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Vow: I am never drinking again


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I've always had pretty severe hangovers, one of which landed me in the hospital with non-stop vomiting for a week a couple years ago. But I thought I could handle it. On Wednesday, I went out with a few friends and had a few shots of whiskey, probably too much, but not more than anyone else that I was with. I thought I might be a little off on Thursday, then I'd be good to go for all the festivities surrounding my college graduation on Saturday, right?

So I feel like absolute crap all day on Thursday, which is to be expected. I am totally incapacitated and vomiting constantly, which I'm used to. I try to rehydrate and figure I'll be better the next day. Instead, I'm even worse the next day, which means that I'm running to the bathroom to puke throughout graduation rehearsal, convocation, and various receptions, not to mention feeling like I might pass out because I haven't eaten in 48 hours. Graduation the next day was much the same, and I'm pissed at myself for ruining it and not even being able to appreciate the moment or say goodbye to anyone, because I had to rush back to my apartment and lay down, puking into a trash can every 15 minutes.

So now I'm sitting at home after leeching off other people to help move out of my apartment while I laid on the couch half dead, and I feel like a giant prick. I'm on a liquid only diet and a regiment of pedialyte, prilosec, and anti-nausea meds. I finally feel well enough--after almost a week--to feel like crap about wasting my graduation. I was also supposed to stop in Powhatan en route to Raleigh to pick up the new puppy that my girlfriend and I bought. Her mom has my cap and gown because she was going to take pictures of us together. I'm an ass.

I wanted to celebrate with my friends, which I think is normal, but I should have known the effect it would have on me. I don't drink that often--it isn't like I'm a raging alcoholic. I drank maybe twice a month over four years of college, significantly less than many of my peers. I think the rarity of my indulgence let me forget how sick it made me. I've decided now that I have some sort of serious intolerance, and even if I don't, I'm going to believe it so I can tell people that when I'm offered a drink. I'm literally never drinking again. Seriously. Never touching another alcoholic beverage in my entire life, not one. It isn't worth it. This thread is my vow--I'm going to use it to keep myself honest. Sorry for the rant, but I hope my misery is at least a little entertaining.

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I have a good friend who literally one day said the exact same thing that you are posting.

He literally till this day hasn't drank one sip of alcoholic beverage. He will still go to bars, and still have fun, but he doesn't drink. He told me the pain the next day was just too much for him to handle.

I've had plenty of times when I went to bars, and other events and didn't drink. You can certainly still have a good time not drinking. Good luck

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So I feel like absolute crap all day on Thursday, which is to be expected. I am totally incapacitated and vomiting constantly, which I'm used to. I try to rehydrate and figure I'll be better the next day. Instead, I'm even worse the next day, which means that I'm running to the bathroom to puke throughout graduation rehearsal, convocation, and various receptions, not to mention feeling like I might pass out because I haven't eaten in 48 hours. Graduation the next day was much the same, and I'm pissed at myself for ruining it and not even being able to appreciate the moment or say goodbye to anyone, because I had to rush back to my apartment and lay down, puking into a trash can every 15 minutes.

This sounds miserable :( My graduation was outside in 80 degree weather and the ambulance had to come pick one chick up bc she was puking on herself. What an awesome culmination of 4 years of hard work and dedications. Sure she made her parents and herself proud.

Anyway, you should really get your liver checked out or something. I've never heard of anyone getting that sick for that long after drinking.

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Good for you for not drinking anymore. Have you had your condition evaluated? Is it possible you have some type of liver deficiency? I would be concerned that if your body cannot process alcohol well/properly, is there anything else you should avoid, or any other adverse effects you might see from your condition?

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Anyway, you should really get your liver checked out or something. I've never heard of anyone getting that sick for that long after drinking.

I have, but only people with gluten allergy or alcohol intolerance. OP should definitely talk to a dr about it

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Jesus, your hangovers last so strong for so long that you're puking on the third day? That's crazy, man. I once drank a half a handle of 80 proof rum in one night and my hangover was gone by the next evening. (And I don't say that to brag, I'll get a hangover after about six drinks if I don't remember to chug water before bed, mine just don't last all that long.)

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Yo for real dude, drinking liqour like that might be giving you gastritis.

This use to happen to me when I would go out clubbing, and drinking straight shots of goose and other vodkas.

This is the only reason I don't drink Jaghermiester (sp?)

I was puking for days. I had to go to patient first, then after a couple of days I ended up going to the emergency room. They had to put an IV in me to hydrate myself, then after passing out for about an hour due to some killer as morphine drip they gave me....I threw up one last time and felt like a brand new person.

You have to watch what you drink, and whiskey isn't always the best thing for the liver.

This is why I don't drink stuff other people offer me. I don't give a crap if someone buys me a jager bomb, I tell them to go drown themselves in it. I know what drinks will aggravate my gasteritis.

Thats why I simple drinker now. Nothing by budlight and Hennessee. Strangely, I can drink both at the same time and not have any lingering effects the same morning.

But just be cautious of what you drink.

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My liver get's compromised by some meds I take. That sounds exactly like I feel when I drink though I haven't got drunk enough to take it that level. Get it checked. Real simple and cheap blood test.

Bleh. Yea I had an inflamed liver for a while a couple years ago. I realized this after I got sick from 1 shot of Belvedere.

Getting checked to see if your liver is effed up is pretty simple.

Now determining what's causing it to be effed up is another story. Millions of tests and tons of money later, they tried to tell me I had everything from viral hepatitis to gallstones to mono. And people wonder why I don't trust modern medicine. :doh:

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Bleh. Yea I had an inflamed liver for a while a couple years ago. I realized this after I got sick from 1 shot of Belvedere.

Getting checked to see if your liver is effed up is pretty simple.

Now determining what's causing it to be effed up is another story. Millions of tests and tons of money later, they tried to tell me I had everything from viral hepatitis to gallstones to mono. And people wonder why I don't trust modern medicine. :doh:


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Have you thought about trying to back off the liquor and stick to beer. Sounds like you might be taking a bunch of shots and all of sudden it hits you pretty hard. I am not a big liquor drinker because I can drink a ton and all of a sudden it hits me like a ton of bricks. I like beer because it allows me to pace myself and I know when i am getting ****ty.

A bunch of times I have said I am never drinking again but a few days after detoxing I am ready to hope back on the bus again. Like others mentioned maybe you have something medically wrong with you. IMO it sounds like you dont drink anything ever then you hit the bar real hard and you pay for it in the end. Try slowing down a little bit or stay away from liquor.

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