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Is Lavar feeling himself or is he giving hints on how to beat the Colts (Hard Hits bi-polarism)


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Listening to Lavar talk about Larry Johnson is the same as listening to D. Hall talk about Vick. Perspective clouded by the fact they went to the same school - Penn State, right?

I totally forgot about that, but I don't think this is the case here. After listening to LaVar's rant a few minutes ago, he sounds like he's having flashbacks and trying to make this situation seem very similar to what he went through when Cerrato and his group did to him. Until given a reason to feel differently I trust this front office.

*The last caller (Coach) sounded like Antoine Dodson (Hide ya kids, hide yo wife)

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This is exactly LAs' point. They should've come to this decision during the preseason. Nobody cares that LJ was cut especially LA. The point is he never should've been signed but since he was he should've been cut during the preseason.


Thank you. It appears some folks have gone straight to attack the messanger. It's sad really.

LJ was never a good fit for this scheme. I'm not saying the sky is falling but this should have been addressed earlier. At this point our second string running back has never had an NFL carry.

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I don't understand what the big deal is about this article. I don't know why so many people are calling into his show right now to talk about it. I tuned in this afternoon to hear if there was any news on a potential trade for VJ and these callers are just talking about some stupid article that means nothing.

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I don't understand what the big deal is about this article. I don't know why so many people are calling into his show right now to talk about it. I tuned in this afternoon to hear if there was any news on a potential trade for VJ and these callers are just talking about some stupid article that means nothing.

And now you know why he wrote the article.

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Chad dukes is simply Lavars little fat puppet , The guy is an expert on krispy kreme not football..... They always find something to complain about like a 17 year old girl... lavar is so bitter .. I mean so bitter... He should go do Dallas radio.. and take that little mop head with him

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And now you know why he wrote the article.

Yeah but its really annoying. I mean there are some serious rumors flying around about VJ and they don't even bother having their Skins beat reporter or Jason Reid on for ONE SEGMENT to talk about them. They've been talking about LJ for the entire show. This show sucks.

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What is LA agenda? Did he really need to talk about LJ. Coaches and GM make mistakes. Shoot he made a bunch. LJ didn't work out, so? I am not a bog fan of Mike's but the man know offense. If he feels LJ does not fit his scheme, then so be it. Maybe they felt LJ could spell CP, but it's obvious he can't. And honestly I knew LJ was not a zone running back. He is a North-South runner with a little bit of wiggle.

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Well Lavar, I don't work for the Redskins, if you were to give a friend of mine a call, he would tell you that after Larry Johnson carried the ball for the 2nd time, I turned to him and said

if I could talk to the management or if I was in management, I would cut Larry Johnson after the game, not a day later but as soon as he stepped foot in the locker room...True Story...

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I listen to Lavar's show when there is break in Sport Talk 980... Man Lavar is the worst I have ever heard.... Chad kiss ass him and he jumps on people for small, illogical things... they bring up one topic like "Should we get Jacobs in trade?" Lavar on the other hand starts his sentences like he is a great radio person and his sentences keep winding on and on and on with no substance. By the time he finishes his sentences no one knows what was the topic he was talking about. ... He was talking about's Hall's comments the other day... He said it is nothing... Coach and Hall have good relationship and they know what he means... Later he talks about problems they must be having and AH might be the reason why Hall is so angry... TOTAL BS. Lavar is total NONSENSE... NO SUBSTANCE. HE IS MAKING HIS LIVING TALKING AGAINST SNYDER AND EVERYTHING SNYDER DOES>

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lavar is definitely getting worse. and dukes is just a kiss ass which is a shame. about the only thing worth listening to lavar about is his own in game experiences. all he does is sling the race card all over the place and its so tired and old.

i usually just listen now when 980 is on commercial break, although steve and andy need to STFU about golf and talk about football.

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Thank you. It appears some folks have gone straight to attack the messanger. It's sad really.

LJ was never a good fit for this scheme. I'm not saying the sky is falling but this should have been addressed earlier. At this point our second string running back has never had an NFL carry.

Jesus, do we need to list the players who have been added to the team this past offseason?

Starting QB, potential starting NT, starting DE, starting RT, 2nd string WR, backup QB, starting LT, maybe somene can add some others...

And we're worried about our 2nd string RB Larry Johnson. Sure, I'd rather have a younger, starting RB, but it's amazing how people forget we're in a rebuilding year, regardless of the coach speak from Shanahan saying "We want to win the Superbowl." It ain't happening. We'll look at RB's after this year, but for now we took a flyer on LJ hoping he would turn it on in a game, and he didn't. Not a huge deal. Our franchise won't come crumbling down as a result. Shanahan starting as the Redskins coach of a 4-12 team. We're going up. This isn't a 12-4 team he's screwing up. You have to expect some moves like this with the roster he was given.

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I like how he forgets to mention how stacked Buffalo is at RB and how LJ performed for the Redskins. I mean a decent journalist would at least mention why LJ deserves to stay based on some type of reason besides Redskins suck.

But an agenda boy (aka LaVar) will skew any and everything he can to make a point.

Larry might have done well in practice, but the moment he decided to reverse field and get tackled for a 10 yard loss deep in our end of the field, I saw the cut coming. He didn't really do much in the two games he played, and for a guy who nicknamed himself "truck stick" to reverse field and try to speed around anyone just shows me that he doesn't have what he FO was looking for.

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Other than the comments about Kyle Shanahan I don't have a problem with what he's saying. Either Larry Johnson looked great in practice and thus deserved a longer shot or didn't look good in practice and the position should have been addressed in the summer. The Malcolm Kelly injury was not handled correctly. He should have been on the PUP list. LaVar isn't the smartest guy in the world but his points have some merit.

FWIW I'm not worried about our loss to the Texans. There were some defensive breakdowns that can be fixed as the season progresses. Anytime you change schemes it is expected there will be a step back before two steps forward. The sky is not falling and the future is bright.

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FWIW I'm not worried about our loss to the Texans. There were some defensive breakdowns that can be fixed as the season progresses. Anytime you change schemes it is expected there will be a step back before two steps forward. The sky is not falling and the future is bright.

Amen brother! Most analysts had as 0-2. We beat our rivals with disciplined defense, and we hung with a team that most people are talking about going deep in the playoffs. I see a 9-7 season, only because we will get a few lucky wins because of disciplined play.

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Nothing to do with this topic, but i was at the Caps practice when we played the rookie game. I was outside meeting a few players, Backstom, Green, Semin, and eOvie. Then looking accross the parking lot, a Range Rover with smoke coming from the window's (No BS), so me being in the FD i was like wtf is that. I looked but didnt wanna leave because Ovie was coming out soon. The door finally opens after like 30 min...its Levar getting out. I was like dam, thats Levar getting out of the truck with all that smoke coming from that area, so me being a one time huge Levar fan (back in the day before i got the chance to see how much of a jerk he is), made my way inside. I was on the second level and Levar was coming towards me, i said Levar...he says....hey dude, how you doing with this big huge smile ( Like he was on cloud 9). I was thinking dam....him and Ricky Williams must of been hanging out before he came in, LOL. I said man, i was a huge fan of yours...man, thats cool dude, let me sign your bag, i was like my bag, how about this puck...okay, cool dude. I said how is your restaurant doing?? Man...i had to let that thing go under, i was like...O, my bad....then he says...okay man, i got to go back over here, that was a cool story you had, i was like wtf is he talking about! Imagine talking to guy that just smoked 10 pounds of Mary Jane when reading his conversation....moral of the story, i now know what that smoke was in the air over near his truck.

I see why he was on the radio with the Junkies, HAHA!

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did lavar even watch lj try to reverse field and lose 10 yards? those are the types of plays that get guys cut.

and the fact that the bills cut simpson says nothing about simpson's talent level. the bills already had fred jackson and marshawn lynch on the roster and then they took cj spiller with the 9th pick in the draft. where in the hell were they going to put simpson? at least they did him the favor of playing him a lot in the preseason so that he could show what he had to other teams.

and im not even going to go into the idiocy that is lavar's "good old boys" accusation.

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The Malcolm Kelly injury was not handled correctly. He should have been on the PUP list.

the problem with that was that malcolm told the team he was good to go so he practiced. shanny even talked to him about being forthcoming about injuries because the skins would have put him on the pup list had he not practiced. i can understand wanting to impress a new boss but if there was an issue kelly should have let it be known. i dont fault the skins for that one.

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