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Why are Virginia Redskins fans elitist jackwagons? (MET)


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This has happened ever since Gibbs.....

Nothing irks me more than when people say the Redskins represent "Old Dixie"... That sentiment isn't coming from Maryland....

You do realize the Original Redskins Fight Song sand "Fight For Old Dixie" right?

Someone is a little to uptight about something that I have never witnessed.

All Redskins Fans are OK in this Virginian's opinion.

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Quick question for all the uber-sensitive fans from wherever the hell you're living right now...VA, MD, WY...doesn't matter...

Do you guys think that they're having this same debate over on the Jets and Gnats fan message boards between NY and NJ residents? If so, please for the love of all things holy...get a new CBA done so we can get back to talking about football and not all this whiny crap. Not directing this right at you LaxinFish...just in general...but figured I'd reply to you since you mentioned the main point of my question in your post.

It honestly feels like everyone's cycles are lining up together and next thing you know people will be on here arguing about window treatments and how uncomfortable it was getting your "summer wax"...:moon:


No, i agree. That was the point of my post as well. The "sensitive VA fans" comment was a smart ass reply to the dude who said"sensitive MD fans." My whole post was based on how stupid this whole thing is. The OP and the serious rebutles.

Honestly. I think if I were to start a random thread like this, I would share my thoughts as to why Shanny should grow a mustache.

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No, i agree. That was the point of my post as well. The "sensitive VA fans" comment was a smart ass reply to the dude who said"sensitive MD fans." My whole post was based on how stupid this whole thing is. The OP and the serious rebutles.

Honestly. I think if I were to start a random thread like this, I would share my thoughts as to why Shanny should grow a mustache.

Hells yeah!!! I was just thinking the same thing!!! Should he go pencil-thin or all-in for the Tom Selleck?

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I like Rick Dempsey as my example but that would set off VA fans about how he played for the Os, which would bring up Md, who aren't fans of the skins...blah blah blah.

I think Tom Selleck, it fits his coaching style. I would say Zorn would have been good pencil thin.

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Because we don't go "OOOOOOOOO" during the national anthem.

we're not in ****ing baltimore!

No, in all seriousness, there's no more "superior" Redskin fans. Virginia fans may latch onto the skins tightly because its all we have where as Maryland fans have two potential teams with regards to the Skins and the Ravens.

Same thing with baseball as well to a point. Maryland has the O's, Virginia's got.........

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A Virginian saying that the Redskins are Virginia's team has nothing to with claiming the team for just Virginia. The Redskins have always been considered Virginia's team that doesn't mean that it isn't the team of Maryland or Delaware or D.C.. The Redskins because of their original location, after they moved from Boston, is the only team in the NFL that I know of that has several states that consider them to be their home team. You are correct the Redskins are the team of DMV or you could say that the Redskins are the team of the Mid-Atlantic Region. But it isn't asinine for a Virginian to say that the Redskins are VA's team. I find it much more asinine when a DMV native is a Cowboy's fan. I constantly tell Cowboys, Eagles, Giants, & now bandwagon Steelers' fans that they are in Redskins' country & I live in Virginia.

That is asinine because a VA person saying Redskins is VA's team is saying it is not MD/DC's team....It is VA's. Someone can say something dumb like VA belongs only to the Redskins and MD belongs to the Redskins/Ravens so we are on the fence. Kinda like how this guy said it...

VA only has one NFL team...Skins. MD has two. So Redskins are Virginia's team. Redskins/Ravens are Marylands team. For any other questions view my username.:D

On a side note all Skins fans are good. HAIL.

Is it an inferiority complex similar to B-more...idk. I just know that anyone with sense knows Redskins belongs to the DC metropolitan area and the whole DMV or Mid-Atlantic region.

How can someone say P.G. County is Redskins/Ravens territory when I see Redskins flags everywhere I go and I can see the stadium from my house. It is DMV's team and anyone who thinks differently doesn't think very much.

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Southern Marylander's don't consider the Ravens an option. To most people in Southern Maryland, Baltimore is like a whole other world.

and Baltimore/Bmore Co. are like the sister to Philadelphia. I don't even consider them to be apart of MD. Bmore and DC area ppl are so different it's not even funny. We have different cultures. Whoever intertwines Baltimore and DC area ppl do not know about either. B-more is much more like Philly. We need to just kick them out of MD and put them in Pennsylvania.

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Southern Marylander's don't consider the Ravens an option. To most people in Southern Maryland, Baltimore is like a whole other world.

Absolutely correct.

There is Baltimore and points north, aka "Who the **** cares?" part of Maryland. Then there is the important section. Those of us in the south.

To me the central area of "Redskins Country" is MoCo, DC and No VA.

That is the hardcore center of Redskins Universe.

That doesn't make us better fans though. Not sure I've ever met or heard an "elitist" Redskin fan.

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Southern Marylander's don't consider the Ravens an option. To most people in Southern Maryland, Baltimore is like a whole other world.

Pretty much. Anyone that tries to blend D.C. culture and Baltimore culture doesn't know a damn thing about either. Just because they're close in proximity doesn't mean they're close in any other way.

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Urban Dictionary definition:

2. jackwagon

a crybaby loser p****-type who needs to grow some cajones and start acting like a man

Billy: "Dude, I can't get Ronnie to play tackle football with us 'cause he's too afraid of getting hit."

Jimmy: "It doesn't surprise me, he's always been a ****in' jackwagon anyway."

edit: I can't leave out definition #5:

5. jackwagon

(V). having sex with someone who is 50 years your younger/elder

Bros, Willie totally got jackwagoned by Smitty's grandma after she roofied his 4 loco


wait.. huh?

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