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WP: US Citizen From Pakistan Arrested in Times Square Bomb Case


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Crime????...this is NOT a friggin crime and should be treated differently(a distinction many fail to grasp unfortunately:mad:)

Well, then, I guess that's a good enough reason for why we should have a government that is so powerful that they can grap people for things they haven't done, yet, isn't it?

The claim that well, we classify this particular crime as a different kind of crime, well, therefore the rules against not punishing people for things they haven't done, yet, doesn't count.

It's those magic words "a different kind of crime" that make the Constitution, and privacy, and justice, for that matter, just disappear, because you said the magic words.

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Well, then, I guess that's a good enough reason for why we should have a government that is so powerful that they can grap people for things they haven't done, yet, isn't it?

The claim that well, we classify this particular crime as a different kind of crime, well, therefore the rules against not punishing people for things they haven't done, yet, doesn't count.

It's those magic words "a different kind of crime" that make the Constitution, and privacy, and justice, for that matter, just disappear, because you said the magic words.

Well said Larry, I guess by twa's logic we could by-pass the entire Constitution by just calling everyone we don't like terrorists. Reminds me of V for Vendetta.

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Doesn't sound like a white middle age Tea party member. Wonder if the Media will apologize for their false accusations, that was clearly based on nothing more than their own hatred towards people with brains.

Muslim Immigrant via Pakistan who is a registered Democrat who used the craiglist to get a van.

Now Did the Van have a Its Bush's Fault or Obama 08 sticker on it?

Did we use racial profiling by staking out the UAE airlines to get this POS?

Dodged a bullet again but this has to be seen as partial victory, cough dumb luck, on our soil for the 2nd time recently during Obama's admin.

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Doesn't sound like a white middle age Tea party member. Wonder if the Media will apologize for their false accusations, that was clearly based on nothing more than their own hatred towards people with brains.

Make up your mind.

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The claim that well, we classify this particular crime as a different kind of crime, well, therefore the rules against not punishing people for things they haven't done, yet, doesn't count.

It's those magic words "a different kind of crime" that make the Constitution, and privacy, and justice, for that matter, just disappear, because you said the magic words.

So is it okay to get rid of "Hate Crimes?"

Why make black on Korean, black on habla, black on white, white on everybody not white (according to libs), normals on gays butt whuppins and worse any special than black on black, white on white, the same demographics on the same demographics assaults or worse?

Just give everyone a minimum of 20 years on a chain gang forced to listen to Michael Bolton 2 hours a day.

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Notorious for jumping into the political fray in the wake of attempted or successful terrorist acts, King was quickly joined in the ring by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who called the idea of reading Miranda rights a "serious mistake."


Every time I see something like this, it makes me more relieved that McCain didn't win, and more confused about what the heck happened to the McCain of 2000. I guess he was never really a maverick after all. Just another political opportunist with no core beliefs, who cares about one thing and one thing only: getting reelected.

Glenn Beck is 100% right.

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AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not even see this until I got to work this morning. Kick Ass!!!!!!!

I don't watch much cable news anymore so I don't really understand all the references to the Tea Party. I had heard they were looking for a possible White Male in his 40s. But not anything on the Tea Party at all.

Can someone provide me with some links from big networks where this was said? Again, not saying it didn't happen just had to heard it. Thanks.

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This guy had a green card, right since he was born in Pakistan? This is a terrorist act tby an immigrant that unfortunately was naturalised, but the left will do everything they can for now to call this a criminal act and try to treat it as such.

Where are the other terrorist members who supplied him money and the materials.

This should make us take another look at who should be blessed with being allowed to become US Citizens.

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I don't watch much cable news anymore so I don't really understand all the references to the Tea Party. I had heard they were looking for a possible White Male in his 40s. But not anything on the Tea Party at all.

Liberal media and politicians were hoping it was, and after their dammit moment because it was not, we hear the don't go after muslim americans because of one person's actions.

Yet if he was a member of the TEA party it would have been a left wing swarm to paint everyone as the same as the guy and how America should show scorn to all of the members as well as ignore the message of smaller govt, etc.

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Yeah they definitely deserve praise for this. I heard on CNN this morning that the plan had actually just pulled away from the gate when they got on board to catch the guy. So if they were a minute or two late, he would be gone by now. I hope this guy gets what he deserves!

I think it is about high time we start charging these US citizens appropriately. We are in a war against Islamic terrorist organizations, so it is high time we start charging them with treason when they attempt to execute terrorist acts.

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Liberal media and politicians were hoping it was, and after their dammit moment because it was not, we hear the don't go after muslim americans because of one person's actions.

Again, I have not been watching cable news so I down know if this is true or not but could you post some links.

Are we talking about blogs? network tv? cable news? everything?

I am sure there were crazies on the left who were wishing exactly what you wrote - I just did not see it in media I have been watching.

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Again, I have not been watching cable news so I down know if this is true or not but could you post some links.

Are we talking about blogs? network tv? cable news? everything?

I am sure there were crazies on the left who were wishing exactly what you wrote - I just did not see it in media I have been watching.

They may not have ACTUALLY said it - but you know they WANTED TO!

It's just as bad. Conservatives once again are being oppressed.

by their own fantasies.

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Liberal media and politicians were hoping it was, and after their dammit moment because it was not, we hear the don't go after muslim americans because of one person's actions.

Yet if he was a member of the TEA party it would have been a left wing swarm to paint everyone as the same as the guy and how America should show scorn to all of the members as well as ignore the message of smaller govt, etc.

Noting yet another guy making broad statements and sweeping generalizations without a single link to back them up. Should be child's play to find all these wild accusations you assert.

Closest I recall to any public figure saying it was a tea partier is Bloomberg in NY saying it maybe it was a nut case or a guy upset about health care or "it could be anything". No mention of race, political affiliation, or tea party, but that one statement seems to be the avalanche of false accusations right-wingers are complaining about.

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first and foremost, it is good to hear that the alleged terrorists are being caught and brought to justice.

for john (bang), henry, etc...this does not name tea party members directly in the msm, but the suggestions are clear enough imo.


first, you can start with an msnbc analyst and go from there...


trying to blame a right wing group.

from there, it went to a 40ish white man. let's see what the huffington post said about it, via the AP (the ap is mainstream, right?).


"The surveillance video shows an unidentified white man apparently in his 40s slipping down an alley and taking off a shirt, revealing another underneath. In the same clip, he's seen looking back in the direction of the smoking vehicle and furtively putting the first shirt in a bag, Kelly said".

"Kelly" would be a police commissioner in nyc. but it didn't happen this way. the man simply changed shirts on a very warm day and did it all in front of a camera - albeit, unknowingly. not exactly like the AP reported it.

if you want to take a look at the actual video, it is embedded here.


and you can click on some of those links and see what some on the left are saying. nice huh?

this one is the best though.


so anyway, let's see how long it takes msnbc, huffington, the ap, and these left wingers (yes, not the msm) to correct their biased errors.

i won't go as far as navy dave and say the msm wants the tea party to blame, but i agree that they would have a field day with it. the only thing they have is a white, 40ish male who makes a bold effort to cool off on a very warm day. :ols:

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You're walking an awfully thin line twa, and the chasm below you leads to destruction.

Luckily I got good balance :)

I'm with Nonniey they are unlawfully engaged in war...treat them so.

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Your quote says:

MSNBC Terrorism expert Evan Kohlmann: "This is very crude. The potential culprits -- it's a wide range, I think it's fair to say that the presumption is that it's more like to be a homegrown group. Whether it's al-Qeada group, a right-wing group, whether it's somebody else."

And you are ignoring the whole "Al-Qaeda" part of it? (To be fair, the Fox headline also ignores the Al-Qaeda part of it)

Also, the "white man in his 40's" description didn't come from the media. It came from the NYPD, based on a surveillance video: http://www.examiner.com/x-5738-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2010m5d3-NYPD-releases-surveillance-video-of-person-of-interest-in-Times-Square-car-bomb-scare

I really don't see how you're seeing persecution of the white man here.

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Liberal media and politicians were hoping it was, and after their dammit moment because it was not, we hear the don't go after muslim americans because of one person's actions.


The Media never said a word about the Tea Parties.

But now that the word "Muslim" has been used, suddenly the person's politics, race, religion, and national origin are suddenly the most important things about him.

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I am thankful to say I have 0 association with the guy in any way shape or form
zero, huh?

US citizen? Check.

From Pakistan? Check.

Muslim? Check.

Wants to go to Dubai? Check.

Doesn't know how to build a fertilizer bomb? Check.

hmmmmm ... :paranoid:

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Lotsa stuff

So? So they thought he was white, and a couple talking heads did what they're paid to do. And today some other talking heads will be paid to tell you how distressed you should feel about what those other talking heads said.. it's just one big circle jerk.

I'm a middle aged white guy, and somehow I don't feel the least bit offended that they initially searched for a middle aged white male, or that they described the bomber as a middle aged white male, or that any bloggers or opinionists believed they were Right Wing, Left Wing, Tea Partiers, Swingers, Buddhists, whatever. None of it means a thing. None of it.

The people who think the Tea Party is a racist group didn't make up their mind about it yesterday. The people who blame this sort of thing on right wing fringe groups blame everything on right wing fringe groups. They weren't on the fence about this and had their decision made based on any speculation by anyone on MSNBC.

The fact is they caught the right guy within 48 hours, so they obviously moved past the initial description and made the arrest. Today everyone knows who has been arrested. To expect apologies for some speculations is taking it a bit far down Victim Road. The fact that everyone with a brain knows they have egg on their face is enough. And besides, as with all news organizations, retractions are always on page 11 or 12,,, or on the air at 3AM. Who cares.

Its also possible that the FBI used the media to send out a red herring to keep our bomber feeling secure and possibly careless enough to get caught... or lead to a cell, who knows? He obviously wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. I mean, wouldn't you think the first thing to check is to whom the car is registered?


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BB - Thanks for posting links! I disagree though that these links really show much of anything. You have to make some pretty enormous logical leaps to read this and then say the media was blaming the Tea Party.

He says it could be anyone really. He mentions it could right wing group - but says "WIDE RANGE." He should have said Right or Left win extremists - I will give you that. But he never says Tea Party - or even close to it.

Yea, they wanted to talk to a white man who outside of the car changed shirts and was on video. What does this have to do with the Tea Party? If I am an FBI agent right after the attack, this is something I get out there ASAP. It was a lead and in those situations you get info out as fast as you can.

Blogs and twitters of random people I have never heard of personally, others might have.

But overall - when people say the media blamed the tea party what they really mean

1) MSNBC said it could be anybody including a right-wing terrorist

2) News outlets reported that a white person was a suspect by the FBI - which they were.

3) Random blogs and twitter accounts saying stupid stuff.

I just don't see the logic in how you can take those 3 things and then say the media was doing something. It is just not honest.

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