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Glenn Beck is really, really upset about the jihadist horror that is going down in Egypt...


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Dear Glenn Beck and all who believe his bull****,

At noon today, this was posted on HP.com

Today 12:04 PM Muslim Brotherhood Speaks Out

The Guardian flags this interesting statement from the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood ... are not seeking personal gains, so they announce they will not run for the presidency and will not seek to get a majority in the parliament and that they consider themselves servants of these decent people. We support and value the sound direction that the Higher Military Council is taking on the way to transfer power peacefully to create a civilian government in line with the will of the people.

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Dear Glenn Beck and all who believe his bull****,

At noon today, this was posted on HP.com

Today 12:04 PM Muslim Brotherhood Speaks Out

The Guardian flags this interesting statement from the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood ... are not seeking personal gains, so they announce they will not run for the presidency and will not seek to get a majority in the parliament and that they consider themselves servants of these decent people. We support and value the sound direction that the Higher Military Council is taking on the way to transfer power peacefully to create a civilian government in line with the will of the people.

The enigma that is Glenn Beck aside, I'm really happy to read this.

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Dear Glenn Beck and all who believe his bull****,

At noon today, this was posted on HP.com

Today 12:04 PM Muslim Brotherhood Speaks Out

The Guardian flags this interesting statement from the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood ... are not seeking personal gains, so they announce they will not run for the presidency and will not seek to get a majority in the parliament and that they consider themselves servants of these decent people. We support and value the sound direction that the Higher Military Council is taking on the way to transfer power peacefully to create a civilian government in line with the will of the people.

Well, there you go, Beck Zombies. Now please kindly shut the hell up.

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No, you're not supposed to accept lies.

I wish that would be understood.

No one should accept lies. And least of all because the other guy is a liar. You don't justify Glenn Beck because Sheila Jackson is a liar.

Do you know why they do it? Because when they do, they know that there will be a nice never-moving group who will defend them by pointing out someone else lied.

They should all be condemned, not waved off and excused for any reason.


You've been here way too long to bother trying to use logic and reason with ND.

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You've been here way too long to bother trying to use logic and reason with ND.

:ols: I've grown to believe that Dave isn't nearly as rigid as he likes to play. He's definitely a hardcore right winger,, and he's a pretty smart guy on top of it once he gets his bluster out.


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I think it would amusing to do a *Glenn Beck version of a sports-talker*. You could make up all sorts of fiction and absolutely lionize sports heros, build them up with mythology and false history. You could also embellish the stories of sports villians. It would be quite entertaining.

"Here's the truth about Carmelo Anthony... there are characters on the TV show "The Wire" that can be directly traced to Carmelo Anthony... "

"Let's examine the history of Ernie Grunfeld, and the teams he has built... do you think this GM deserves any more time in Washington DC?" (actually this could be somewhat entertaining and interesting).

Your enemy could be ESPN in all of their self-promotional glory.

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Did he spell "Change" as "Chang"?

BTW, he's a very bad actor and unbelievably fake.

---------- Post added February-13th-2011 at 11:46 AM ----------

Here's what I've been wondering: how many of you guys have actually looked at pictures and videos of the protests? I have. You know what I've noticed?

I've noticed a heterogeneous mix of people marching. Christians and Muslims (as well as atheists); men and women (including women not in burkas) ; educated and uneducated; conservatives and liberals. Hell, the de facto leader of this whole thing is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. I think it's as much of a joke as anyone else, but I assure you, the committee isn't going to give Osama Bin Laden one of those anytime soon.

How can you tell that they are Christians, Muslims, educated and uneducated just by seeing how they march?

Beck is a douchebag and needs to go away, Michael Savage FTW!!!!!

I don't understand that show at all. Savage doesn't even like his own callers (or at least he acts like it), yet people listen to him like he's looking out for them. A person can't even say "Hi, Michael how are you tonight?" without being yelled at. This guy doesn't even like you, but you're going to value his every word?

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