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Glenn Beck is really, really upset about the jihadist horror that is going down in Egypt...


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I really don't think you guys get why people get so bent about them.

It's not because they're conservatives to bash.

It's because they're liars who manipulate people.


And because they're liars who manipulate people who have huge followings.

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I think I need to clarify my first post. When I said "in before liberal media bashing", I did not mean "liberal media that unfairly bashes righties". I meant the typical ES suspects who derail threads questioning Fox News propaganda by pulling out "WELL the left does it too!" card.

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I really don't think you guys get why people get so bent about them.

It's not because they're conservatives to bash.

It's because they're liars who manipulate people.

And it's a damn shame that people pointing out liars and manipulators and actual real subverters of our system because of it.. is boring and trivial.


You're calling Sarah Palin a manipulator, as well ? From the looks of 99.9% of the comments about her, one could conclude that everyone believes she's just too dumb to be able to manipulate anyone.

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You're calling Sarah Palin a manipulator, as well ? From the looks of 99.9% of the comments about her, one could conclude that everyone believes she's just too dumb to be able to manipulate anyone.

Yes Mick, she's a manipulator. You don't have to be smart to lead cheers and tell lies.

And I hate to break it to you, but there's no Santa Claus.


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And because they're liars who manipulate people who have huge followings.

Yeah liars like Shelia Jackson Lee (D) accusing the GOP of killing old people taking away their medicine and today saying that Congress is a clogged toilet because of the GOP.


But hey we are supposed to accept lies from left wing politicians because they never claimed to be truthful.

---------- Post added February-11th-2011 at 06:52 PM ----------

Yes Mick, she's a manipulator. You don't have to be smart to lead cheers and tell lies.

And I hate to break it to you, but there's no Santa Claus.


Yet the super smart who still flub with telestrators can get away with half truths and code words like investments

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Yeah liars like Shelia Jackson Lee (D) accusing the GOP of killing old people taking away their medicine and today saying that Congress is a clogged toilet because of the GOP.


But hey we are supposed to accept lies from left wing politicians because they never claimed to be truthful.

No, you're not supposed to accept lies.

I wish that would be understood.

No one should accept lies. And least of all because the other guy is a liar. You don't justify Glenn Beck because Sheila Jackson is a liar.

Do you know why they do it? Because when they do, they know that there will be a nice never-moving group who will defend them by pointing out someone else lied.

They should all be condemned, not waved off and excused for any reason.


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Yeah liars like Shelia Jackson Lee (D) accusing the GOP of killing old people taking away their medicine and today saying that Congress is a clogged toilet because of the GOP.


Boy howdy I shore was pissed when the Democrats put Sheila Jackson Lee in that vice presidential slot, a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Those Democrats are such extremists. :)

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Boy howdy I shore was pissed when the Democrats put Sheila Jackson Lee in that vice presidential slot, a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. :)

Heck if Obama is because of smoking not far from taking a dirt nap Biden had better look out that there isn't a laser sight from the secret service aimed his way. :)

yeah yeah and old liberal joke when dan quayle was VP

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Here's what I've been wondering: how many of you guys have actually looked at pictures and videos of the protests? I have. You know what I've noticed?

I've noticed a heterogeneous mix of people marching. Christians and Muslims (as well as atheists); men and women (including women not in burkas) ; educated and uneducated; conservatives and liberals. Hell, the de facto leader of this whole thing is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. I think it's as much of a joke as anyone else, but I assure you, the committee isn't going to give Osama Bin Laden one of those anytime soon.

It is a mix of people. Does anyone here, anyone at all who knows a thing about radical Islam, really and truly believe that there would a mix like the one we're seeing if this was spearheaded by a radical Muslim group? Anyone? I'm waiting.

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Here's what I've been wondering: how many of you guys have actually looked at pictures and videos of the protests? I have. You know what I've noticed?

I've noticed a heterogeneous mix of people marching. Christians and Muslims (as well as atheists); men and women (including women not in burkas) ; educated and uneducated; conservatives and liberals. Hell, the de facto leader of this whole thing is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. I think it's as much of a joke as anyone else, but I assure you, the committee isn't going to give Osama Bin Laden one of those anytime soon.

It is a mix of people. Does anyone here, anyone at all who knows a thing about radical Islam, really and truly believe that there would a mix like the one we're seeing if this was spearheaded by a radical Muslim group? Anyone? I'm waiting.


There you have it. These people have been organized! By teh jihadists! :silly:

More proof:

A couple thousand people in the streets out of nation of 80 million, and you expect me to believe this is not a Muslim Brotherhood “rent a mob”? Why was the messiah completely quiet when Iran really had a “give us freedom” movement in their streets, but now he wants to tell Egyptians how to run their country? I think most posters on FR can see through this MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD loving empty suit.

This is what you get out of the WH when you elect a "COMMUNITY AGITATOR" to the highest position in the country.

47 posted on Fri Feb 11 2011 10:40:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Cheerio (Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)


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Yes Mick, she's a manipulator. You don't have to be smart to lead cheers and tell lies.

And I hate to break it to you, but there's no Santa Claus.


"Leading cheers and telling lies" is not synonymous with being a manipulator.

Again, you cannot be "dumb" and be a manipulator.

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I'm just amused he talks about Ferdinand and WWI like he knows anything. Ferdinand's assasination was the trigger for a powderkeg that existed for years in Europe. I don't see any equivalency here with Egypt. Sure, Israel probably should be a little nervous, and probably for good reason considering the hard line they are taking against Palestinians, but I doubt this is going to set off something big. I certainly don't see a fundamentalist regime rising up, not with the military in control. I don't see it being something the people want either. This isn't Iran.

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When I watch Glenn Beck I sometimes wish I was born without a conscience so I could take an easier road to riches. Intellectual crack dealing is almost too easy in the US. The audience keeps demanding simpler and less thought out loads of crap. Seriously, I miss the days when Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh controlled the supply of partisan nonsense. Their mind poison was so much more thoughtfully crafted and delivered.

I listen to Beck and all I hear is a ranting hobo.

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As far Beck goes, at one point, I thought it was all an act. I am not so sure anymore. The man is breaking down right in front of us. He really is unstable.

I agree with this. This clip is disturbing. I don't know if he's been legit the whole time or if he's played the schtick for so long and so hard now he has become it, but I'm starting to think he believes it.

You know, I work with a few hardcore...I'm not even sure what to call them, conservatives I guess. Big Rush, Levin and Hannity fans. I normally avoid them at all costs because they are incapable of talking about anything without making it political and finding a way to blame liberals and Obama for something. I got sucked in once when one of them called Jon Stewart a self-hating Jew because he changed his name from Lebowitz to Stewart. But that was the one time. There's just no point in having discussions with people like that.

Lately though I hear them talkiing more and more about Beck and it's getting harder and harder to stay out of it. Not because I'm mad or angry or annoyed. It's because I feel sorry for them and I feel like someone should say something. There is one guy in the group that I really like. He's part of the group but he'll have friendly conversations about politics with me when they're not around. Last week after hearing them talk about Beck I pulled him aside and basically begged him not to trust a single thing Glenn Beck says. I told him I wasn't telling him that as a liberal or political rival, but as a friend.

I genuinely feel sorry for Glenn Beck fans. He's got them so confused and scared. Its almost like intellectual domestic violence. And it's infuriating to think that a large (possibly vast majority) part of his audience is the elderly and he's basically taking advantage of them.

Legit or an act, it's flat out immoral at this point to keep him on the air. Bill Kristol has been right probably three times in his entire life, but he nailed it last week when he called Beck the modern day John Bircher-founder Robert Welch. Bravo to him for being the one prominent voice in todays conservative community to have the balls to do it.

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"Leading cheers and telling lies" is not synonymous with being a manipulator.

Again, you cannot be "dumb" and be a manipulator.

You've never been manipulated by a dumb hot chick? Never been tricked into doing things you didn't really want to do and got twisted around her finger?

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Joke post, right?


They moves his airtime to 8:00 p.m a couple of years ago so I haven't heard him that much recently. I can actually count the number of times I have listened to him on one hand over the past couple of years.

Savage is much more entertaining and provides a lot more shock value with his opinion. I think he nails some things spot on and is way off the deep end with others.

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Seriously, I miss the days when Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh controlled the supply of partisan nonsense. Their mind poison was so much more thoughtfully crafted and delivered.

Yeah, growing up my I remember my Dad used to love listening to Coulter and Limbaugh. He would sit there and just laugh at the nonsense they would say. But I never remember either of them being as misleading and deceiving as Glenn Beck, or at least their deception was masked by a decent amount of intellect

The deceit in Beck's words is so blatantly obvious that I just can't fathom that there are millions of people in this country who take him for his word. I cringe when I watch his videos not because of what he is saying, but because I know at that particular time someone is taking him for his word.

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