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Is Lavar feeling himself or is he giving hints on how to beat the Colts (Hard Hits bi-polarism)


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Bye, Larry Johnson. Hello, questions.

Well, Larry Johnson's stay in Washington was short-lived. Johnson was brought in this past offseason by Bruce Allen and Mike Shanahan, one of three former Pro Bowl running backs expected to lead an offensive juggernaut. First, Fast Willie Parker got the proverbial ax, on final cuts day. And now he's joined on the scrap heap by Johnson.

Now keep in mind, I don't have any problem with a team working to get better, I really don't. But I do have a problem when a team cuts a guy two games into the season, saying he doesn't fit your scheme. I'm confused, because all offseason and throughout training camp people at Redskins Park were gushing about how these Pro Bowl backs were looking in practice. We heard numerous interviews about how they planned on using the three-headed monster. So my question is, where did all the excitement go?

Johnson touched the ball all of five times before the Redskins decided he didn't fit the scheme? Again I'm confused because after you release Johnson you bring in a guy who was cut by the Bills? Hold on a minute: You cut Larry Johnson after five carries for Chad Simpson, who was cut by one of the worst teams in the NFL? It was said that Simpson was a special teams contributor in Buffalo. I'm sure he was, before he got cut at the end of preseason.

Look, I'm trying to understand how all these so-called football geniuses weren't able to see that he didn't fit before now, that's all. I have a very difficult time believing that five carries over two games were enough to conclude that Mr Johnson didn't fit in the scheme.

Shanahan doesn't talk about anything to the media, so we are left to speculate about every decision made. This move makes me wonder if we really brought in the engineer of those Super Bowls in Denver or another ticket-seller like Steve Spurier or, you guessed it, Joe Gibbs his second time around? I'm just asking, does this guy still have it or is he just another on a long list of coaches who came back to make a couple dollars and position his son to be a head coach?

Let's see: Spurrier, yes, brought his son, Marty, yes, brought his son and his brother, and, yes, Gibbs brought his son. None brought any type of championship to D.C. (I know Gibbs did his first time around.) So what really makes Shanahan any different?

Now I'm in questioning mode. I question the handling of Haynesworth, I question the handling of Malcolm Kelly's injury. Maybe we really need to stop attacking DeAngelo Hall long enough to hear what he was saying when he spoke up in defense of his teammates.

One thing's for certain for me, neither Allen nor Shanahan is explaining the method and, if I recall correctly, Shanahan was "fired" in Denver. It feels like a scene out of "The Usual Suspects," only I'm not really sure who Kaiser Soze is. Five carries, people! Announcements on game day that a guy is inactive because of his ankle, but he's walking around just fine and practicing? Please help me understand.


I used to think that his vendetta against the organization was something of great reasons. But, now I'm just convinced that this duke was and is still Overrated. Everything about him that is from his play on the football field to him now dragging the Post through mud... not to say it hasn't gone that route over the years.

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It looks like they didn't place much emphasis on teaching writing skills at Penn State. While there is certainly some truth to what LaVar is saying, the tone is a bit much in my opinion. The coaching staff is not perfect. They though LJ had something left in the tank but came to the conclusion that he did not. At least they owned up to their oversight and cut him now instead of sitting on it out of pride for the entire season. Big deal. If they pound St. Louis this weekend nobody is even discussing this a week from now.

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Bad article by Lavar.

Larry looked bad in preseason and looked even worse in the regular season. His pass blocking has been absolutely atrocious and he doesn't play special teams. Any neutral observer would wonder why he even lasted this long.

How does Lavar think cutting LJ for a guy who's younger, faster, cheaper, more full of potential and a solid special teams contributor is a bad thing?

I was hoping we would do this during preseason cuts.

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Lavar writing for the washington post...its official, the guy crossed over to the dark side.

The Washington Post aka The Redskin haters Gazette

lavar signing his name to an article in the washington post, is more like it. i doubt lavar actually authored that piece all by his lonesome.

he is bitter and cant comprehend what is going on right now. can we blame him?

of course he doesnt get the AH situation, our current D requires people to be where theyre supposed to be NOT freelancing....like lavar did.

our head coach is where the buck stops for the players, no more going around the chain of command......lavar never had that.

lavars show is on the non-official station and therefore, by definition, must create controversy where there is none, or very little. Shanahan doesnt like that ****.

lavar now "writes" for the washington post.....enough said on that one.

finding himself more and more irrelevant to Redskins fans and less welcome by the organization lavar has chosen to bask in appealing to the ever disgruntled segment of the fanbase. under the guise of "keeping it real" he really is just keeping it negative, even when there is no real IT to KEEP.

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It looks like they didn't place much emphasis on teaching writing skills at Penn State. While there is certainly some truth to what LaVar is saying, the tone is a bit much in my opinion. The coaching staff is not perfect. They though LJ had something left in the tank but came to the conclusion that he did not. At least they owned up to their oversight and cut him now instead of sitting on it out of pride for the entire season. Big deal. If they pound St. Louis this weekend nobody is even discussing this a week from now.

slow down mr. wizard, we at pennsylvania state university have excellent writing skills. lol let's bash lavar the writer, not lavar the penn state alumnus. anyway, when i heard him on the radio yesterday sayin how things are worse than last year i thought "that's why people think you're a hater." this move may turn out to be good or bad, but nothing about it seems worse than last year at the moment. you have to be looking for something bad to say to come to that conclusion. also, is there a rule somewhere that says a coach has to be 100% open and honest with the media, and that he can never change his mind? So what if he said one thing during the offseason, and is doing something different now. it's just like andy reid saying kolb would be the starter last week, then naming vick the starter. either they meant what they said the first time, and changed their minds now, or they said something they didn't mean, and the truth is coming out now. i'm sure there is a good reason behind it if the latter situation is true.

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Yes, Simpson must be one of the worst RBs in the league if he can't beat out Marshawn Lynch, Fred Jackson, and CJ Spiller for a roster spot. I mean, if he can't make it as a RB how could he not beat out Spiller as the return man? I thought special teams was his "specialty." That should have been easy. *sarcasm*

LJ was not worth keeping around with nothing left in the tank. This way we at least get a guy who can contribute on special teams.

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Lavar misses the real point here: This is less about Johnson and more about Keliand Williams. Looking in hindsight, I think the only reason why Johnson made the team was because they weren't completely sold on Williams as being Portis' backup. This is a combination of Johnson being unimpressive and Williams picking up things and getting the confidence of the coaching staff.

Simpson is a guy they are taking a flyer on and evaluating, because he has to be on a 53 man roster to evaluate. It is hard to say if the guy will have any impact on this team at all, tho I expect he will be on the active roster playing STs this Sunday.

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LJ did exactly what Shanny brought him in for.

Pushed CP to get in the best possible shape during the off-season.

CP is playing as hard as he can, in the best shape that he can be in.

The sad thing is that it does not appear that he can get it done, hence the move to the young guys.

The new pick-up from Buff is simply smoke and mirrors, something that MS and BA are experts at.

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I kind of understand what he's saying in that he doesn't understand why they wouldn't have figured out his deficiencies in training camp and release him then and figure out who they want rather than two games into the season. But the fact is that they have been giving Williams several opportunities (at least as a third down back) and he's looked decent enough that they feel like we're not losing anything by cutting Johnson and moving Williams into his role. According to what they've seen, even if Williams plays no better than Johnson, they at least have the same thing but a player that can also play special teams plus another new running back that can play special teams.

Point to LaVar for questioning why the didn't cut Johnson earlier. Point to Allen/Shanahan for not sticking with their mistake and subtracting an older back who only plays 2nd string for a guy who can back up, play third downs and special teams and another guy who can do the same.

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The entire premise of his article is based on a false supposition. Put simply, he had to lie to prove his point. I hate when people do that. Lavar wrote:

But I do have a problem when a team cuts a guy two games into the season, saying he doesn't fit your scheme.

Where did they say that's why they cut him? In fact, the only thing that has come out about the reason they cut him is because they supposedly wanted a Special Teams guy in over him. If he's the guy that was on the bubble and just barely made the team, then he's obviously going to be the first guy to get cut once the team has someone else in mind.

Basically, after Lavar lied about what they said in regards to why they cut him, his entire article becomes pointless and his arguments are for naught. How stupid.

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Gotta take issue with some of the stuff LaVar wrote here.

First, as others have pointed out, there is a quantumn leap of difference between Kyle Shanahan and Coy Gibbs and et al. Shanahan the junior could have easily stayed in Houston if he wanted to and likely would have his choice of OC gigs if he were free to do so.

Second, I agree with others that the Johnson cutting is an indication that the coaches are more comfortable with Keiland Williams than they were at the end of preseason. I actually think the coaches and organization should be lauded and congratulated for the Johnson cutting. They could have let ego get in the way and kept Johnson on the roster because he was their signing. Instead, they quickly cut their losses and move on.

Good for them. No reason to compound a mistake by sticking with it.

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