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Do you know your neighbors?


What do you think of the new site?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
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    • A letdown

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I voted for the 'chat here & there' option. I'm not a fan of some of the things they do on a daily/weekly basis. They are heavy drinkers and alot of the time the male in the home can't hold his liquor and inevitably causes arguments with anyone who happens to be around. (He's also a Puke fan..ewww). I did that stuff in my younger years...have no reason to get involved in that. Too much drama. I don't need any more drama..I have enough of that in my own lil world at this moment.

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Both of my immediate neighbors are Redskins fans so we had a lot to bond over after we moved in. We actually watched the game together last week. Both of my neighbors are more outgoing than I would have been and kind of forced conversation but its great because they are good people. When we lived in our apartment, we didnt know any of the neighbors. I think a lot of that has to do with the lack of permanent residents in the apartments. Whats the point in getting to know people if one of you is just gonna move when the lease is up? Now that we bought our townhouse, we are stuck with these neighbors for a while at least so might as well get to know them!

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I am getting to know our new neighbors, which is nice because we only knew a couple in our last town.

This new group seems great so far. They keep pretty much to themselves, but will be friendly when the time is right.

It's a private road maintained by the home owners, maybe 20 total houses. Everyone is out for walks in the evening.

Many of them brought us veggies from their gardens and made baked goods for us as welcome.

I think we will like it here!

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The author of Bowling Alone (good book for those with sociology interests)gave a speach I found really interesting a few years ago. He had been trying to find out how to predict which communities would have the highest crime rates. In looking at crime levels and a bunch of other data he was surprised to find which peace of information was best correlated with low crime neighberhoods.

It wasn't race.

It wasn't education.

It wasn't money.

It wasn't blue collar/white collar jobs.

It was whether or not the people in the neighberhood knew the first names of their next door neighbor. People don't steal from people they know. If you know Julie and Bob live next door, you're going to question the random person taking stuff out of their house. If you know and talk to your neighbors, you can tell them you are going away for the weekend and to please watch your house.

Even if you're shy, you should try to meet and talk with your neighbors. You may find you have common interests. You know you at least have some common concerns. ask about the nieghberhood and what's going on. Let them see you and know who you are too. Often you can both be of help for each other for random things. Why buy a power washer for you deck if your neighbor has one you can barrow type of events happen all the time, but only if you took the time to know them.

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When I was growing up in Brandywine, we knew everyone in our neighborhood. We would have block parties every summer and all of us kids would run around all the time. We had pizza nights every Friday and a bunch of the neighbors would could come. We would even go on vacations and such together.

Then when I was 11, we moved to Hollywood. We would hang out with a few of the neighbors, but not like before. There was porbably about 3 or 4 of us that would always hang out. Then once we all started high school, we just kind of went our seperate ways.

In college when I lived in an apartment, I never really knew any of my neighbors. I think I only ever met one of them and that's because it was a bunch of girls and they needed help carry a couch up to their apt. Now that I've graduated we're renting a house and we've met our neighbors and they seem nice, but they're much older so its not like we're going to hang out.

It seems almost common though, that most people don't know their neighbors anymore. I don't know why that is. Is it because of the internet and you can communicate more easily with other people than your neighbors? I dunno.

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Our town houses are in two's. I know the guy I share my wall with pretty well and talk to him over the wall on a regular basis. We let each know when we're going to be out of town (security, watering the plants, etc). That's a real plus.

On the other side is a whacked out old lady that built her rock from 4 to 6 feet and told the foreman of the crew that did it was because I was looking in her window. I had to really fight the urge to confront the lady about it but needless to say we don't get along.

Up and down my street I know 4 different neighbors one a guy a work with that I know well and have a beer with from time to time. The others are people I hve casually known over the years and one couple across the street that I met talking to them on the street when I was walking my dog.

It's much different here than in a really big city I'm sure. Part of the reason I like it here so much and didn't like the cities I lived in. I've always made an effort to know my neighbors (not necessarily to hang out) it's a plus when you do.

When I was a kid in Lincolnia Heights (Alexandria) we knew everybody for a mile around. We block parties and huge spotlight games at night and community pool/tennis courts. That was really cool.

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I live in an old house that was converted to 4 apartments. I've known all of my neighbors since I've been there, in varying degrees. Some I just know their names and say hi upon occasion, never really seeing them. Some I've become good friends with. And one guy has moved in who I used to work with. Hopefully he doesn't get too invasive into the personal bubble.

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I moved into an old Victorian row home (built 1860-1870), and I know the neighbour who lives in the unit next to me really well. The guy is in is mid 40's and has lived on that street all his life (3 different houses), so he provides tons of great information when I am doing home repairs.

Across the street is the nosy neighbour, getting in everybody's business, but she is also so very sweet most people dont mind.

Other than those 2, I hardly know any of my neighbours, and I live on a 1 block street, maybe 24 houses in total. Come to think of it, I dont think I have met the nosy lady's husband.

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we know one neighbor pretty well. kids play together, their daughter babysits our kids, we take care of eachother's pets when away, etc. we know one other neighbor is a very limited small talk way. we know a couple other folks in the neighborhood, but they're no where close to being "next door."

in california, we were good friends with our next door neighbors. our kids would play with the kids from the house on the other side of us too. other than that, it was small talk relationships.

so yes and no. :)

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I know my neighbors. Just about my entire neighborhood is related.. one big family.

My neighbor to the right died last summer, now her granddaughter lives in the house, and I've known her since she was 5.

the lot immediately to my left is vacant and wooded, and the house next to that is empty right now. To the right of that one are Yolanda and Roy and their three kids, plus 4 dogs and 2 goats. Very nice people.

Across from them are Roger and Sharon. Nice place, Roger has a very large garden and always is walking through the neighborhood sharing his excellent tomatoes with everyone. Their kids are grown and gone.

To his right is Monique and her kids. She inherited the house when her father passed away.. I've known her since she was a teenager, and now our kids play together.

Behind her is Buck.. he's back in the woods a bit,, don't see him too much, but he's a nice guy. He works pretty long hours, enjoys hunting. Unfortunately, he's a Cowboys fan.

Coming back up towards my house is Leroy's house, which is empty since he died a few years ago. Lots of stuff tied up in court until that property is sorted out. Leroy owned much of the land around here, but apparently much of his claim to it is being disputed. His daughter Brenda used to live there, but she's moved out of the neighborhood. However she comes back often to make sure some of the elderly in the neighborhood are being cared for, and that Leroy's property doesn't get overgrown.

Her kids are grown.. Tyrell is bouncing around right now, kind of directionless. He's early 20s, not sure what he wants, and also not sure that opportunity is there for him. I try to encourage him that it is, he just needs to reach for it. He's a smart guy, very personable, but hides it beneath this wannabe gangsta mentality. I've known him since he was 3 or 4.. and he has always been a really nice kid, many a time he's sat on my porch and talked about his future.

His brother Tony,, not so much. When he was a kid, he didn't play cops and robbers, he played carjacker and murder victim. I always thought that once Tony was old enough to drive, he'd be knocking over liquor stores. He's 24 and has already been in jail 3 times. As expected. Their sisters are doing well, Nell went into the Army, Crystal is in college at Florida State (she used to come down and show me her new flip flops all the time when she was small. She was always so happy with new shoes, especially ones with little beads and such on them. I'd make a big deal out of it and tell her how pretty she looked, so she always would come down and show me. I sit on the porch and play guitar a lot in the evening, and the kids always gravitate. Not to mention I'm always the guy in the neighborhood who will throw the football to 20 kids in my yard, and I'm also the guy who will fix a bike chain, etc.)

Next to Leroy's old place is Miss Emily's house. She's very sweet, her and my wife are tight. She's had a rough time of it the last few years.. always seems someone from her house or close family is dying. She lives there with her son Tyrone, or Hot Dog as we call him. Hot Dog is a terrific neighbor, always there with a helping hand no matter what needs to be done. He's great with the kids in the neighborhood. It was Hot Dog who first came over and introduced himself when i moved in 21 years ago.

Emily's house is the focal point for much of the socializing in the neighborhood, her grandkids are grown with kids of their own, and they are always over playing horseshoes and having a beer.

Next to her and directly across from me is Miss Rachel. She's in her 80s and I look after her. I make sure she's got fresh groceries, make sure the batteries in her smoke detectors get changed, snow gets shoveled, occasional rides to the doctor, etc. She knows if she ever needs anything she can just call, and she does.

Back when Hurricane Isabel came through i spent part of the day before lashing all of her patio down, making sure she had a new flashlight, etc. I offered to have he come down and stay in my house to ride the storm, but she decided she wanted to stay home. As it was our neighborhood was spared a lot of the damage that everyplace else around here got, and the day after, her son knocked on my door and gave me a huge hug right there on the porch, thanking me for looking after his mom. I'll never forget that.

Next to Miss Rachel are the newest neighbors, and they tend to keep to themselves. As much as I don't like to say it, they don't much trust me.. white guy and all. There have been two instances that the woman in there has made it pretty clear. When they first moved in they had a little dog that they let roam, and it would dig up my flowers. So I'd leash it and take it home, and knock on her door. She really didn't like it the first time I showed up with her dog asking her to keep it home, but I just smile and stay firm. The animosity she felt for me was not hidden at all. That dog is now gone, but she's got two pits that she will also let roam occasionally. One of them frightened Miss rachel one day, so I went over and leashed it and took it home. When i showed up on the porch with her pit on a leash, she didn't like it, but she also didn't quite know what to make of it someone not afraid of her pit. (Nice dog, and it's a good thing. Leashing that thing may have been brave, but it wasn't too smart on my part on second look.) Her kids are nice and they've joined right in with the brigade of bike riding kids that roll up and down the street all day.

Next to them is a rental property, and the people there change out too fast.. no one really knows them. Young people mostly. Quiet.

So, yes, I know my neighbors, and my neighbors know me.


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I know my neighbors somewhat. I should, I've lived in the same house since 1991. Many have come and gone, and I think there are only 2 that have been on our street (1 block dead end street) longer than I have. One is my next door neighbor, we exchange greetings when we see each other going in and out of our houses, talk about his son going away to graduate school (he was just a small boy when I moved in) and also chat over the back fence about yardwork/gardening.

Others I have met because they also have young kids. It turned out that one of these kids father attended MSU at the same time as I did and was goalie on the 1986 Hockey National Championship team.

Still others I have met through community things such as my being "recycling block captain" (which is a glorified title meaning once or twice a year I hand out leaflets from the city to the houses on my street regarding recycling), or us having a common interest in making sure nearby businesses don't use our street for a parking lot or to test drive vehicles they are repairing (translated: zip up and down the street at high rates of speed to see how the car is running).

We've had a few block parties over the years which are good for getting to know your neighbors.

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When I was very young, I seem to remember neighborhood Christmas parties. After my parents got divorced, I only knew a few neighbors at each place.

In college, I knew almost everyone. I was very open, talkative, and made a ton of friends.

Since I got married and moved to Woodbridge, not so much. My wife and I are probably the youngest couple in the development. We say hi to our neighbors and not much more. We mostly hang out with our old friends, along with the occasional ES gathering.

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I moved into my first house three years ago. Neighbors got all cult-like with a HOA (which wasn't official yet) and later tried to strong arm me into joining. I had a few letters sent from my attorney and they stopped.

I make sure I look as physically intimidating and mean as possible when they come around just to make sure they leave us alone. Bunch of pricks.

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People are envious of our street. We have a close knit-group of six families. We go out to dinner, alternate cookouts and New Years Eve parties, the movies, occasional happy hours and even take vacations together. It is pretty sweet to walk outside of our home(s) and have an actual conversation versus the typical "How are you doing?"

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SS and I have lived in the same apartment complex for over 5 years and we love our neighbors. It started as just hanging out together in the "backyard" (our apartments back to the woods) having drinks and playing horseshoes, but quickly evolved into us going out and even going on vacations together. We probably hang out with them more than we do our "other friends".

One couple has a cabin in PA and we've spent two weekends there with them.

One dude has a beach house in OBX and we went there for a weekend with him and two of our other neighbors.

Another couple is getting married next year and we're actually in their wedding party.

I know how lucky we are, though. I don't know of many people who are such good friends with their neighbors (or "the neighbs", as I call them). Most people are just the "hey, what's up" type or don't even acknowledge each other at all. We just lucked into an awesome neighborhood :silly:

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