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Sen. Barbara Boxer's tiff with Brig. Gen. Walsh


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don't even get me started on how much fail there is on Sen. Boxer's part in this whole thing. :doh:

thoughts on the whole situation?

Personally I'd like to point out that the esteemed 'senator' is an ass for not realizing that all civilians are addressed as sir or ma'am by military personnel, especially by officers.

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Reminds me of this classic exchange:

Kaffee: Excuse me. I didn't dismiss you.

Col. Jessep: I beg your pardon?

Kaffee: I'm not finished with my examination. Sit down.

Col. Jessep: Colonel.

Kaffee: What's that?

Col. Jessep: I would appreciate it if he would address me as Colonel or Sir. I believe I've earned it.

Judge Randolph: Defense counsel will address the witness as Colonel or Sir.

Col. Jessep: [to Judge] I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here.

Judge Randolph: And the witness will address this court as Judge or Your Honor. I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel.

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That clip didn't sound particluarly villifying to me. Her tone was neither shrill nor belittling and she asked that she be called by her title. I really don't see anything offputting or insulting or even worth noticing here.

Just read a few pages of comments under that video and WOW, I am either really missing something or the world is just full of intensely angry crazy people.

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She was snotty, but she did have a point. In a formal setting like that, the correct term is "Senator"

Yep, she even has a nameplate to help remind it is her position he is answering to...not her personally

a non-issue

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She was snotty, but she did have a point. In a formal setting like that, the correct term is "Senator"

She didn't address him at all. Just, "Well, why has it been delayed?" But he's only a general.

I don't really fault her for that. It was obviously part of an ongoing conversation. But for her to stop him mid-sentence because he used a perfectly appropriate form of address is just obnoxious.

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That clip didn't sound particluarly villifying to me. Her tone was neither shrill nor belittling and she asked that she be called by her title. I really don't see anything offputting or insulting or even worth noticing here.
The issue I have is that the Gen was simply following military protocol. You are taught from day on to address superiors as sir or ma'am. EVERYONE on God's grren earth knows that Barbara Boxer is a Senator. Hence why she is chairing this committee. To interupt a career military man who has attained the rank of Brig Gen and demand that he call you Senator because you "have worked so hard" to attain that title is an insult to a man who has actually worked hard to attain a title. Sen Boxer worked hard to initially get elected, and some would argue it didn't really take hard work but a boatload of money. Now, she coasts on the fact that she is a career Sen. And for a point of reference, how did she address the Gen? Oh, that's right, she didn't call him anything. Just interupted him to interject that he call her Senator. POS!
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This is the problem with the piece being so tightly edited. I don't know what happened before. Did she address him by title, first name, last name, "you"..? Did the Brig. General address all the male Congressmen as "Senator" and her as "ma'am" I don't know the precedents, but most importantly from her tone and manner, it didnt' sound hostile, insulting, or an attempt to intimidate or impress.

I could be entirely wrong, but I think this one is an example of people with a predisposition to dislike someone fulfilling their own prophecy.

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This is the problem with the piece being so tightly edited. I don't know what happened before. Did she address him by title, first name, last name, "you"..? Did the Brig. General address all the male Congressmen as "Senator" and her as "ma'am" I don't know the precedents, but most importantly from her tone and manner, it didnt' sound hostile, insulting, or an attempt to intimidate or impress.

I could be entirely wrong, but I think this one is an example of people with a predisposition to dislike someone fulfilling their own prophecy.

I just found it terribly gauche. Even if you think she's justified, it is really bad manners to point out someone else's bad manners in public.

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Seems kind of stupid. It's not productive, I doubt he meant any disrespect by calling her "ma'am". It's military bearing. everyone is "sir" or "ma'am".

Regardless of the other context that may apply, it seems to be rather petty. I would bet my last dollar they are there to discuss something important. Her sense of self worth isn't high up on that list, I would think.


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I just found it terribly gauche. Even if you think she's justified, it is really bad manners to point out someone else's bad manners in public.

I can buy that. I certainly would have let it slid and I doubt it would occur to me in the moment to notice it. Ma'am is a term of respect.

(mind you, if he called all the male senators, Sentator and me ma'am it would have ruffled my feathers. Then again, if he called all the other Senators "sir" and called me "ma'am" it would have gotten under my collar too" :silly: )

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Right, because all us chicks need Midol whenever we tell someone to address us by our title. :doh:

By the way, I'm pretty confident she's well past menopause and no longer needing an of that type of stuff.

To the topic at hand, I think Senator Boxer is a complete yetoch. I think all people who correct other people as to their "proper title" are losers. I understand about working hard for a title, but there are things called graciousness and class as well. I can't imagine ever interrupting someone like that to tell them "how hard I worked," especially when it's obvious no disrespect was ever intended.

Regardless, this isn't really an issue IMO....aren't all senators asshats? lol

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don't even get me started on how much fail there is on Sen. Boxer's part in this whole thing. :doh:

Being from California, my feeling for the distinguished lady from Cailfornia are pretty deep.

But you pick and choose your fights. She gets a pass here from me, because I'd rather crucify her for other more important things.

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Sounds like people just want something new to be mad about today.
Not really. I've never liked that woman, she comes across as a pandering patronizing **** all the time.

my issue is that it hits close to home for me. All civilians and superiors are referred to as sir or ma'am, that's a term of respect ironically in this case.

that and her argument for passing a 1000 page 800 billion dollar stimulus package that was written and passed over a 48 hour period is that Lindsey Graham didn't wave papers in the air when Bush was president. she is the epitome of a failed elected official.

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Right, because all us chicks need Midol whenever we tell someone to address us by our title. :doh:

By the way, I'm pretty confident she's well past menopause and no longer needing an of that type of stuff.

To the topic at hand, I think Senator Boxer is a complete yetoch. I think all people who correct other people as to their "proper title" are losers. I understand about working hard for a title, but there are things called graciousness and class as well. I can't imagine ever interrupting someone like that to tell them "how hard I worked," especially when it's obvious no disrespect was ever intended.

Regardless, this isn't really an issue IMO....aren't all senators asshats? lol

We could ban him on that one for a "troll" if ya want :laugh:

It's not a big deal (the topic). In many business and government circles, it is common in a formal setting to make sure you use titles (at least the first few times in a conversation) if someone has one, and not simply use "sir' or "ma'am" as an honorific. It's a still-existing and common faux paus for old farts to get caught calling males by the one manner (title) and females by the other (ma'am)--which ain't part of the story here, but maybe it happens a lot on the Hill, I dunno.

I see his choice (unless he called the guys "Senator") and know it's a typical military response, and I can see her making the correction. No biggy. They each handled it and moved on just fine. Some people here don't just have opinions on everything, they have the compulsion to share them.

Have I told you lately that notwithstanding my reputation as a saint among men, I hate people? :silly:

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