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PFT-Willie Parker on the Redskins: “They don’t care about football”


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In response to this article, Shanahan was quoted as saying "In the end, you just need a guy you can depend on to be there as your beer pong partner....Willie just wasn't that guy."

Ahhh. He's so wise.

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i dont know how i miss stuff when i'm on here every day. whats this about carlos?

It was said a few months ago by a member of the tea leaf gang that during the time that Carlos was 'hurt' and not playing, dude was out partying at the club. So you would assume that he was one of the ones that didn't take football that seriously.

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I think he is right to a point. I also think he also needs to realize that is why Shannahan is here. Trying to change the culture.

Wait I'm confused again.

Shanny brought in Parker. WP is very familiar with MS considering he recruited him to come to DC. We are to believe that MS is here to stop the partying. WP said that we were still partying too much last year and not as classy of an organization as Pukesberg.

So is this just an indication that at least as far as last preseason went Shanny didn't stop any of the nonsense that was hurting this team? And if so doesn't that mean that Shanny was failing in his job last year?

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What the hell? How does Wille lack of performance on the field discredit his opinion on our players caring about football or not? IT DOES NOT.

If you have such a problem with him saying that , provide some actual counter evidence that our players were football-obsessed like the guys he saw at Pittsburgh. I'm sure that Hines Ward, Heath Miller, etc all probably DO(and did) put in more time than our lolplayers. Culture does NOT automatically change, and thus the "Vinny-culture" was still prevalent last season.

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You guys can make all the zings you want and sure, Willie is washed up and done as a football player but something tells me he's not far from the truth on his criticisms of the culture around Redskins' Park.

The product on the field & results speak for themselves.

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Wait I'm confused again.

Shanny brought in Parker. WP is very familiar with MS considering he recruited him to come to DC. We are to believe that MS is here to stop the partying. WP said that we were still partying too much last year and not as classy of an organization as Pukesberg.

So is this just an indication that at least as far as last preseason went Shanny didn't stop any of the nonsense that was hurting this team? And if so doesn't that mean that Shanny was failing in his job last year?

I can't see how a coach can change the culture of an entire organization in 8 months. Remember Parker was released before the regular season. So they didn't even play any reg season games yet. Lets be realistic.

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I believe Tryon said something similar when comparing the Colts organization to ours.

Yeah, I think that's what had me confused:

""This is night and day from D.C. It's night and day," he said. "The guys here are more, I'm not going to say -- the guys here are, it's work. It's work and less play. It's less play, it's less moseying around. It's standard here to go to the playoffs, it's standard here to be your own team. There, it was more of a fashion show. Here... it's hey, let's go to work today."

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True or not, the only thing that matters is being ready to practice and play on Sunday. I remember hearing stories about Sonny and Billy going out together drinking and staggering home. That never bothered me.

I just want the Skins to be professionals about it. I have heard some things recently that bothered me about the Skins and heard some things I liked. Hopefully Shanny will be able to get rid of the ones who aren't professional and willing to buy into what he is selling.

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Yeah, I think that's what had me confused:

""This is night and day from D.C. It's night and day," he said. "The guys here are more, I'm not going to say -- the guys here are, it's work. It's work and less play. It's less play, it's less moseying around. It's standard here to go to the playoffs, it's standard here to be your own team. There, it was more of a fashion show. Here... it's hey, let's go to work today."

This isn't meant to you, jn, just using your quote...

But it baffles me how people are getting upset at the people who say this kind of thing about our organization. You don't hear the same things being said about most of the other organizations.

Sure, we have a target on our back, and we get our fair share of unwarranted criticism... But at some point we need to look in the mirror and say, "holy ****... that IS us!"

All of that said, when Parker was here, the atmosphere didn't have a heck of a lot of time to change... And we couldn't get rid of all the dead weight right away. Once free agency opens, I'd expect to see more dead weight released.

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True or not, the only thing that matters is being ready to practice and play on Sunday. I remember hearing stories about Sonny and Billy going out together drinking and staggering home. That never bothered me.

I just want the Skins to be professionals about it. I have heard some things recently that bothered me about the Skins and heard some things I liked. Hopefully Shanny will be able to get rid of the ones who aren't professional and willing to buy into what he is selling.

No, what Parker is talking about is that they don't give a big **** about preparing to play on Sunday or even practice well. He doesn't say that they couldn't party at all. Both Tryon and Parker seem to have observed that they care more about the "fun" than about their performance in their job. This is one of the "values" the players on this team have. party and fun ****>>on-field play.

And looky here, both Pitt and the Colts both bring their A game more often than not and are a treat to watch(yes, even Rapistberger). Us? Brain farts galore.

No wonder why Shanahan picked so many captains this draft. It's because a lot of our current players don't bring what Kerrigan, Hankerson, Neild, etc brings. Just get to the practice facility, study, practice, etc like you mean it. I dare say, even Mike Vick learned his lesson about applying himself and being OBSESSED with football. The recent Redskins? **** no.

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I don't find this surprising and he may have been right. I don't see how we can talk about the high priced FA's, divas, etc. in other threads, but then, when a former player says something like this, act like it's completely out of left field and just the guy grinding an axe.

Anyway, culture isn't like a new play. You can't just draw it up and go run it on Sunday. It takes time to change and I'm hopeful we're making progress.

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It was said a few months ago by a member of the tea leaf gang that during the time that Carlos was 'hurt' and not playing, dude was out partying at the club. So you would assume that he was one of the ones that didn't take football that seriously.

ah gotcha. i vaguely remember something about that.

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I'm with the no surprises crew. The last couple of years all we have been is a place for former professional players to receive their last paychecks before retiring or deciding they wanted to play football again for another team.

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