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Troy Aikman is biased against the Skins (MET)


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Aikman does a great job. I really don't know why everyone thinks he is biased. If anything, especially in seasons past, he has seemed biased for the Redskins. He is usually very complementary of the Skin's players. I became a fan of the broadcast Aikman a couple of years back because of the great job was doing with the Skins games he was assigned to.

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I hate seeing Aikman on skins games. He's always on Dallas games, like, they don't even try to hide it. Dallas is on a bye, so he's gotta call the skins game I guess. Perhaps they want some of that bias for interesting commentary.

With that said...I didn't notice him being biased at all. All I can remember is actually being surprised at how he was praising one of our players. I think it was Portis.

You wanna talk biased, that Jim Mora ******* calling the Rams game was unbelievable. I really think he should be fined or fired for the way he acted during that game. He literally cheered out loud like a fan when McNabb was about to be sacked. UN-****ING-BELIEVABLE.

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Anytime I hear someone on this board (not picking on the OP in general) complaining that "(insert mediot personality here) hates us and so on and so forth" this is all I imagine now.


Do you seriously not think Buck is in the tank for the pukes?

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I mean, not a bad post, but your title should indicate that it's your overall thoughts, not just your (inaccurate, as he's the best commentator in the game) view on Troy Aikman.

I also don't see the obsession over our bad safeties. People were clamoring for Moore to return so that he could . . . miss a ridiculous number of tackles? Now we want Horton back so that he can do what? Nothing?

I agree with all of this. Aikman is the best commentator in the game. I started out biased against him, but he is one of 2 former players I actually respect. the others are seriously just idiots.

And our free safety spot is terrible, have thought so all along. moore is not special, horton is not a free safety.

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He certainly knows the game, and he is very accomplished at criticizing the Redskins. He is also a first-rate apologist for whatever team the Redskins might be playing at the time.

My homer bias is freely acknowledged, but last night he was particularly bad...

On par with Mora in St. Louis...

BTW, did anyone hear Mora yell "We got it!" right before the McNabb INT in the St. Louis game. No class.

As for Aikman, he is the best commentator that is on fox. Although that's not saying much.

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I watched the whole game and didn't think he had an anti-skins bias. Sure there was the discussion about the penalty, but you all know that had the roles been reversed we would be *****in and moaning about the call. The rest of the game he talked about two main things - the Skins running game, and Kolb's faults....

Many need a commentator who tells them how great the Redskins are for an entire 3 hours of TV time, Aikmen has always been more than fair with us, and a top flight commentator regardless of who he's covering!

Here's an Aikmen bias, he noted how McNabb running out of bounds after he ran for a 1st down was pretty stupid to say the least, and that play will for the most part sum it up for us with what we have in McNabb, in the middle of the play this moron has to point 1st down with his finger once he realizes he had the 1st, he has the frame of mind to show off and attempt to rub Phillies nose in what would have seemed to be a game ending play, but because of his stupidity he runs out of bounds instead of sliding in bounds allowing the Eagles to save a timeout, and if it weren't for a dropped ball by Avant on the last play that little antic would have cost us the game, and that is McNabb in a nutshell, and why he is no longer in Philli.

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