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Troy Aikman is biased against the Skins (MET)


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D'angelo Hall makes a 1-handed interception, and then returns it for 92 yards to the house touchdown.

and after all that, what does Troy talk about with a slow-motion replay?? HE LOOKS AT HALL'S ENDZONE CELEBRATION AND SAYS HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY IT WASN'T A PENALTY.

"and d'angelo goes down on a knee and points to the sky. the rulebook says you can point to the sky, but with Dangelo down on both knees, i can't understand why that wasn't a penalty."


LOL...I know, right?

I was wishing Lavar would sack him in the booth at that point....

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I thought he was picking on Hall regarding the so called TD celebration by Hall

I also think he might've given #23 some praise for that 4th INT. He remarked about how we have dropped INTs in the past, but he avoided mentioning the outstanding job Hall did in this particular game. He hates us. ;)

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1. What Aikman said about the celebration has nothing to do with him being biased. It was simply his opinion.


I get your point. But the point I'm trying to make is that, after a one-handed interception returned 92 yards for a touchdown...and during the "slow motion replay," they chose to focus on his post-play touchdown celebration??

maybe I'm looking for something that isn't there, i don't know...

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I usaully like the guy but today he was pathetic. When he stated about DHalls celebration he said its ok to get on a knee and point to the sky.......well thats what he did. I loved it when he said to take a shot deep on D Hall over and over, then they did, and Hall had INT#4.

Today he had a knack for being negative against the skins and positive with his commentary toward the Bears.

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With Hall sitting on three picks Aikman actually said "I don't know why the Bears haven't taken a shot deep against DeAngelo Hall."

I'll tell you why Troy, b/c he has three ******* picks?!?!?! One for a 92 ******* yard TD and the difference in the game?!?!

Two plays later Cutler throws deep and Hall gets his fourth. Troy? Where are you Troy? Some props for Hall please? No? **** *** Troy. **** *** to infinity Troy.

Can you imagine if Terence Newman had done what Hall did today? Would he have talked about anything else?

This guy is just brutal to listen to for three hours, all he does is criticize, both teams, ad nauseum in his droning drawl, it's absolutely ******* agonizing.


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I don't necessarily agree that he is biased against the skins, I just think he's an idiot. I saw comments about the stupid comment about #23 end zone display. Also heard today, Tom: The Bears had a total of -1 yards in the first quarter. Troy: That has to get better.

No...really Troy?

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With Hall sitting on three picks Aikman actually said "I don't know why the Bears haven't taken a shot deep against DeAngelo Hall."

I'll tell you why Troy, b/c he has three ******* picks?!?!?! One for a 92 ******* yard TD and the difference in the game?!?!

Two plays later Cutler throws deep and Hall gets his fourth. Troy? Where are you Troy? Some props for Hall please? No? **** *** Troy. **** *** to infinity Troy.

Can you imagine if Terence Newman had done what Hall did today? Would he have talked about anything else?

This guy is just brutal to listen to for three hours, all he does is criticize, both teams, ad nauseum in his droning drawl, it's absolutely ******* agonizing.



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With Hall sitting on three picks Aikman actually said "I don't know why the Bears haven't taken a shot deep against DeAngelo Hall."

I'll tell you why Troy, b/c he has three ******* picks?!?!?! One for a 92 ******* yard TD and the difference in the game?!?!

Two plays later Cutler throws deep and Hall gets his fourth. Troy? Where are you Troy? Some props for Hall please? No? **** *** Troy. **** *** to infinity Troy.

Can you imagine if Terence Newman had done what Hall did today? Would he have talked about anything else?

This guy is just brutal to listen to for three hours, all he does is criticize, both teams, ad nauseum in his droning drawl, it's absolutely ******* agonizing.


Completely and totally agree.

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If you don't wanna hear anything negative about our team, listen to Larry, Sonny, and Sam. If you can take honest commentating continue watching Troy. The guy calls every game right down the middle.

Honest? Right down the middle? Bull ****, he's always taking shots at the Skins, even when we make a good play he finds something negative or criticizes the other team rather than giving props to the Skins

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Aikman is a great commentator. I wouldn't want to watch anyone else besides him. Aikman gives credit where it's due. You guys are a bunch of babies whining about this. Our offense was absolutely pathetic today, what did you want him to say?

He most definitely does not give credit where credit is due. I'll repeat what I just said, when the Skins make a play or do something good, he ALWAYS criticizes the other team rather than giving the Skins props. So no he does not give credit where credit is due

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