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Message to Clinton Portis: We don't hate you!!!


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I just finished reading the following article posted in the Bubba forum...


What is the deal with CP's notion that Redskin fans hate him? I swear I don't get it. I can understand him being bitter that many fans thought his durability was declining (they may still be right about that) but for the love of gawd the man is constantly spitting out quotes about how the fan base is "against" him.

Clinton, this is ridiculous talk and quite frankly it's getting insulting. I very rarely read fan hate in the news or on the boards about you and even then it's only when you make dumb statements or complain about going to work. Get this in your head:

We love you dearly. We are thankful to have you in DC. You are now and have always been my favorite Redskin since you came here for that ingrate Chump Bailey. I don't expect you to see this thread but if any of your friends read it I pray they pass it along. Go, CP go.

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Clinton not all of us hate you! I think you have a lot of talent and heart and is gonna turn it around this year! (And by turn it around, I actually mean get back on track since you had lingering injuries)... There is a reason I draft you (or trade for you) in my FF league! I KNOW you can get it done and WILL get it done! Keep the faith and bring us home a championship (or 2)!!!!


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As a longtime CP diehard, I do get angry at a very large portion of Redskins fans that dog the guy. No one plays harder or puts themselves on the line more than CP. I dont care if we are down by 30 points. He blocks and runs like his mom is being held hostage. I love the guy, always will.

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I don't hate nobody.

But I do think Portis has lost more than a step. I also noticed that he didn't mind being one of the guys that took advantage of Zorn and the crappy atmopshere around DC for all those years.

But with Shanahan it's a clean slate to me. He's said all the right things. I'm not expecting much from him this season, but hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. Not hating, I just know RB's don't last that long.

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As a longtime CP diehard, I do get angry at a very large portion of Redskins fans that dog the guy. No one plays harder or puts themselves on the line more than CP. I dont care if we are down by 30 points. He blocks and runs like his mom is being held hostage. I love the guy, always will.

There's "dogging the guy" and there's speaking objectively about him. As good as he's been/still is, he has a lot of wear on his tires and many of us simply are looking for his EVENTUAL replacement.

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Wasn't it CP's lobbying that got us Santana AND Sean Taylor? The guy's done more for the Skins than anyone else on the roster, and he's willing to do what the coaches want from him (Gibbs had him put on pounds and run between the tackles when that wasn't really the kind of back he was, Shanny has him dropping said weight to get back to more of what Shanny likes in a back). He wants to play and gives 100% until the clock says zeroes. Then afterward he has one of the better personalities on the team. I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely loved Coach Janky Spanky, Sherrif Gon' Getcha, Dolla Bill, Dr. I-Don't-Know, and Jerome from SE D.C.

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That's part of it though. Portis cries so damn much. As if it is taboo to even talk about another RB when the current trend in the NFL is a MINIMUM two RB. And if you only have one, you don't want a RB with the wear and tear of Portis. I have a feeling the potential of Portis to ***** has kept us from drafting any RB's in the past.

Like him or not, he really hasn't been a London Fletcher while here. He's had his little drama here and there.

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Portis has brought a lot of the so called "hate" upon himself.

That said, this was one of the best, most mature interviews he has ever given. I hope he can keep this level of maturity up and perform well. If he does, I'll start wearing his jersey again. Who knows, I may even give him the benefit of the doubt and sport it this Sunday. :)

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That's part of it though. Portis cries so damn much. As if it is taboo to even talk about another RB when the current trend in the NFL is a MINIMUM two RB. And if you only have one, you don't want a RB with the wear and tear of Portis. I have a feeling the potential of Portis to ***** has kept us from drafting any RB's in the past.

Like him or not, he really hasn't been a London Fletcher while here. He's had his little drama here and there.

His beef with Arrington about ST's funeral comes to mind, but I'm on CP's side on that matter.

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Oh, there are a TON of fans on this site who don't hesitate to describe Portis in the most negative way possible when they feel like it lol...In fact we've had more than a few threads from other members with titles like "Why All The CP Hate?", etc, etc. I'm pretty sure even this thread will have more than its share of comments concerning Portis that go beyond mere objective criticism and into subjective, emotional insults.

Speaking of which, has McD5 chimed in yet? lol :D...

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