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PFT-Willie Parker on the Redskins: “They don’t care about football”


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But is Willie Parker saying the culture is bad or guys are just enjoying the party scene too much? Those are two different things. My boss doesn't care if I am out until 3am every night as long as I come and do a good job. My point is who cares what these guys do in their off hours, as long as they show up for practice, they're accountable, and they stay out of trouble.

These guys go out and get Home at 4am, work 7am-330-430 then do it all over again. Try doing that for one week and being alert and focused for practice, work outs,film, position meetings. Why do you think our team always looks to be horribly conditioned?

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These guys go out and get Home at 4am, work 7am-330-430 then do it all over again. Try doing that for one week and being alert and focused for practice, work outs,film, position meetings. Why do you think our team always looks to be horribly conditioned?

The problem is you are using this as a cause and effect. This happens in all major sports markets. Even guys in college party hard. If we were winning this would be a non-issue. It is easy to pile **** on top of more ****.

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The problem is you are using this as a cause and effect. This happens in all major sports markets. Even guys in college party hard. If we were winning this would be a non-issue. It is easy to pile **** on top of more ****.

Yes it is a cause and effect because when players don't take there profession seriously it effects the performance level. Ill give you that individuals on alot of teams party but this team party's hard.when your falling asleep in meetings, late to practice, and exhausted how effect will you be? I'm not going into specifics because I have posted many times on this over the years. Your really gonna compare college kids partying to multi millionaire's?

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The problem is you are using this as a cause and effect. This happens in all major sports markets. Even guys in college party hard. If we were winning this would be a non-issue. It is easy to pile **** on top of more ****.

That is correct. If we were winning it *would* be a non issue. The fact is that we aren't. They are not showing that they can go out and party all night and handle it while working the next day. If we were winning and they were doing it, it would show that it is not having adverse effects, which is not the case right now.

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Thanks for the link. I have no doubt he's right, I just wondered how he knew about the Skins' problems. It was just odd to hear a guy from another team, that's never even played with the Skins, comment on the team.

I really hope that this is the season where all this changes. Last year we beat teams with winning or .500 records (at the time we played them) and lost to every team with a losing record (again, at the time we played them). I would guess that the players issues may have had a large part of that. Maybe they partied when they thought our opponents would be easier.

I hate to say this, because I don't want this to be true, but the inflection and tone of his voice during the interview made it sound like this was pretty much common knowledge league wide. He was so matter of fact about it, that it sounded like everyone knew and I was just getting clued in.

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That is correct. If we were winning it *would* be a non issue. The fact is that we aren't. They are not showing that they can go out and party all night and handle it while working the next day. If we were winning and they were doing it, it would show that it is not having adverse effects, which is not the case right now.

You can't win consistantly like this in the modern day game of football.

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These guys go out and get Home at 4am, work 7am-330-430 then do it all over again. Try doing that for one week and being alert and focused for practice, work outs,film, position meetings. Why do you think our team always looks to be horribly conditioned?

LL, there didn't appear to be many people in Shanahans doghouse last year, and we are discussing an issue that seems to be significantly disruptive to the on field performances of individuals, and therefore the team in general.

Am I correct to assume that Shanahan has been well in the know of this during his tenure here, and perhaps he let certain scenarios unfold, kinda sat back & watched / assessed individuals over a period of time, before drawing some conclusions as to when & where the axe needs to fall.

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by the way everyone saying this partying thing isn't an issue and that willie is wrong..... well in fact ur dead wrong.

My bro has autographs because he would run into so many players at DC bars. He told me how he ran into Lloyd and like 5 others once on a saturday night before a 1:00 P.M. game. I specifically remember that because he told me "What the **** are they doing out right now"

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You can't win consistantly like this in the modern day game of football.

I do believe that. I was also cornered because I brought up the old Sonny and Billy thing, plus Grimm going out drinking and then going to practice. I do also think that no one would be talking about it or even care if we were winning. Since we aren't winning, then things need to change. If Devin Thomas was cut because he went out every night, then I agree with that. He didn't handle the professional aspect and it affected his play. It *looks" like things are being changed with Shanny, but I am not inside and I don't know. What I do know is he still has to field a team, so if he has to weed them out slowly, player by player, then I am all for that.

My one big worry is that I will see someone I respect being one of those people. Not saying he is or isn't, but if London Fletcher were on the party list, it would really bother me. If it's someone who isn't producing, then not so much. I want things to change in DC. I want the Skins to rise up again. I am not inside, so I don't know where those changes need to happen. All I see is what is in the news, posted here and now the tweets. I would love it if Shanny or someone really called those players out. Not just put them on notice, but really called them out by saying they need to concentrate less on partying and more on football.

I think many fans feel the same way I do about it.

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LL' date=' there didn't appear to be many people in Shanahans doghouse last year, and we are discussing an issue that seems to be significantly disruptive to the on field performances of individuals, and therefore the team in general.

Am I correct to assume that Shanahan has been well in the know of this during his tenure here, and perhaps he let certain scenarios unfold, kinda sat back & watched / assessed individuals over a period of time, before drawing some conclusions as to when & where the axe needs to fall.[/quote']

Refer to tks post earlier in the thread. I post my opinion on here now only, just easier for my sanity this way.

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i just love how everyone gets pissed and acts like its a lie. We have been **** for 15 years, but apparently we have never done anything wrong, or had a bad environment according to some people here.

I really don't understand why you could even say this

Read the posts here I've written

WP was in DC under 1 single coach, and never made it out of the preseason to the regular

Frankly I don't care what Dockett or others have said about this team. This was supposed to be a new regime. This was supposed to be Mike S's team. We are to either believe one of two things:

Belief 1 - Willie Parker is a dirty stinking liar and made up that we were too busy partying in the preseason to give a damn

Belief 2 - Willie Parker is telling the truth

Lots of people believe Willie Parker because they've heard it before. However what that is also saying besides we need to get the team sober is it's business as usual under the new head coach. That's the part that no one wants to address and hiding from with this report. If Mike S was not the same old ball coach that he portrays to be then why did he act the same when WP was here and let the kids party from Sunday night till Sunday morning? I don't ever recall hearing that the team was abusing themselves under Gibbs 2 and think that's extremely significant.

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People here just don't pay attention. Willie is not disgruntled he's being honest lol Darnell docket,Edwin williams,Justin trying,Ryan Clark,antwan randle el, LaVar Arrington, and Willie Parker are All on record saying the same thing. This is the truth, I've seen it on a personal level for years.

Exactly, thank you. Willie isn't disgruntled and this message isn't "news"...What's amazing and interesting about this story is that:

1. It happened under Mike S and is the first report like it under his care

2. It happened during the preseason when guys should be, excuse the term "fighting thier guts out" for a stinking job

That's my point here.

After seeing the Hanyesworth crap last offseason we were all sold a bill of goods that said Mike S was "changing the Redskins culture" and "righting the ship" but here comes a story that specifically goes against that. And yet people don't see this? I'm seriously freaking confused about this forum.

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Refer to tks post earlier in the thread. I post my opinion on here now only, just easier for my sanity this way.

Thats fair enough, but I don't see why you should be any different than the rest of us.. :insane:.... :ols:

Yeah, read TK's earlier post.

Its hard to imagine being shocked, or suprised, outside of about a couple of handful of players though, imo. We haven't got that many very good players to worry about losing. And if we are talking about some of the better players on this team, I'd hope they had trade value (post-lockout) as opposed to be being cut.

Should be interesting to see how this unfolds in 6 months time...

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Not just a river in Egypt but a thread here as well.

This year's cuts will surprise some, shock others & give relief to the rest.

The only real shocker that I can think of, who is currently signed (so, not rocky and rogers), would be Sellers...and that isn't even shocking, we've had his replacement rostered for over a year now. You don't keep two FB's on the active roster just for ****s and giggles. His notice was given long ago.

I think the only REAL shocker I can think of would be Cooley. And he doesn't strike me as the partying type. Not like that, anyways. And we wouldn't just cut an asset like that, even if we wanted to get rid of him. Other shockers are guys that are just too old for their loss to REALLY be surprising.

And AH is just too obvious.

I could see Moss, but he's another who they just wouldn't bring back if they felt that way...and you guys have stated in the past that he's almost a lock to come back. Of course, that was before we drafted 3 WR's.

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I really don't understand why you could even say this

Read the posts here I've written

WP was in DC under 1 single coach, and never made it out of the preseason to the regular

Frankly I don't care what Dockett or others have said about this team. This was supposed to be a new regime. This was supposed to be Mike S's team. We are to either believe one of two things:

Belief 1 - Willie Parker is a dirty stinking liar and made up that we were too busy partying in the preseason to give a damn

Belief 2 - Willie Parker is telling the truth

Lots of people believe Willie Parker because they've heard it before. However what that is also saying besides we need to get the team sober is it's business as usual under the new head coach. That's the part that no one wants to address and hiding from with this report. If Mike S was not the same old ball coach that he portrays to be then why did he act the same when WP was here and let the kids party from Sunday night till Sunday morning? I don't ever recall hearing that the team was abusing themselves under Gibbs 2 and think that's extremely significant.

It takes time to rebuild a team. He can't just cut everyone the second he gets here that he does not like, you have to gradually get rid of them. He did what he could last season to get rid of the players he didn't want, but he had to keep a few of them if for nothing else to field a team that could win. But as like this year's draft is showing he's looking for those football guys, that want to do nothing but be the best at their position. All I heard about all our picks was how hard they worked, and that is what he is trying to bring. Give it time, he doing his best to get rid of the losing weeds.

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Not just a river in Egypt but a thread here as well.

This year's cuts will surprise some, shock others & give relief to the rest.

Casey Rabach. I don't care about ANY other cut or depth chart move or trade or release or whatever. Just get this piece of **** center (the player, not the person) somewhere that is NOT here.

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Casey Rabach. I don't care about ANY other cut or depth chart move or trade or release or whatever. Just get this piece of **** center (the player, not the person) somewhere that is NOT here.

Yes! It's common knowledge in the locker room that the reason Rabach is so well liked, is because he is the party ringleader. He pimps and deals all hours of the night. Clubbing and Breakdancing 24/7.

Shanny, we all know what a dominant force Rabach is at the point of attack, and its hard to let go of Pro Bowl level talent....I get that, but we have to change the culture before our rookies are infected with Rabach fever.

I hope he hasn't gotten to you as well *gasps*

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I wonder if Cooley's one of the shocking cuts.

I mean he's a good guy, but lately he's been doing a lot of non-related football stuff such as pottery. Not to mention injuries made him look pretty crappy on the eyeball test, though the stats say he had one of the most productive year since 2007.

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I wonder if Cooley's one of the shocking cuts.

I mean he's a good guy, but lately he's been doing a lot of non-related football stuff such as pottery. Not to mention injuries made him look pretty crappy on the eyeball test, though the stats say he had one of the most productive year since 2007.

Nobody's going to be cut because they do pottery during a lockout, or even during the season.

If we don't want Cooley on this team (say, if he's secretly a big party guy), we could easily get something for him, even if its not what he's "worth". So there's no way he'll be cut.

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