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And then there were none


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Toby you passed away around 6 this morning after almost 17 years of great companionship. You held on longer than any of your sisters and your brother. The four of you were often times to only friends this only child had at times and you're all missed. I brought you home and I've buried you next to them so that as in life you were a close pack and that you will forever remain that way. You held on for the past few weeks after your stoke, you werent ready to leave just yet. I drove down last night once my parents said you're breathing had gotten heavy. You rested your head on my lap for a few moments and then went to sleep. You never woke back up, there was no bark, or mincing and no pain. I went to check on you and you lay there as if everything was finally at peace. I remember when you first came home, you were the third one to join us, you were awrny and always remained that way. Just like a dachsund you remained stubborn and fiercely loyal all these years. I knew when your sister passed in november it would be a short time before you decided it was time to join them. And now I sit here knowing that this truly is the time I realize "and then there were none". But the emptiness that exists now is overcome by the joy and love that you all provided for so many years. Spitz, Prowler, Cindy and Toby, I miss you guys like crazy and thank you. For you were all a gentle reminder of the good things in life and a gift from God to fill up mine.

Spitz - 5/29/05

Prowler - 4/16.06

Cindy - 11/21/08

Toby - 3/30/09

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Sorry to hear that SO, I know how you really loved your Pugs

The pugs are ok, these were my child hood dogs( a mutt, minpin, pom and dachshund) they stayed with my folks when I got married. The pugs are all relatively young, thank goodness, only so much I can handle. And I appreciate yours and everyone elses comments.

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So sorry. Losing a good friend is never easy and good dogs are among the best.

Dogs are the epitome of a true friend. No matter what they stick by you. Sad to say most people eventually have a point where they look out for themselves instead. Dogs are a man's best friend.

Sorry for your loss, I know how you feel.

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