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Do you know your neighbors?


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The last time I really remember ever knowing my neighbors was when I was in elementary school....because there were lots of kids my and my brother's age. When I moved during middle school, the only neighbor I knew was the weird kid next door.

In college, when I moved into an apartment my sophomore year, I never knew my neighbors, except for one guy that lived across from me. Out here, I don't know a single person in my apartment complex, and wouldn't be able to tell you who lived around me if you showed me a line up. I've lived in this particular building for a little over a year now.

I thought this was completely normal. I don't like people coming by getting all up in my business, so why should I get all up in theirs? I mean, I'll say hi if I walk by someone, but I've never had an actual conversation with them.

So...in what capacity do you know your neighbors? Do some of you go out of your way to meet your neighbors?

A woman called earlier for a background check on a guy that lived in the apartment next door for apparently the same amount of time my boyfriend and I had lived here. Our door is not directly next to theirs- there's a protruding wall so even if I looked to the left, I would not be able to see their door without stepping out. There are also back stairs so the people back there can take those instead of the front stairs.

But anyway, I told this woman that I wouldn't know the neighbor in question if I passed him on the street, and she seemed shocked to hear this. Is this an age thing? Am I just anti-social? Should I know my neighbors?

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I know my neighbors. a bratty lil kid next door that won't shut up when I'm outside, she sits on top of her swing set so she can see me...

then the 72 yr old lady on the other side is cool. We talk over the fence and share gardening ideas. there is a church across the street, don't know them:silly:

even the last place I lived, I knew my neighbors, most anyway. at least those on either side and right across the street.

I'm trying to think of when I've lived somewhere and not known my neighbors...even growing up in the country- everyone knew everyone.

PS- you should add a poll

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maybe I'm just overly social, but I even talk to people who walk by if I'm outside. lots of people walk their dogs-and I usually start up a convo by asking about the dog.

but then again, I could make friends in the grocery line...I'm chatty:silly:

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I know my neighbors. a bratty lil kid next door that won't shut up when I'm outside, she sits on top of her swing set so she can see me...

then the 72 yr old lady on the other side is cool. We talk over the fence and share gardening ideas. there is a church across the street, don't know them:silly:

even the last place I lived, I knew my neighbors, most anyway. at least those on either side and right across the street.

I'm trying to think of when I've lived somewhere and not known my neighbors...even growing up in the country- everyone knew everyone.

PS- you should add a poll

But how did you go about meeting them? Do they strike up convos or did you? I think it's harder in apartments...the only time I see my neighbors is when we're leaving to go to work or coming home.

And can I add a poll after the initial post? I didn't think I could.

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Let's see...

In the room to the right of me, there's a couple who can't stop smoking marijuana every night. So I get to smell that every time I walk out into the hallway.

To the left.. there is a nice old couple there. Across the hall, there is a couple who insist on making everything they do public. Fights and all. Annoying.

The two rooms diagonal from me are usually unoccupied except on the weekends when this place loses vacancy quick.

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maybe I'm just overly social, but I even talk to people who walk by if I'm outside. lots of people walk their dogs-and I usually start up a convo by asking about the dog.

but then again, I could make friends in the grocery line...I'm chatty:silly:

see, I'm not that way at all. I go to the self-checkout just so I don't have to talk to people.

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i've never even had a 5 minute convo with any of them....I honestly would recognize ONE neighbor out of the perhaps 30 people that live in my building

Living in an apartment building is different. When you have your own yard, you tend to be outside and see them more often. Yardwork, getting mail, etc.

see, I'm not that way at all. I go to the self-checkout just so I don't have to talk to people.

I like you more and more each day. :silly:

I am the same way. Self-checkout is ****ing awesome! Leave me be. I'll get my own **** and be on my way.:)

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What about your trips to Trader Joes, and the cute checkout guy who gives out free stuff ? ;)

1- he wasn't cute

2- my friend was talking to him, not me. Small talk is the worst.

It's more that I'm shy than anything, though. Not that I'm too good to talk to my neighbors or anything. I think some people think that I'm stuck up or something sometimes, but it's more that I'm shy and don't know what to say.

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I moved to a new city, and neighbors were the best way to make friends.

When I moved to Austin I did not know a single person besides my GF. The first building we moved into I got to know every single neighbor (both sides, above, and below).

The neighbors next to my apartment became some of my best-friends. Hung out a couple of times a week. They have now moved to California and I am going out there to see them soon. 2 other groups of neighbors I still keep in touch with and go to bars with on occasion.

We just moved into a new place - the property is 3 small houses on one lot but not connected. When we arrived one of our new neighbors dropped us a welcome card with info on the property. Everyone is young and fun. I have seen them a lot over the past few weeks and we are all planning on BBQ very soon. Not sure if they will be great friends, but I am sure we will socialize and hang out on occasion. We were all one big group of 25-30 year old friends. We would sit outside and drink, have people over, or go swim in the pool. It was very very social.

In Washington, DC I never met one neighbor outside of college really, besides for one exception, and that woman was a crazy old lady who wanted me to look after her dog one summer.

So I think it depends where you live to be honest. "Neighborhood" is really important to me and my GF, so we live in places that people socialize in.

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But how did you go about meeting them? Do they strike up convos or did you? I think it's harder in apartments...the only time I see my neighbors is when we're leaving to go to work or coming home.

And can I add a poll after the initial post? I didn't think I could.

the lil girl started talking to me. I've talked to her dad once,about the dogs. And I think I spoke to the mom once over the winter. the snow was so high, my dogs could hop the fence right over to their yard.

The elderly lady my gf knew before I moved in. But my gf is like you, she rather not say a word. lol. When I see Lou(older lady) we'll say hi, or hows the day. If we are both outside we tend to talk about gardening or yardwork. Typically cuz when we are outside, that is what we are doing.

My old neighborhood was not the best, and the cop part of me was nosey about what was going on. I'm pretty observant. One guy was chatty like me and came up to me one day. He knew everything going on around there! Then I ended up meeting another neighbor cuz we had a mutal friend, and realized after they moved in. So that was just coincidence.

But I take after my mom in the sense that I can literally strike up a convo with just about anyone, anywhere.

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I haven't know my neighbors since I was a little kid....

Unless you count that time I drunkenly stumbled into the wrong house at 4 a.m. in college and briefly introduced myself to my neighbors.

I'm an awkward person, but I'll at least wave to them if I drive past or walk past. :whoknows:

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we are friends with all of our neighbors. maybe it's the small town atmosphere, i don't know. but we help each other out w/ projects, take care of each others animals when we leave town, have the occasional gathering.

Definitely, positively the one thing I miss the most about living up there.

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To add to my previous post and to answer the "how did you meet your neighbors?" question -

Dogs and beer.

Almost every single person I knew in my building had a dog. We had a dog area on the property for them to run around crazy and play together. It was almost weird if you did not have a dog. We all met really from our dogs originally.

Then after a while of hanging out with our dogs after work we started drinking together around the complex. Dogs + Beer = Friends.

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Last house I lived in an agent dropped by for a background check on a neighbor. It was football season and I took the day off work b/c my vacation days were piling up before year end. I was catching up on Redskins Report and other shows before going to Fed Ex the next day for a pre-season game.

I was eating snow crab legs and drinking beer in my skins outfit at 11:00 AM. She was not impressed.

I invited the lady in and she started firing questions about a neighbor. I answered to the best of my ability. About 15 minutes in she asked about the man's wife. I said he wasn't married.

Turns out I thought she was talking about a different neighbor.

She thanked me for my time, shook her head and left.

Guess I did my civic duty.


Now I live in the country and don't see a neighbor unless it is down at the mailbox - so I'll plead ignorance from here out.

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