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It took 5 of us to clear wave 50, but we did it. So much fun. Getting to 34 with just 2 people is pretty impressive. I remember struggling at Wave 20 when it was just me and a friend of mine. The multiple of 10 waves are always the worst... Those damn bloodmounts!

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Gears of War 2

Fallout 3

Left 4 Dead - AMAZING replay value

Call of Duty 4

Mirrors edge is pretty fun too

I average 2 hours a day with this game. No matter how many times I play a campaign it always ends up way different than the last time I played the stage. Anyone have any tips on how to Crown the witch? I still don't have that darn achievement.

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I average 2 hours a day with this game. No matter how many times I play a campaign it always ends up way different than the last time I played the stage. Anyone have any tips on how to Crown the witch? I still don't have that darn achievement.

There was an Inside Xbox video on the dash that showed you what to do. Walk up behind the witch with a shotty, wait for her to stand up, aim a little below her head(the base of her neck) and bingo.

*oh yeah, I forgot: flashlight off.

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I play a lot of Halo 3. I'm not the greatest player but I can hold my own against most people. It's a fun game for me to just get a whole bunch of friends over and just spend all night playing. Other than that the CoD games (4 and WaW) are great.

Gears of War never really caught on for me though. I just don't like the gameplay style and I hated playing it online with my friend. Just overall a disappointment for me after all the hype that came with it.

And of Course Madden and NCAA football get regular rotation for me. Don't have 09 for either series yet tho. Is there really that much of a difference from last year to this year's game?


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NHL 09 is pretty damn good. too bad Karl Alzner and Simeon Varlamov don't even exist in that game, though :mad:

Have you downloaded the rosters? They put Alzner on it. Updated the AHL team with Osala, Perreault and Bouchard.

Varlamov is on a Russian league team, look through them. Don't remember which one it is but he's there. You can transfer him onto the AHL or NHL rosters.

For the OP, I'd recomend:

1. NHL 09: if you like hockey or remotely have an interest in it

2. Call of Duty, World at War: decent story mode but online is fun as hell

3. Mass Effect: really cool story and a fun RPG to play.

4. Splinter Cell, Double Agent: Stealth based game. Really cool story where you work as a double agent to rid of a terrorist organization. The sequel that's gonna come out seems really good too so check this one out.

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Have you downloaded the rosters? They put Alzner on it. Updated the AHL team with Osala, Perreault and Bouchard.

Varlamov is on a Russian league team, look through them. Don't remember which one it is but he's there. You can transfer him onto the AHL or NHL rosters.

For the OP, I'd recomend:

1. NHL 09: if you like hockey or remotely have an interest in it

2. Call of Duty, World at War: decent story mode but online is fun as hell

3. Mass Effect: really cool story and a fun RPG to play.

4. Splinter Cell, Double Agent: Stealth based game. Really cool story where you work as a double agent to rid of a terrorist organization. The sequel that's gonna come out seems really good too so check this one out.

I would have sworn I got the latest update and I didn't see Alzner on there. I guess I never did look for Varlamov on a Russian team. I'll have to look into that.

edit: and as for Splinter Cell: Conviction, I'm starting to doubt that's ever gonna come out! how long's it been since DA came out?

also anyone interested in splinter cell should play the original 3 first.

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I just got my 360 a few weeks ago and I love COD4. Multiplayer is a lot of fun. I'm a claymore settin' fool. I love blowing people up with those. It's so satisfying to run around and all of a sudden see a +5 pop up.

I also have Gears of War which I found to be meh, and Bioshock, which is dripping with atmosphere. I'd recommend Bioshock if you don't mind not getting any online play out of a FPS.

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I just got my 360 a few weeks ago and I love COD4. Multiplayer is a lot of fun. I'm a claymore settin' fool. I love blowing people up with those. It's so satisfying to run around and all of a sudden see a +5 pop up.

I also have Gears of War which I found to be meh, and Bioshock, which is dripping with atmosphere. I'd recommend Bioshock if you don't mind not getting any online play out of a FPS.

Love using claymores in free for all, if you get a good building to camp in you can peg guys all game long with those as your guards. They also serve as good warning devices, because even if they don't die, you hear the beep.

I stopped using them because I usually only play domination now. Takes too much time to set them up. The time I spend planting them can be spent running around killing people. I use the 3 flash grenade perk before I get the 3 frags at level 41. My gamertag is privatepile3092 if you want to kick some butt in domination.

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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - The most in-depth RPG I've ever played. Not only is the main quest amazing with an interesting story and fun missions, this game has enough side quests and faction quests to be a full game by itself. You can easily put 100 hours into this game and come nowhere close to doing everything you can do.

Fallout 3: Made by the same game company who made Oblivion, Fallout 3 is an amazingly fun game set in D.C. after nuclear war. It's very similar to Oblivion, but Fallout is a bit more simplistic. However, doesn't have as many sidequests as Oblivion does. Then again, I don't think any game does.

Mass Effect: Another RPG with fun gameplay. The main quest has one, if not best, storylines I've played in any game. RPG or not. The sidequests aren't as in-depth as one might like, but they definitely make do and round out a great game.

Guitar Hero WT: An excellent game with excellent songs that are fun to play. The game has a lot of fun songs for each instrument and balances out good Modern Rock songs (Everlong, Beautiful Disaster, Float On) Classic Rock songs (Purple Haze, Hotel California, Hot for Teacher) and Metal (Trapped Under Ice, Crazy Train, Mr. Crowley).

Gears of War 2: An awesome game that's just flat out fun to play. Horde mode, as already mentioned, is really fun, and rounds things out with a fun storyline and great characters.

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Have you downloaded the rosters? They put Alzner on it. Updated the AHL team with Osala, Perreault and Bouchard.

Varlamov is on a Russian league team, look through them. Don't remember which one it is but he's there. You can transfer him onto the AHL or NHL rosters.

Okay, I went through the rosters again and still couldn't find Alzner or Varlamov. I found two OTHER Varlamovs in the russian league, but not our Varlamov. Either I don't know how to use roster updates, or I'm lost.

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is anyone on here playing call of duty world at war?

So much time put in to COD 4, I can't bring myself to start all the way over for what sounds like the same game with a few switcharoos. Do the WAW weapons have the same characteristics as the weapons in COD 4?

It makes no sense to me.

Why downgrade from modern weapons to WWII weapons and expect to have more fun? Otherwise, if the weapons are just as effective as the ones in COD 4, then they are BS'ing how the weapons really acted back then. I know it's a video game but what's next? Using miniguns in a Civil War game?

Actually, that would be pretty awesome.

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