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Troy Aikman is biased against the Skins (MET)


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So what if he is.

He's a Cowboy.

As a jock football player I would be disappointed in him if he didn't make a few sly covert slap downs at the 'Skins here and there.

As long as it isn't blatant balls out type stuff, which it isn't, let him let his flag fly every now and then.

I wouldn't like to hear Riggins or Green doing a lovey dovey Cowboys dance.

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He's generally been the most standup commentator in the game.

Until recently.

Now he seems to regularly trash the Skins in situations that don't call for it. I don't mind him giving the Redskins **** when they mess up, but often times he'll justify penalties that shouldn't have been called against the Skins, or try to downplay any contraversial calls on teh Skins.

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Can we get another shot of Clay Mathews on the sideline? They brought up the injuries for the Packers over and over and over and over.... How many times did they mention Brown being out. Then they started giggling when Heyer got in the game. Then there's the lets count the Redskins coaches bull crap. And whoever counts Robiske deserves a kick in the...

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i personally think he is 100% correct on Troy. Come on dude, he blamed the refs for reid's incompetence! thats freaking ridiculous. His biased anti-redskins **** is freaking annoying. he never gives us credit, its always either the other team let us do it or it was us getting a break. God forbid he admits the skins have skill.

WGsAF!! He knows the game and by and large I respect him.

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the entire game aikman talked about us like we were the scrubs of the NFL

the packers didnt let us stick around OUR ****ING DEFENSE PLAYED A GREAT BALL GAME JUST LIKE LAST WEEK

Aikman DOES NOT like the skins but honestly i'm ok with it because if i was a broadcaster i'd be biased against the cowboys


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the entire game aikman talked about us like we were the scrubs of the NFL

the packers didnt let us stick around OUR ****ING DEFENSE PLAYED A GREAT BALL GAME JUST LIKE LAST WEEK

Aikman DOES NOT like the skins but honestly i'm ok with it because if i was a broadcaster i'd be biased against the cowboys


I hate dallas with all my heart, but you are high. the pack outplayed us today and we still won. orakpo>matthews? really? matthews got hurt. maybe you forgot his 2 sacks in the 2nd? or were you blind. Aikman is, aside from tom jackson, the only former player with any sort of intelligence. the rest are stereotypical morons who clearly got by because "they play the football gooooooood". he will be a good commentator for another 5 years, till the concussions cause dementia. steve young already has that going on. get over it, buck and aikman are the best commentators. if they were older they would have the sunday night game every time.

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Joe Buck is more biased against us than Aikman.

Absolutely agree. Buck acts like the Skins don't even belong on the same field as the team they're playing against. He revels when they're struggling to do anything. When he does Puke games, his pro Dall@ss bias clearly shows and it's going to show again when the Skins go down there next to play in that new monstrosity next month.

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I don't think they outplayed us totally, our defense stepped up big time in the second half holding them to minimal scoring

I think the defense played well from the 2nd quarter on. At some point, I think they had a stat that said the Packers had like 7 yards in the second quarter? I could be wrong. It could have been 7 yards passing. Does anyone remember?

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I can deal with some ribbing here and there but he and Joe Buck were horrible today. They took every opportunity to blast the skins and the organization.

It got to the point of just making him look bad. He really embarrassed himself today.

Yeah, the stuff about the head coaches since Norv was really unnecessary. With the Skins winning though, it's a refreshing :stfu: until we see them again.

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Guys, just because a commentator says negative things about YOUR favorite team doesn't mean he's biased. You probably don't pick up on it during other broadcasts, but Aikman can be very critical of a lot of teams. I've heard him rip into the Cowboys multiple times. I follow this sort of stuff, and I'd like to think I know a little bit about it.

It's not easy calling a football game from the booth. Trust me, I've done it for a while now. Keeping things 100% neutral just isn't going to happen.

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Last week he was all over the officials for poor calls that had positive results for the Skins. Today when Woodson made a nice open field tackle before the ball arrived there was no flag. According to Aikmen this was just a great player getting a no call because that's how it is in the NFL.

As for Joe Schmuck, I think he is just saying whatever Troy wants to hear in hopes of taking their bromance to the next level.



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