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We Should Have Lost


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Skins won despite not having their starting left tackle, and losing their starting running back. I believe they took no chances. Eagles live and die by the turnover. They live and die by the big play. They had one interception (deep in their own territory) and no big plays. They couldn't handle the grinding game. Skins won it in the trenches, on the road, in a hostile stadium. That's HUUUUGE! Go Skins!

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Skins won despite not having their starting left tackle, and losing their starting running back. I believe they took no chances. Eagles live and die by the turnover. They live and die by the big play. They had one interception (deep in their own territory) and no big plays. They couldn't handle the grinding game. Skins won it in the trenches, on the road, in a hostile stadium. That's HUUUUGE! Go Skins!

If Andy Reid really still wants to "live and die by the big play", he wouldn't have traded McNabb to go with Kolb.

Because there's no way he knew Vick would be as effective as he was for 2-3 games.

My take on them going with Kolb? They wanted to get more consistent on offense, focusing on the short-intermediate, accurate passing game and finally learning how to run.

Of course, that's failed, so far :ols:

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Yeah, we won and I am glad but we did not deserve it. So far the Redskins

script is: Play hard and well the first half...shut down and hide our heads up

our arse the whole second half.

Tired of hearing CRAP like this. In the NFL, the better team on the day wins the game, period.

Today, the Skins were the better team, PERIOD. Go back to your hole!!!!

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Yeah, we won and I am glad but we did not deserve it. So far the Redskins

script is: Play hard and well the first half...shut down and hide our heads up

our arse the whole second half.

No, I disagree. The Redskins played well the entire game and never surrendered the lead. They played extremeky hard. Personally, I didn't like the fact that they didn't score any second half points, but they played well enough to win this game.

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OP are you friken serious?! Don't deserve the win? Why? Because we didn't throw it down the field at will? Seriously? People complain when we lose. Everyone thought we would lose, but we win. And now you're saying we didn't win pretty enough for you?
My thoughts exactly BCS, sometimes you just have to say wtf. HTTR.
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I agree. im tired of how this team gets a lead and then plays not to lose. the elite teams do not do this they go for the kill.

The elite team's huh?? Like the Indianapolis Colts who lost to Jacksonville today?? Or like the Patriots who barely beat the winl-ess Bills last week? Like the Bengals who lost to the Browns today? Pahleez!

This is the NFL.. Wins dont come often and NO TEAM can dictate how they win. A win is never ugly!

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It goes both ways.

If Armstrong doesn't fall down, or if Heyer doesn't hold later when it's 1st and goal, that drive is a TD, which gives us four more points.

If McNabb doesn't throw a pick, that drive could have led to a FG.

Mistakes were made on both sides. At the end of the day we did enough to win.

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I see the OP's point. I mean, we didn't score in the 2nd half, and we couldn't close out the game on O. Heyer probably killed our final drive with his false start. And then our D let the Eagles march down the field on us TWICE. We are very fortunate that the receiver juggled the ball on that last play--the ball hit him right in the hands. It looked like the Houston game all over again to me.

I'm glad we won, but it's hard to feel good about it. I just hope we keep getting better and that CP can stay healthy.

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Guest Spearfeather

The Redskins deserved to win this one. Got the lead early and held it. Made it a nail - biter as usual, but all that matters is that W.

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Does anyone watch the rest of the NFL? You know how many games are close? Why is it that when it comes to the Redskins everyone talks about how we should have lost. Btw I have a question...is anyone still talking about that Bears-Lions game from week 1? Nope...all anyone remembered was they were 3-0 until tonight

And do you think anyone's gonna care that we should have won the game with the Texans? Nope...to everyone else we were the same ol Skins and we choked.

We can talk all we want right now...but in the end all anyone focuses on is our winning record. We were 4-12 last year...I'm sure there were plenty "almost" games but do you think anyone cares? Nope...we were a 4-12 team. This year...we could rack up some more wins

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What should have happened always happens. What you expect to happen or what you believe was deserving or fitting to happen doesn't always happen. We should have won this game because we put up more points than the other team. Did we deserve to win the game? Thats slightly more debatable since almost all the time the deserving team wins the game, and you would expect a team that led for 4 quarters and scored more touchdowns than the opposition deserved to win but some people have crazy ideas.

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This is an indication of how HORRIBLE Kolb is.

Be happy we that we CLEARLY got the better of that trade.

just got back to DC from the game.

Kolb is the new Jason Campbell. He literally refused to go anywhere with the ball, checked down all day, was indecisive, held the ball too long, and only scored when the game was almost out of reach. it was painful to see it from the other side today. the radio up there was not pleased with his performance one iota.

surprisingly, they were giving the most props to haynesworth. i couldnt really tell from being there, but supposedly he was the key factor in shutting down their run and flushing kolb out a lot. thats a good sign if true.

we won this game inside and out. there were multiple plays that we left on the field that were nails in that coffin, so for all the "the eagles were this close" we were way closer multiple times.

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This is the NFL any wins a good won and you have to look at it this way we won in Philly which is really hard to do. We led the entire game Philly never once had a lead. We won with Stephon Heyer as are starting left tackle. We only gave up 12 points to a team scoring 30+ every week and lastly NOBODY PICKED US TO WIN.

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Yeah, we won and I am glad but we did not deserve it. So far the Redskins

script is: Play hard and well the first half...shut down and hide our heads up

our arse the whole second half.

that has been what we have done since Joe Gibbs 2.0, not sure why it surprises you now

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ravens vs. steelers is about a team that was supposed to be perfect this year by matching their defense with an explosive offense they dumped a ton into this year and a team that everyone said would be terrible for 4 weeks before they knew their stand in qb would go on IR and they would go with their 3rd stringer.

what i was pointing out is you have to take a win as a win. indy would rather have a win then a valiant loss.

lol what? i don't care how good your offense is, when you play the ravens (or the steelers) it's going to (more often than not) be a tight, low scoring game.

there two of the best defenses in the league, and they're at least in conversation for all time best.

how does that not make sense to you?

you're so stuck on wanting to see what's not there.

this is a team that has been weakened by years of mismanagement. it's the oldest team in the nfl and it shows. we played the youngest team in the nfl and they played better late in the game. WOW, alert the presses. oldest team in league slows down and tires out while youngest team still has something left in the tank.

there's a difference between being a realist and being "ok with mediocrity"

but your lack of understanding and continual asshattery can't separate the two.

there's a great thread about this:

before the season started would you have been happy with 2-2?

well would you?

i agree that DECADES of mismanagement has created a mess that will take a long time to clean up. I hope snyder, and the fans, have the guts to stick it out if this season (and maybe next) don't go as planned.

2-2 is fine, top of the division is great, but you're letting that cloud your judgement on what the rest of us are talking about. i still cannot believe that you can't get your head around it. it's not a terribly hard concept to grasp.

the redskins should have thumped the eagles. they should have thumped the texans too. but they didn't. they gave up after half time, and let the team back into the game. it cost them in week 2, and it almost cost them in week 4. it's incredibly frustrating to see the potential this team has in quarters 1 and 2, be completely washed out by a team that goes 3 and out and can't run any time off the click in quarters 3 and 4.

I'm not complaining about the win. I'm simply pointing out that playing the whole 60 minutes is on the list of 'little things' every team has to do, to allows the 'big things' to take care of themselves. It's on there with not committing penalties, and not turning the ball over. I'd like to point out they've been doing great in the last two categories, somethign I firmly beleive is a result of good coaching.

It's a fundamental of the game, and of a team. And when you play the way the redskins do, you lose games you shouldn't. It's very upsetting, and realistically there's no excuse for this team to not be 3-1 or even 4-0 if they could have started right against the rams. But they're 2-2, and were extremely close to 1-3, because they can't finish out a game.

You're arguments are full of falacies. When you stop attacking me, and start trying to attack the actual argument, you'll realize what i'm saying.

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