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Has "pedophelia" gone too far?


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We had some snow recently. So I'm walking out to my car yesterday and a couple kids are building a little ramp for their sleds. I said hi and figured I would help them pack down some of the snow for it; no harm done, just someone helping out. Then all of a sudden their mom comes out the door and yells "get away from my kids are you some sort of pedophile?". I was like WTF??. I tried to explain that all I was doing was completely harmless but she would have none of it. I finally just walked off feeling a bit disturbed by the whole situation; obviously hoping that she isn't going to call the cops or something. I have no place in my heart for pedophiles. It is disgusting to me. To have someone think that such a random thing was such an act was horrid. But I have to think...has the "pedophelia" thing gone too far? Is it to such a situation where any mother who sees a person even talking or interacting with their kids is a threat?

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Is it to such a situation where any mother who sees a person even talking or interacting with their kids is a threat?

A stranger...Yes that is the world most of us live in.

Though too often it is not a stranger that harms them:(

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I can see both sides of this (no offense to the OP).

First off, I have no doubt in my mind that your intentions were good. And, in a simpler and more innocent time you'd probably have been invited in for hot chocolate by the mother.

Unfortunately though, we live in a sick world full of sick people and a parent is going to be sensitive to that. So, in short, yes we've gone too far with it...but the cat is out of the bag and I'm not sure you can completely blame parents for being on the defensive. Having said that, I think she could have handled it much, much differently.

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That's so sad to hear. Some people are out of control.

As a father I have to say that she is NOT doing such a good job with teaching her kids about being safe. I can assure you that if you approached my kids and they didnt know you, they would have simply walked to the house. "Don't talk to strangers" is one of the first rules a kid learns about staying as safe as possible.

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A suggestion would be to make yourself known to the parents before interacting with their kids....a overreaction on her part ,but not a baseless one.

I'd say not a completely unreasonable reaction, but I do think that her reaction was baseless (unless the OP was naked or something). She had no basis except her own suspiscions and fears to believe that Misterim was up to anything nefarious.

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I'd say not a completely unreasonable reaction, but I do think that her reaction was baseless (unless the OP was naked or something). She had no basis except her own suspiscions and fears to believe that Misterim was up to anything nefarious.

Of course not...but faced with this circumstance (a stranger approaching your children) a parent has to go with their gut and probably act rather quickly. I think most would be OK erring on the side of caution.

Again, I need to state that I'm 100% sure that the OP had nothing but good intentions...I'm only play devil's advocate here in guessing why the neighbor reacted like this. And, the other caveat is that she overreacted. The exact same outcome (protecting your kids) could have been had by simply going outside and introducing yourself to the "stranger" with your kids.

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Well for starters, if she is so paranoid, why is she letting them play outside by themselves? Her reaction to you was inappropriate and way over the line.

Now that said, if my children were playing outside and I saw a stranger start to play with them, I would certainly go outside and find out whats going on. But what I wouldn't do is just start shouting at the guy :doh:

I'm like .Guy though- I am generally unfriendly to children for the same reason he is, unless of course I know them and know their parents well.


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Well for starters, if she is so paranoid, why is she letting them play outside by themselves? Her reaction to you was inappropriate and way over the line.

Now that said, if my children were playing outside and I saw a stranger start to play with them, I would certainly go outside and find out whats going on. But what I wouldn't do is just start shouting at the guy :doh:

I'm like .Guy though- I am generally unfriendly to children for the same reason he is, unless of course I know them and know their parents well.


And that is completely understandable. If she had come out and talked to me I would just have told her that I was on my way to my car and wanted to help them out with their ramp stuff. I just think she overracted and thinking that she might belive such an act makes me a pedophile or something is very disturbing.

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