the first opening game, he was one of the surprise last cuts. How does he know they party too much and what about the regular season would influence WP's opinion in training camp?

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Haha, oh come on, you're gonna blame the guy for getting in the way of a knife held by some dead-ender out on the street?

Dead-ender? I would considering the two guys attacking and harassing a man, leaving and then coming back when the club ended for some more as the dead-ender, not the one defending himself because he was scared, but that's just me.

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I wouldn't say they don't care about football, but he's right about the partying. I posted about this shortly after the Brandon Banks incident.


This thread jumped out at me because I have heard claims like this before.

A close friend of mine worked with Edwin Williams at Maryland and has kept in contact with him even after he left for Chicago.

When asked about the differences between the Redskins and Bears, he said everything we've already heard from other ex-Skins: lack of discipline, special privileges for certain players, etc. But he did specifically allude to the fact that a lot of players get too caught up in the DC nightlife.

If that was the case while Edwin was here, hopefully it's changed since Shanahan took over.

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If his numbers weren't good enough because he was playing hurt during the preseason, then what is his excuse for the previous 3 seasons. The partying went out with the old regime.

I think its being addressed by this regime, but its still a work in progress. I don't know who the primary offenders are, but there definitely seems to be an issue here that Shannahan is & has to work through.

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i didnt realize athletes wernt allowed to party on weekends..

They are...but if its in excess then you can logically conclude that their performance reflects that. If that's more important than how they play in their profession, thats their choice, but its the redskins equal right to not have them being a part of this organization going forward.

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Didn't someone say something extremely similar to this in the past year? I thought I must have been looking at an old thread, but I'm not sure who said it.

It was an interview with Darnell Dockett on the Lavar and Chad show. He said he couldn't play for the skins because they have a reputation for being all about the party and not about football.

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