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Message to Clinton Portis: We don't hate you!!!


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I think part of the problem is I think he has the perception that the media around here speaks for the fans. And they're(media) all a bunch a bitter cry babies.

Media around here blows everything out of proportion and sometimes seem to pull all nighters trying to figure out how to twist innocent comments into hidden messages of dysfunction. They convince themselves that's what the fans want to here because the get a few complaining emails or text. When everyone knows whinny ****es make more noise then the content

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In the Shanny system CP is going to go off on third downs in every facet - from draws to screens to showing that he is the best pass protecting back in the league. He may well move to the top of NFL backs overall, and I hope so - but on third down he's a stone cold killer. He does whine a little and seems to need a chip on his shoulder to get down to business sometimes, but we will certainly forgive him that as he is reborn under the new regime. Here's to a 'Cane resurgence in DC with CP and the Ruthless Gangsta Superstah, Santana Moss, who will once again demonstrate his ability to alter time and space. We want Dallas! Hail!

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I feel that Clinton is going to have a huge season even though I am still concerned about running game as a whole. IF clinton can stay healthy. he's a beast in this offense. He might not be the homerun hitter he was in Denver, but he's still got something in the tank and the media has dogged him all year. I saw one list where he wasn't even in the top 50 rb's in the league and he was behind Cadillac and LJ which is preposterous in my mind. I think Clinton has bought into Shanahan like he never has with any other coach who was here especially Zorn (who's this genius?). I am excited about this team because of the hate from the media. Everybody has to have a huge chip on their shoulder. I know they say they don't read the paper, but they hear what's being said. They know; and if they have any pride whatsoever they will respond big time. I think that goes for everybody from Clinton Portis to Shanahan to Bruce Allen to Snyder. Everybody has to be sick of this crap and ready to show the world they aren't retired yet - that the demise of (fill in Redskins player, coach, executive's name) has been greatly exagerated by a media frothing at the mouth to see Jerry hoist up number six in Jerryworld. I say **** that; let's get Larry Michael to take Mosley's job when we're done with this season. See how the league feels when we have a homer blowing up ESPN.com with trite BS about Dallas.

So in short I believe clinton has the potential to make the Mosleys of this world eat their words. For some stupid reason, I actually like our chances this year.

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Like Arrington, Portis is a Redskin lifer in my book!

Word. Even after the coaches screwed him, Arrington still says he loves Washington.

CP - you're our dawg! F! those haters and armchair coaches.

I feel that Clinton is going to have a huge season

Huge. Like very huge. Mike and CP together again, fairytale - look out!

Sunday Dallas - CP runs one in!

Chach - thanks for thread. Almost started one exactly like.

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It's true CP, I am very grateful for all the battles you have gone through wearing the burgundy and gold. You are one of the best backs I have had the pleasure of watching and the way you block just shows you put it all on the line come Sunday. I always told myself if I ever met you I would tell you to try not to listen to all the haters, and that their are a lot of skins fans who support you. It bothers me how much you cast off the entire fan base as haters and naysayers when plenty believe you still have it and will do great this year. Please stop commenting on how people gave up on you, and go prove them wrong on the field like I know you can. Instead of constantly bringing up the naysayers, please show appreciation for the fans who support you on Sunday and every other day, because they are out there and in bigger numbers than you think.

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Word. Even after the coaches screwed him, Arrington still says he loves Washington.
Bullcrap. Lavar Arrogant refused to play a team defense that the coaches asked him to.

Then he created plenty of drama.

Then he took his playbook to the NY Giants.

Then he called Joe Gibbs a coward.

Then he became an NFL failure.

Then when Sean Taylor died, Lavar Arrogant comes back like he loves the Skins. And according to CP, Lavar made up the "bond" he claimed to have with Sean Taylor?

Screw Lavar Arrogant.

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I named my dog after you CP...much love!


:ols: he even looks like CP, with the bug eyes and all. DO WORK #26!!! You have been 1 of my fantasy football keepers for 5 yrs running... 2 superbowls and 4 playoff appearences.....of course my other keeper is p. manning but you get what im saying dog!!

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As a longtime CP diehard, I do get angry at a very large portion of Redskins fans that dog the guy. No one plays harder or puts themselves on the line more than CP. I dont care if we are down by 30 points. He blocks and runs like his mom is being held hostage. I love the guy, always will.

Give me a break. He does not. You can tell last year he mailed it in and was going through the motions. He didn't practice and ran to Danny boy when he didn't get his way. He's also fumbled at crucial times, and that's something you don't expect your star player to do.

I'm not a Portis fan at all, but mostly because of the things that come out of his mouth. Definitely one of the biggest morons that has had a microphone put in front of his face. If he'd never talk to a reporter, I'd probably be one of his biggest fans.

That said, I cheer Portis every time he gets the ball, and I do realize he's one of the best pass blocking backs out there. There is no doubt he can play like a man possessed when he wants to, and I think Shanny has gotten his attention in the off-season. I'm excited to see what Portis does this year. Actually picked him up in both of my Fantasy squads in late rounds. :D

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I don't hate CP......but it got frustrating seeing our team crumple and Zorn pulling Portis for altercations and so forth. This would of never happened under Gibbs. Portis felt above the team in the Zorn era. Lots of factors factored into the Zorn debacle, but this certainly didn't help. Quite honestly, I hope CP has an insane game Sunday and works Dallas like he did in the beginning of 2008. Played like a machine against Dallas and Philly. We will see a new, faster Portis this season. Hope he has an insane year.

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