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Glenn Beck is really, really upset about the jihadist horror that is going down in Egypt...


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I know that the "making fun of Glenn Beck on the Tailgate" thing has gotten tired, but this clip from last night is truly, truly remarkable. The paranoia and fearmongering literally jumps off the screen. I especially like the "chicken feed" analogy at about 5 and half minutes in. It's all about the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim Brotherhood is all about killing YOU!!!!!!!!!

He comes right out and says that if the Egyptian people overthrow Mubarak, "You (the viewer) are DEAD!" (at the 8 minute mark or so - he tells his viewers that they are going to die because of this, over and over again.)


For whatever it's worth, Beck was finding a receptive audience in some places (other than twa, of course :silly: ).

"I agree tell Zero and the Muslim Brotherhood to go F themselves. Then send out the military and stop the riots.

And then we will see the left and Shep Smith cry like babies.

"Protestors, you are jamming up the Egyptian economy big time. Therefore, you have x hours to clear out or there’s gonna be trouble.

"Al-J Live reporting that a police station (not in Cairo) has been attacked by protesters with ‘small arms and an RPG’ and there have been deaths...just breaking.

Thanks, HolyO. Some of this blood is on your hands! >:-(

(Obama is HolyO)

"Oh and I am disgusted that only Glenn Beck on Fox is showing Code Stink and the other radical leftists who are BEHIND this!!! Bill O'Reilly is too obsessed with his interview we'll be hearing about that for the rest of the year, maybe we can have another "body language" session with a luffa.

The LEFT is behind this. It is the same as the flotilla it is all about destroying Israel and creating a caliphate.

"The Saudis apparantly are urging him to declare martial law.

He can legitimately say he "gave" but got nothing from the snot nosed kids in the streets demanding even moe.

"Our stupid Lefty Media Dupes think this is the Egyptian Woodstock.

"No prediction, but Obma is moving heaven and earth to get Mubarak to resign and is showing that he will inflame the masses and see Egypt burn if he doesn't get his way. Quick transition with the inclusion of “non-secular” players translates into the Muslim Brotherhood in the government.

"A couple thousand people in the streets out of nation of 80 million, and you expect me to believe this is not a Muslim Brotherhood “rent a mob”? Why was the messiah completely quiet when Iran really had a “give us freedom” movement in their streets, but now he wants to tell Egyptians how to run their country? I think most posters on FR can see through this MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD loving empty suit. This is what you get out of the WH when you elect a "COMMUNITY AGITATOR" to the highest position in the country.

"[Mubarak is Dying.] This little factoid... explains a lot of where Mubarak is coming from. He wants to finish his term in office thru September, to fulfill his legacy and wants to die on Egyptian soil. He is a patriot and nationalist in spite of being a dictator. He is a proud military man. Those military that surround him know he is dying and are trying to fulfill his wishes, protect his reputation as a military man, and let him die with dignity. Obama and his minions know this too, yet they totally pulled the rug out from under this important ally of the U.S. Obama is one cold **** with no spine. I wonder how much of the general population of Egypt knows Mubarak is dying.

"I think the real question is whether the Army would support martial law. I think its getting more likely Egypt will suffer a complete breakdown as this drags on. Good job BO. Nobody will ever trust the USA again.

"Mubarak and his government will refuse. They have their dignity and pride, and they are intent on complying with the consitution. If President leaves, their constition is void, by the way it is written. That is one of the reasons for his staying, even if he doesn’t assume power. The foreign minister just said yesterday about Obama’s rush, now, immediately statements ‘Boy, go along and play somewhere else.’

"Oh, Obama doesn’t give a hoot about the small details of a constitution. But, the Egyptian government does and it’s making Obama look like a doofus, again.

"The barbarians are cheering, did they bring a flock of donkeys and camels to fornicate with?

"AP says he stepped down. WW3 here we come...



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How can people watch an entire hour of this show every night? I watched ten minutes and I'm having a psychic meltdown.

I love how he says this Egyptian "revolution" will end in bloodshed like the French revolution. Unlike the American revolution, of course, where no blood was ever shed by anyone.

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You didn't think this was worth posting? Three million people watch this guy every day. :whoknows:

Three million morons.

---------- Post added February-11th-2011 at 12:24 PM ----------

How can people watch an entire hour of this show every night? I watched ten minutes and I'm having a psychic meltdown.

I love how he says this Egyptian "revolution" will end in bloodshed like the French revolution. Unlike the American revolution, of course, where no blood was ever shed by anyone.


Glenn Beck is dumber than Snooki. And that is saying something.:ols:

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This might be my favorite quote from free republic:

"[Mubarak is Dying.] This little factoid... explains a lot of where Mubarak is coming from. He wants to finish his term in office thru September, to fulfill his legacy and wants to die on Egyptian soil. He is a patriot and nationalist in spite of being a dictator. He is a proud military man. Those military that surround him know he is dying and are trying to fulfill his wishes, protect his reputation as a military man, and let him die with dignity. Obama and his minions know this too, yet they totally pulled the rug out from under this important ally of the U.S. Obama is one cold **** with no spine. I wonder how much of the general population of Egypt knows Mubarak is dying.

Fantastic analysis from your couch while millions of people fight for their freedom. The guy just wants to die for ****s sake. :ols::ols:

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Before his defenders come in the thread, let me remind everyone (his supporters especially) included:

Beck is not a journalist. I highly doubt he has any contacts in Cairo or Alexandria, and he doesn't have background in journalism. He's just a guy who talks about what he (or what the network wants him to think) about certain issues. He's no different than any of us (apart from that big, stupid blackboard) except he gets to go on TV and say it in front of millions, whereas we only get to say it in front of our friends and family.

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I know that the "making fun of Glenn Beck on the Tailgate" thing has gotten tired, but this clip from last night is truly, truly remarkable. The paranoia and fearmongering literally jumps off the screen. :ols:
In before liberal media bashing.

Glenn Beck is an idiot and listening to him speak makes me uncomfortable.

More like the thread is just an alternating rotation between the "Breaking News : Sarah Palin is an idiot" to the "Breaking News : Glenn Beck is an idiot"......Today is simply Beck's turn, and neither of these "breaking newseses" will ever truly become tiring to the ES Tailgate.

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More like the thread is just an alternating rotation between the "Breaking News : Sarah Palin is an idiot" to the "Breaking News : Glenn Beck is an idiot"......Today is simply Beck's turn, and neither of these "breaking newseses" will ever truly become tiring to the ES Tailgate.

I really don't think you guys get why people get so bent about them.

It's not because they're conservatives to bash.

It's because they're liars who manipulate people.

And it's a damn shame that people pointing out liars and manipulators and actual real subverters of our system because of it.. is boring and trivial.


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