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Vow: I am never drinking again


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Weird, guess people process alcohol in their system differently. I used to get wasted, black out and still get get next morning fine going to class. I was actually worried that I was not getting any headache or other symptoms of a hangover.

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Look on the bright side... If the bartender has half a brain, you'll never have to pay for a drink at a bar again... At least that's from my experience when I quit drinking every year (planned, not "I'm never drinking again")

Plus being sober and watching drunks hit on women is HILARIOUS

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I get hangovers pretty severe too. And it doesn't matter how much I drink. I can get tanked and wake up feeling ok. Or I can have 4 beers and wake up feeling like ****.

However, to get around this problem, I take a klonopin. Kills a hangover instantly. Yeah, I suppose using drugs to get rid of a hangover isn't the greatest thing to do but it works and it beats puking.

I do not mix alcohol and klonopin together.

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prescrip painkillers is def a dangerous route to go, and not just b/c of the obvious addiction/mixing alcohol issues.

when i was in college one of my friends worked for a pharmacy. he would get us all sorts of stuff. then one day, a friend of mine shattered his ankle in a car accident. i would take him to a lot of his dr. visits and the therapy appointments later on. one day i was picking him up and he said he had been doing some simple excersizes with another guy who had vitually the same type of injuries. the guy had been trying to rehab for months, but couldnt perform the tasks b/c he had too much of a tolerance for pain killers due to previously abusing them. thus, he couldnt rehab b/c he couldnt bare the pain w/o the painkillers that worked for my friend and allowed my friend to get back to normal relatively quick.

WVU - im not at all knocking anything or saying you are abusing them like that at all. i am saying, though, that pain killers scare the **** out of me and i would def choose a different option if at all possible.

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I have mastered the technique of getting rid of my bamf hangovers. I have had some nasty ones the past couple months and by noon I have rid myself of them. The afterschocks suck though, but they are gone by early evening. Just make sure you eat, get something in your stomach and just concentrate on keeping it down for a while, after that its easy to eat, you just have to be smart about it.

I told myself I would ease off on the drinking after a few weekends ago, and I have stuck to it.

I've only had one beer today :P

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prescrip painkillers is def a dangerous route to go, and not just b/c of the obvious addiction/mixing alcohol issues.

when i was in college one of my friends worked for a pharmacy. he would get us all sorts of stuff. then one day, a friend of mine shattered his ankle in a car accident. i would take him to a lot of his dr. visits and the therapy appointments later on. one day i was picking him up and he said he had been doing some simple excersizes with another guy who had vitually the same type of injuries. the guy had been trying to rehab for months, but couldnt perform the tasks b/c he had too much of a tolerance for pain killers due to previously abusing them. thus, he couldnt rehab b/c he couldnt bare the pain w/o the painkillers that worked for my friend and allowed my friend to get back to normal relatively quick.

WVU - im not at all knocking anything or saying you are abusing them like that at all. i am saying, though, that pain killers scare the **** out of me and i would def choose a different option if at all possible.


Klonopin is not a painkiller.

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