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AP: Georgian Olympic Luger dies in crash-


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I saw the footage on TV just after it happened, and at that stage, he was still alive, but barely.

An interview with an Aussie official soon after, who was at the accident site, said it happened just after the finish line, but that is no excuse for the lack of some sort of padding.

Then again, padding or not, you hit an unmovable object at 93 mph, and it will **** you up. Sudden stops from that speed generally do.

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Horrible horrible horrible. RIP. Terrible way to start the games.

I just watched the video, it is impossible to see where he hits because he is going so fast. It happens in like a fourth of a second then you see rescue workers running towards him.

*edit* Actually just saw another video, and yeah you can see him come out of the turn, hit the right curve, and go flailing into one of those poles. Jesus...

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Saw the video too. That sucked. Really sucked. This is tragic and there have been complaints that the track is too fast. There was word that speeds could reach the 100mph area. That's just nuts. Thoughts and prayers to that racer's family.

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Rest in peace Olympian. May your eternity be filled with wind upon your face a sled on your back and gold around your neck.

why is there an unpadded steel pole at the end of the track?

Having watched the video, padding on that pole would not have saved him. A wall surrounding it probably would have but at 80+ mph he would have been luck to survive once he came out of the track.

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From the BBC website http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympic_games/vancouver_2010/luge/8513794.stm

"The technical officials of the FIL were able to retrace the path of the athlete and concluded there was no indication that the accident was caused by deficiencies in the track.

"Based on these findings the race director, in consultation with the FIL, made the decision to reopen the track following a raising of the walls at the exit of curve 16 and a change in the ice profile.

"This was done as a preventative measure, in order to avoid that such an extremely exceptional accident could occur again."

So no deficiencies in the track, but they have modified it before reopening it????

RIP Nodar Kumaritashvili.

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From the BBC website http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympic_games/vancouver_2010/luge/8513794.stm

So no deficiencies in the track, but they have modified it before reopening it????

RIP Nodar Kumaritashvili.

Yea it's silly how the officals are blaming the luger for failing to make adjustments in the corner saying it wasn't their fault, so death should be possible outcome for making a mistake in a corner? Seems reasonable for an olympic event...

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Luger who died told father he was 'terrified' of Whistler track

By Chris Chase

Three days before his death, luger Nodar Kumaritashvili spoke to his father by phone and said he was "terrified" of the track at the Whistler Sliding Center.

David Kumaritashvili gave an interview outside his house in the mountain town of Bakuriani, Georgia on Sunday and recounted one of the last conversations he had with his 21-year old son. The Wall Street Journal reports:

"He called me before the Olympics, three days ago, and he said, 'Dad, I'm scared of one of the turns.'

"I said, 'put your legs down on the ice to slow down,' but he said if he started the course he would finish it ... He was brave."

Nodar Kumaritashvili also spoke with his parents hour before his fateful slide. He reportedly told them he planned to make them proud.

There has been much debate in the wake of Kumaritashvili's death about whether the track was too fast or whether the relatively-inexperienced luger was out of his element.

A number of Olympic lugers feel that the track was fine and that the accident was Kumaritashvili's fault, a sentiment shared by luging officials who deemed the track safe (even while hypocritically lowering the starting location and adding pads to the metal beams which caused the death).

Germany's Natalie Geisenberger, who won a race at Whistler last year, said that the women's event has turned into a "kid's race", a startlingly insensitive remark given the tragedy of Friday:

"I'm not happy about the new start. It's not a woman's start, it's a kinder start. The rest of the track is okay but it's not as fast as from the proper start. It's the same for all the athletes but I don't like it. I felt very good but now because of the new start it's not fun."

Canadian Regan Lauscher complained that in the wake of the lowered start, the home-track advantage for Canada is "basically gone." Given that some have said Canada's resistance to allow other countries to train at the Whistler track played a role in Kumaritashvili's death, that comment beats out even Geisenberger's for insensitivity. Maybe Lauscher is taking cues from her coach, who said that "exotic sliders" are the reasons luge accidents happen.

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"He called me before the Olympics, three days ago, and he said, 'Dad, I'm scared of one of the turns.'

Was he speaking of the actual turn that killed him ?

A number of Olympic lugers feel that the track was fine and that the accident was Kumaritashvili's fault, a sentiment shared by luging officials who deemed the track safe (even while hypocritically lowering the starting location and adding pads to the metal beams which caused the death).

So, not only are the track officials showing no mercy to the grieving family, the other lugers have to rub salt into the wound, as well :doh:

And the author gives a good point. If there was nothing wrong with the track, and it was all the luger's fault, then why is it necessary to make those adjustments to the track ? :mad:

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