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Message to Clinton Portis: We don't hate you!!!


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I want to go on record right now BEFORE the game on this topic. No way do I hate Portis. I bought his jersey, I love that guy. He blocks like no other RB in the history of the game. He is all heart and wears it on his sleeve. The man will have a beast of a game against the Cowpukes and even if he fumbles and costs us the game I'll still love him!! Go Portis! DO YOUR THANG!

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Me thinks most of what he has said was aimed at the local media....don't get me wrong,there were alot of posters screaming for his head.

I think we're all frustrated over what has happened over the last decade or so that were looking forward to a fresh start at top..so I say continue to stay out of the media spotlight CP and play lights out.:point2sky

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As a longtime CP diehard, I do get angry at a very large portion of Redskins fans that dog the guy. No one plays harder or puts themselves on the line more than CP. I dont care if we are down by 30 points. He blocks and runs like his mom is being held hostage. I love the guy, always will.
Oh, there are a TON of fans on this site who don't hesitate to describe Portis in the most negative way possible when they feel like it lol...In fact we've had more than a few threads from other members with titles like "Why All The CP Hate?", etc, etc. I'm pretty sure even this thread will have more than its share of comments concerning Portis that go beyond mere objective criticism and into subjective, emotional insults.
I think part of the problem is I think he has the perception that the media around here speaks for the fans. And they're(media) all a bunch a bitter cry babies.

Media around here blows everything out of proportion and sometimes seem to pull all nighters trying to figure out how to twist innocent comments into hidden messages of dysfunction. They convince themselves that's what the fans want to here because the get a few complaining emails or text. When everyone knows whinny ****es make more noise then the content

Ummm, this forum is full of CP haters. PLEASE, don't jump on his bandwagon now.

So many fans(and media members) on ES thought that Shanny,Sr was going to get rid of CP when he was first hired. Every question was about CP and what he did or didn't do last year. Shanny supposedly had no kind words for him but was enthralled with Jason Campbell. Funny how that turned out isn't it? Then when Shanny brought in Willie Parker and Larry Johnson it meant the end of CP as the starter :ols: Clinton Portis has been the heart and soul of the Redskins offense since 2004. When Sunday comes he's the guy I want on my team, because he plays his guts out :P I would love to see him win a championship or two here in DC and retire a Redskin. Anyway have a great year CP...God bless.

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since he's been doin' well in preseason the fans have quelled in general. but let's not pretend that until recently CP hasn't had his fare share of detractors and haters. heck, even now I've read people banking on when he gets injured again, will "run at the mouth" again, etc. Face it, nomatter how good a player is or what he says or does, there will be those speaking out against him. so eventho the average fan has CP in their good graces right now, it doesn't mean the B Mitch's and Riggo's of the world aren't out there; unless CP is speaking directly to McD5, lol.

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Clinton needs to realize that everyone on this roster gets dogged from time to time...

And when you're in the spotlight as being one of the franchises best players, you get it worse. But I don't think it means that most of us hate him. I've had some things to say about Clinton that aren't so nice, but I've also said a lot of great things about him as a player. I've always liked CP. Sometimes his attitude is a bit off, but that doesn't make me like the guy any less.

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CP gives his all. He hit harder than anyone on defense. He bulked up big time for Gibbs and transformed into a tough inside runner. It should surprise no one that he got injured. He was asked to be something he was not and made the best of it and never complained. How many finesse backs in our history did what he did, went from a Kelvin Bryant type to more like a John Riggins type? Gibbs ran him up the gut repeatedly. Heck he even gives his all in preseason. The only person ever asked to scale it back in preseason.

A few delusional fans may have overlooked what he has done for us, but the vast majority of us love CP.

Now he is back to his old self having slimmed down. One can only presume he should be a tad quicker. Here's to a dominant season CP, you are on my roster.

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One of the earlier posters had it right, dude is all heart. Now sometimes that might get the better of him, especially with a season like last year when everything seemed to fall apart for the franchise. When he's winning he's the happiest person in the world and does awesome interviews, when he's losing he's pissed and it shows, lol. He's human, he's gonna have his moments, everyone does. One thing you can never take away from the dude is that he will put forth 100% on gameday, he will put everything he has on the line, that's what I want in a back. I can't hate the dude for not liking the Zorn era, how many here actually liked the Zorn era?

I've been a CP fan since he was in Denver, I didn't even know he was from Miami until he got to our team, but he was the one who got Moss 'Cowboy Killer', and Sean Taylor 'the Meast' here. If it was only for that I would thank him, but for everything else we owe it to him to make sure he hears us on Sunday night!

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Thanks to everyone who showed their support for Clinton in this thread. I hope he somehow reads or hears about it. I don't want him walking away from his career here in DC thinking he'll retire a Bronco. (Not that I'm saying he should walk away at all right now!) CP has been a "true Redskins" to use Joe Gibbs' phrase. I know he's probably one of those players who uses perceived slander to motivate himself but I've just heard him say too many times that our fans don't support him and I want that corrected.

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Here's my honest opinion on CP: I love the guy but there are few things that bother me about him. It really bothered me how he has the tendency to shoot his mouth off to the media about things that should be kept in house. He never practiced while Zorn was here and had a bad reputation about being the unoffical GM of the team. And lastly, I do think he's lost his step a bit (he is older now) and we are not going to see him ripping off 65 yarders w/out getting caught from behind. Maybe this was because he was out of shape last year, and I hope he has a great year but thats just my opinion honest opinion on him.

I am grateful for everything he has done for this team and will never forget about the first run he ever had as a redskin, but I am hoping this new regime has brought about some changes in him as well

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Here's my honest opinion on CP: I love the guy but there are few things that bother me about him. It really bothered me how he has the tendency to shoot his mouth off to the media about things that should be kept in house. He never practiced while Zorn was here and had a bad reputation about being the unoffical GM of the team. And lastly, I do think he's lost his step a bit (he is older now) and we are not going to see him ripping off 65 yarders w/out getting caught from behind. Maybe this was because he was out of shape last year, and I hope he has a great year but thats just my opinion honest opinion on him.

I am grateful for everything he has done for this team and will never forget about the first run he ever had as a redskin, but I am hoping this new regime has brought about some changes in him as well

I see what you see about his speed but I also think he was under orders to really use his blockers, which he did to perfection on many plays. I think this season we will see more speed due to weight loss and more open field running due to the ZBS... at least I really hope. :fingersx:

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since he's been doin' well in preseason the fans have quelled in general. but let's not pretend that until recently CP hasn't had his fare share of detractors and haters. heck, even now I've read people banking on when he gets injured again, will "run at the mouth" again, etc. Face it, nomatter how good a player is or what he says or does, there will be those speaking out against him. so eventho the average fan has CP in their good graces right now, it doesn't mean the B Mitch's and Riggo's of the world aren't out there; unless CP is speaking directly to McD5, lol.

Yeah, well let's not pretend he hasn't brought it on himself.

One player described Portis as the "worst teammate" he's ever had because of how little he practiced and how he came to training camp out of shape, among other reasons.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/sports/Some-players-circumvented-Zorn-on-issues-8719411-80672062.html#ixzz0z96Hbu6i

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