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Profanity in the workplace


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I want to know your opinions on profanity in the workplace.

Specifically in a white-collar environment.

Okay? Not okay? Just not the "F-word"? Disgusting?

The reason I ask is that there is a guy who works right next to me who seems to want to imitate that crazy terrets guy from the internet and the mail courier is like his best friend and she always seems to want to hang out in our office and she cusses like a sailor and rather loudly.

Those of you who know me obviously know why it bothers me personally.

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Against it, especially if the workplace has any access to the public. Under extreme duress if a word pops out here or there it is fine, we're adults, but other than in a day care setting we ought to guard a tongues a little.

As for the day care, too many of America's two year olds are pansies and they need to toughen up. We need to start exposing them and testing them and hardening them up to the realities of the world.

Part of being a professional is acting like one.

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I don't think you can make white-collar generalizations.

I interned with a communications/engineering firm that did government contracting. They needed folks with security clearances, so a lot of influential people in the company had significant military experience and cussing wasn't really frowned upon in the office as long as it wasn't excessive.

Clearly dealing with the customers was a different story.

At other companies, it may be found completely unacceptable and that's fine too. You just kinda follow the lead the execs set unless it's personally distasteful to you.

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I'd wait to see what the culture is like within the organization. If it's commonplace, and no one gets offended, then go ahead. I don't think it's ever okay to curse with customers unless it's clear that the customer accepts it and maybe even encourages it (they don't specifically say "curse at me", but certain customers might find you uptight).

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white collar here.

There is no need for profanity, ever IMO. It just makes you look unprofessional and it shows that your buttons can be pressed. I work in an environment with high stakes negotiations. The guy on the other side of the table is trying to get a feel for my temperment/breaking point. I'd much rather keep him guessing.

People around me curse sometimes, I've heard people yelling at each other over the phone, I've seen people get extremely fiesty to the point where I was actually preparing to hold one of them back from throwing punches. During all of these situations, I never once thought to myself "gee, Bob sure did advance his position or career by raging like that." It was always counterproductive.

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If you are having a regular conversation with a co-worker that you know or is your friend then I don't see the problem, however, any work related issue needs to be dealt with appropriately and that means being serious about the job and not using profanity.

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As a manager in a white collar workplace, it is completely unacceptable. We have fired people for it. We have employees who are talking to customers on the phone, and people who have client meetings. My office is right next to the new hire orientation area, so anytime we have new employees come in I hear all sorts of stuff. The cursing isn't the only issue, but the topics of conversation.

My boss is a Morman who has never had a sip of alcohol in his life. He rarely cracks a joke. I think he would be really pissed if one of us cussed around him.

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To me it depends on who you're around. You have to know the people you are with and whether they would find the profanity appropriate to the situation. If you're not sure how they'd respond, then don't use it. Myself, I generally avoid using it, but I'm not at all offended by it if someone else does.

Simply cussing all the time out of bad habit though, should be avoided.

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