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Who was the biggest Redskins 1st Round Bust


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While he wasn't the biggest bust, I'll always think of Desmond Howard as the beginning of the end. Just coming off the crushing Superbowl win with the 6th and 20-something pick to reload and we blow them both on return man. If those two picks become an all-pro and a solid starter, the next decade doesn't look so bad and we never even have the opportunity to whiff on Shuler.

Agreed. While Howard as a player wasn't quite as bad as Shuler or A Johnson he cost the team TWO 1st round picks since we traded up for him. We used the #6 and #28 picks in the 1993 NFL draft to move up two slots to take Howard at #4 overall. And we still had Monk, Clark, and Sanders on the team so we effectively used 2 1st rounders on a #4 receiver.

That draft was full of busts, though. That was the year the Colts had the #1 AND the #2 picks in the draft and took Steve Emtman and Quintin Coryatt. Ouch.

PS-Howard did have one cool punt return for a TD as a Skin. Anyone remember the play where Mitchell caught the punt and lateraled the ball across the field to Howard, who then went untouched for a TD? Below is a link for a youtube video of the play...


And this is kind of funny, bust to bust, Shuler to Howard!


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While he wasn't the biggest bust, I'll always think of Desmond Howard as the beginning of the end. Just coming off the crushing Superbowl win with the 6th and 20-something pick to reload and we blow them both on return man. If those two picks become an all-pro and a solid starter, the next decade doesn't look so bad and we never even have the opportunity to whiff on Shuler.
I see what you mean about our overspending for Desmond Howard, but I still feel like he was a good player. He was a darn good return man. I mean, seriously, he won a Super Bowl MVP! In no way was Howard a total bust. He just did not work out for the Redskins.


Others on this list had much worse careers. Shuler's level of suckitude was next to none. When it came to sucking, Howard was not even in Shuler's league.

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I voted Andre Johnson. I realize the expectations and hopes put into Shuler and the circumstances around why he was kept on for as long as he was, but he was still around longer than Johnson. However, if I had known who Cal Rossi was I definitely would've voted for that guy. I learned something today.

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Heath Shuler is the obvious choice. The guy was a straight up bum. He held out and then after he signed, he played like garbage. Clearly, Charley Casserly should have drafted Trent Dilfer. The Redskins would have been better off.

Not by much. Dilfer was an average QB who benefitted from a great Ravens defense in 2000. Otherwise, he was average at best

---------- Post added May-11th-2011 at 02:01 AM ----------

he was.

Ouch. That was a bust

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Heath Shuler is THE bust of ALL Busts for us in rnd 1. I was beyond pumped when we drafted him too! Oh well.

While this is a subjective poll where every player is a bust. QBs bust all the time in the first RD while OGs that played DT in college and are still chosen in the first RD deserve special consideration. That's why I think the selection of Andre Johnson while not the most visibile 1st RD bust is easily the worst pick in most of our lifetimes.

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Not by much. Dilfer was an average QB who benefitted from a great Ravens defense in 2000. Otherwise, he was average at best.

I wanted us to take Dilfer. I thought he had more experience in college in the pro set. Shuler kind of ran what is now called the Spread offense at Tennessee. I also wanted us to take JJ Stokes over Michael Westbrook. I thought Stokes would be the better pro. But at least Dilfer played and had a long career. He wasn't spectacular, but Dilfer wasn't a bust. He turned out to be serviceable. Shuler was a bust.

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I wanted us to take Dilfer. I thought he had more experience in college in the pro set. Shuler kind of ran what is now called the Spread offense at Tennessee. I also wanted us to take JJ Stokes over Michael Westbrook. I thought Stokes would be the better pro. But at least Dilfer played and had a long career. He wasn't spectacular, but Dilfer wasn't a bust. He turned out to be serviceable. Shuler was a bust.

Dilfer was a bust for qiute a few years before he learned enough to approach mediocre. The Bucs were a joke for quite awhile as well. It would've gone about the same with either QB for the Skins.

But he wasn't a bust compared to Schuler :D

Setting the bar pretty high/low, depending on how you looked at it.

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IMO, it was Micheal Westbrook or Rod Gardner because of who else we could've had in those drafts. Guys like Sapp, Derrick Brooks, Galloway and Ty Law over Westbrook. Or Steve Hutchinson, Santana Moss, Reggie Wayne , Drew Brees and 85, over Gardner.

You could do that with every draft. BTW. who is that in your sig, looks familar and it's bothering me.

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Trading back into the first round for Jason costing us two first rounders is the worst for me

Agreed! We mortgaged a lot for a QB that wasn't even on most people's radar as being a 1st rounder.

For Jason "soup" Campbell we gave up two 1st rounders, a 3rd rounder and a 4th rounder. Not only that, we protected him for one and a half season to get NFL ready.

The other bust has to be Patrick Ramsey. Another reach QB!

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Agreed! We mortgaged a lot for a QB that wasn't even on most people's radar as being a 1st rounder.

For Jason "soup" Campbell we gave up two 1st rounders, a 3rd rounder and a 4th rounder. Not only that, we protected him for one and a half season to get NFL ready.

The other bust has to be Patrick Ramsey. Another reach QB!

You, sir, are banned from ES!! You can't use your keyboard anymore, either!! :doh:

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