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Has "pedophelia" gone too far?


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Definite overreaction but I would have probably been suspicious too unfortunately. I would have handled it much better though. I get dirty looks from parents for smiling at their kids because they stare at me...lol Not all parents but there are definitely some that give you the "Why are you looking at my kid?" look.

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Was her thoughts wrong? I'd say no. You don't know them and I think any parents should be protective of their child.

Was her reaction wrong? Yes. That is a strong word to throw at someone and I would've definitely had words with them.

While your intentions were good look at it from an objective point of view. You have never met these people but a 30 something year old is out there with their kids in the snow?

All of this wouldn't probably be a problem if you had just introduced yourself at some point in time to them. Or simply said something to the mother afterwards.

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Definite overreaction but I would have probably been suspicious too unfortunately. I would have handled it much better though. I get dirty looks from parents for smiling at their kids because they stare at me...lol Not all parents but there are definitely some that give you the "Why are you looking at my kid?" look.

I just don't understand that. I get that too and almost get the feeling I have to justify myself to them and show them pictures of my kids on my phone or something.

I love it when people interact with my children when we're out and about. My kids love it too.

Keep fighting the good fight LaxBuddy. :ols:

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It does suck but having kids myself and knowing a family that had an incident in the last few years, I can understand, slightly.

The woman overeacted but unfortunately there is reason for concern out there. It seems there are more perv's than ever.

Dude, calling someone a pedophile unprovoked? That's crazy.

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have called her crazy for assuming that based on absolutely nothing.

In fact, it sounds like a neighbor that you want absolutely nothing to do with. She's nuts.

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I was just watching this show on the Bakersfield California pedophelia cases in the mid 1980's. In the 80's there was an irrational anti pedophelia phobia which swept the United States. This documentary was interviewing the accused, the accusers, and the kids involved now 25 years after the fact.

Decades after the convictions were made, all the convicted were exonerated and their kids, some then adults were returned.

Similar things went on in New England, and the South . The only thing I can compare it too would be the Salem Witch Trials in the 1500's. Innocent people had their kids taken from them, and spent decades in jail because of these trials.

The entire thing hindged on disreputable, untrained, poorly credentialed mental health professionals who practiced a controversial technique of questioning the kids which preassumed they had been molested.

It was a heart breaking story to watch.

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I just don't understand that. I get that too and almost get the feeling I have to justify myself to them and show them pictures of my kids on my phone or something.

I love it when people interact with my children when we're out and about. My kids love it too.

Keep fighting the good fight LaxBuddy. :ols:

This week its a good fight...next week its a dumb fight...I just keep fighting all the fights no matter what...lol

I feel like I have to justify myself too. Kids like me for some reason. They always have. I think maybe its because I look a little like curious george? Anyways, its not all parents. Some tell their kids to say hi back and stuff like that but its usually 50/50. Oh well, I shouldnt care anyways unless someone plans to press charges against me for waving to their 3 year old....these days it could happen though!

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It's kind of scary how this paranoia has evolved, because I remember a story, although not much of the details, about how a guy was trying to help a girl, who was either lost, or in danger of being hit by a car, and he was accused of trying to abuse or kidnap her. Don't remember how it turned out. But it's kind of sad that we can't extend a helping hand to kids anymore, without fear of this type of over-reaction.

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It is pretty screwed up, and it's not understandable. It's a total overreaction, and quite rude.

I assume since she lives across the street she's seen you before? It's not as if you're a total stranger.

However, her reaction is what we've created. We no longer give a damn about social grace or manners. A basic level of respect is asking too much these days. She could just as easily moved in to protect her kids and figure out who you were without screaming and accusing. If you WERE a pedo her presence alone is enough to deter you. She could have walked out and asked what you were doing, or could she help you, and if she felt it was strange could have asked you to move on.

What do you know, you wouldn't be freaked out and she would still have made sure her kids were safe.

On the bright side, you now know what kind of a jackass you have for a neighbor, and now know to steer clear of her.


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Even if she was concerned about her kid's safety in the situation, she should have shown some respect for you, considering there was nothing evident that you did anything wrong. So the right thing for her to do would have been to call her kids back to the house, and left it at that.

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I think this is one of those scenarios where you can say... yes, she went to far and then work backwards to justify it. This is definately an "and" and not an "or" situation.

I still think she was being unreasonable, but just because I can understand, appreciate, and maybe even accept her behavior doesn't change it from being unreasonable.

In a weird way, this thread reminds me of the Gays in the Military thread. There is an irrational fear of what if... and those who have that fear may have some cause, but it is mostly unfounded.

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1 - As a parent making sure adults interacting with kids are known and safe is important.

2 - Throwing the word pedophile around is irresponsible. I would have walked over and had a talk with that woman letting her know what was going on and what I thought about her public accusation.

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1 - As a parent making sure adults interacting with kids are known and safe is important.

2 - Throwing the word pedophile around is irresponsible. I would have walked over and had a talk with that woman letting her know what was going on and what I thought about her public accusation.

Throwing that word around and you could get slapped with a big fat lawsuit.

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Seems like most of us are on the same page....is the concern justified, yes...is the way she handled it justified, no....

In my opinion, and no this isn't sarcastic, is that pedophiles should be put to death quickly. Even the ones that haven't actually commited the crime yet. Those ones on "To Catch A Predator" should be shot after the interview. They are clearly guilty of intent to do the crime and that is good enough for me.

People want to cry about that punishment being inhuman? don't touch little kids and you have nothing to worry about!

To me it is the worst crime possible. Worse then murder. And I bet if you start taking a few of these sickos out into the middle of the street and shooting them, you wouldn't have as many people wanting to touch little kids.

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