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Who was the biggest Redskins 1st Round Bust


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andre. dude didnt even make the friggin team he was that terrible lol.

If Shuler wasn't a QB he probably shouldn't have made it either. He was straight up garbage and never looked anything other than garbage. We had a 7th rounder and then a FA nobody starting instead of him after a few games and he shouldn't even have played.

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If Shuler wasn't a QB he probably shouldn't have made it either. He was straight up garbage and never looked anything other than garbage. We had a 7th rounder and then a FA nobody starting instead of him after a few games and he shouldn't even have played.

That FA nobody was originally brought in in case Shuler wasn't ready. Friesz had actually briefly split time with Stan Humphries in SD and him starting some wasn't much of a surprise.

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If Shuler wasn't a QB he probably shouldn't have made it either. He was straight up garbage and never looked anything other than garbage. We had a 7th rounder and then a FA nobody starting instead of him after a few games and he shouldn't even have played.

regardless, we drafted a guy in the first round who was so terrible he was never even able to take the field.

shuler might have sucked horribly but damn dude, but he stuck around for a few years.

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I picked Ander Johnson just because I have never heard of him in my life. I've been a Skins fan since 1981. Is that a trick or did we really draft him.

PS. Heath Suler really SUCKED. One of the pretty out route throwers I've ever seen, just to the wrong jerseys.

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What was the scouting report on Shuler? Which current day QB was he supposed to be like? (Say he was a prospect today, his NFL comparison.) I remember, I remember his suck and his hype, but I was so young at the time I don't really remember the details behind it too much.

Here's a sleeper: Lavar Arrington. Supposed to be the next LT. I know he had a Pro Bowl year, but he was overrated the entire time and off the team and then out of the league pretty quickly. That's a far cry from LT. He was the definition of hype.

---------- Post added May-1st-2011 at 12:42 AM ----------

Andre Johnson was gone so quick, people can't even correctly spell his (simple) first name.

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How can you be a bigger bust than not making the team year 1. Award goes to Andre Johnson.

As an aside, if anyone can tell me WTF happened with that guy... I would be interested.


I remember when that pick was made they flashed his highlight reel, and it was the worse highlights I have ever seen. I just knew that guy was terrible. Shuler at least stuck around a bit and had injuries Andre just flat sucked.

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I remember when that pick was made they flashed his highlight reel, and it was the worse highlights I have ever seen. I just knew that guy was terrible. Shuler at least stuck around a bit and had injuries Andre just flat sucked.

And at least Heath had that win in Big D in 1995 to help pull off the season sweep of the Pukes! :dallasuck

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Westbrook and Gardner could play. I'm not so sure I'd call them busts.

Howard and Shuler couldn't play but at least they got on the field.

It has to be Johnson. He was so bad that he never played in a game. I remember how horrid he looked in the preseason games.

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I voted Andre Johnson as well. Close call with Shuler, but Johnson never made it here, and he just appeared in 3 games in his whole career from 1996-1998 going from Washington to Detroit through Miami. Definately a big bust.

The main difference between them is that Shuler was a 3rd pick, while johnson was the 30th one. You expect more from a 3rd than a 30th. Still, not making the team and appear in just 3 games, with the Lions.... That's impressive!

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Yeah it has to be Shuler. When you miss on an OT you just sit him and that's that. But when you miss on a QB high it sets your franchise back 3 years minimum as you have so much invested in the guy you simply have to continue to trot him out there with the hope that maybe this is the year.

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Yeah. Still can't believe we gave up 2 firsts for a QB that has the uncanny ability NOT to make the big play.

We didn't. This should be simple math guys. We gave up a future first round pick, plus a second and whatever other picks, for a first round pick in the 200(5?) draft. That doesn't equal 2 firsts. We gave additional compensation to use our future first in the current draft. That is nowhere close to giving up two first round picks for one player.

Julio Jones is an example of a player costing two firsts. Atlanta gave up this year's and next years, for Cleveland's first and then used it. 1 + 1 = 2.

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