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Mirror's Edge is a great game. I have almost beaten it and am shooting to have it beat before I go back to school (1/25).

I just couldn't picture World Tour/Rock Band being fun on single player...

You could also play it online with other people, if you'd like we could play together you know like a play date omg so much fun. my GT is Steel Fajitas. I was kidding about the play date it would just be two dudes hanging out with our pants on of course.

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I recently signed up to X-Box Live last month just to get...

Super Street Fighter II HD Remix- it is absolutely one of the best games I have ever played. Smooth hand drawn HD graphics with the Super Street Fighter II Turbo Engine. Which is considered to be one of the best fighting games of all time. Only $15 in X-Box points, I'd have paid $60 to have a game disc. It is that good.

But that's not all I've found that X-Box Live has other quality downloads....for around $8 to $10 a piece.

1. Double Dragon Arcade remade in HD. Just as fun as it was in 1987- and that was the ish back in the day.

2. Pac Man Tournament Edition- a great remake that is even more manic than the original.

3. Contra- speaks for itself

4. Super C- ditto

5. TMNT the Arcade game- reminds how great the arcade was and how the NES port didn't match up.

6. Samurai Shodown II- another amazing fighter that afficionados will love.

X-Box live has hooked me up with some old classics.

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You could also play it online with other people, if you'd like we could play together you know like a play date omg so much fun. my GT is Steel Fajitas. I was kidding about the play date it would just be two dudes hanging out with our pants on of course.

If i get a paycheck soon I might get it before I go back to school... or ask for it for my bday (same day we go back)

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I recently signed up to X-Box Live last month just to get...

Super Street Fighter II HD Remix- it is absolutely one of the best games I have ever played. Smooth hand drawn HD graphics with the Super Street Fighter II Turbo Engine. Which is considered to be one of the best fighting games of all time. Only $15 in X-Box points, I'd have paid $60 to have a game disc. It is that good.

But that's not all I've found that X-Box Live has other quality downloads....for around $8 to $10 a piece.

1. Double Dragon Arcade remade in HD. Just as fun as it was in 1987- and that was the ish back in the day.

2. Pac Man Tournament Edition- a great remake that is even more manic than the original.

3. Contra- speaks for itself

4. Super C- ditto

5. TMNT the Arcade game- reminds how great the arcade was and how the NES port didn't match up.

6. Samurai Shodown II- another amazing fighter that afficionados will love.

X-Box live has hooked me up with some old classics.

I have not seen Contra nor TMNT I am gonna have to look for those when I get home. TMNT and Contra as well as Street Fighter were my bff jill back in the day

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I have not seen Contra nor TMNT I am gonna have to look for those when I get home. TMNT and Contra as well as Street Fighter were my bff jill back in the day

If you like arcade games, Catan is a great game based off of a European board game. Cult classic right there. I also liked Alien Hominid HD and Castle Crashers because of the artistry of both games (same artist). I didnt do many arcade classics like double dragon or Streets of Rage or Contra because its more nestalgic then anything. The game play still sucks for the most part, its repetative and the replay value on those games is pretty low. Hell, there arent a lot of arcade games that the replay value is great on. Catan is one of those games though because it is a multi player gmae spawned from a board game.

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I say Halo 3... people say it is overrated, the graphics suck, it's nothing special. But there is a reason it the number one game on X-box live week after week 1 1/2 years later. It's just fun to play.

The game is great, it was the little kids screaming into the mics and spewing racial crap every ten seconds and the modem glitch/ other cheats that would manipulate the game somehow. That is what killed Halo 3 for me. I liked the game, hated the kids playing.

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I just beat the first Gears of War and that game was KICK ASS!!! you gotta play it on hardcore though and if you have someone else who wants to play the game with you it is that much more fun.

conan was a great hack and slash game. real gory and nudity.

call of duty - world at war is a hell of a lot of fun too!!

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The game is great, it was the little kids screaming into the mics and spewing racial crap every ten seconds and the modem glitch/ other cheats that would manipulate the game somehow. That is what killed Halo 3 for me. I liked the game, hated the kids playing.

I don't see nearly as much cheating as it got in Halo 2, and the key is to mute really obnoxious people and get a decent friend base to keep playing with

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I don't see nearly as much cheating as it got in Halo 2, and the key is to mute really obnoxious people and get a decent friend base to keep playing with

Yeah, you are right about Halo2 having more cheaters then 3, but 3 was still bad in the beginning, so i left Halo3 for Call of Duty4. I just felt it was a much more polished game then Halo. Also, I found more older/adult individuals playing CoD4 at the time, so I never went back to Halo, even after the free map packs dropped. I downloaded them too, just never played them. Good call about muting the obnoxious ones, I just don't like going doing it mid game and standing idle while i do and possibly being shot, though the converse is to put up with it until you are dead. Either way. Its a great game, but other FPS's came out and it got buried for me.

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Yea Rockband is fun I just need to find a way to come up when that kind of money.

Which is better? Rock Band or GH: World Tour?

I enjoy sports games and I just completely forgot about them.

Go to 2ksports.com. Got to the 2ksports forum for NBA 2K9 and they have a promo code for like $10 off the game. I think they're already doing it at GameStop but just to be sure you could check there. Great game but the only thing is that the online can be very temperamental. Even with the patch they released there are still lingering problems. Definitely don't pay retail for it but it is a good game otherwise.

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Gears of War 2 rocks. Bioshock is awesome. I like the Lego games too, like Star Wars Lego and Raiders of the Lost Ark Lego. You basically play through the movie stories, but everything is made out of Legos. Good fun.

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The Rock Band/ Guitar Hero games are fun as hell and I would recommend them to anyone if you think you would even be slightly interested. More expensive then a normal game sure, but worth it.

Most of my favorites have already been mentioned:

Elder Scrolls IV - Not for everyone, it's an incredibly deep, complex game with a million things to do. Very fun though.

Fallout 3 - Similar to Elder Scrolls (made by the same company) but seems a little less complicated (a good thing for most people). Another great RPG.

GTA IV - I only played through it once but the story is great and there's a lot to do. The in game world is incredibly detailed. Multiplayer is a lot of fun too.

The Orange Box - I dont know if any one mentioned this. It's Half Life 2, plus the first two new HL2 "episodes." Also includes a brilliant little game called Portal and the multiplayer game Team Fortress 2. The Half Life games are absolutely amazing and Portal, while short, is worth owning all by itself. IMO, this is a must have for any fan of shooters (or good games in general).

Soul Calibur IV - A fun fighting game with Yoda in it. The story mode is mediocre compared to its predecessors, but if you like fighting games this is a good one.

Bioshock - Only played this through once, but it was a lot of fun.

Gears of War 2 - Both Gears 1 and 2 are great, I'm alreayd looking forward to the next one. The gameplay is unique and excellent, the campaign mode is solid, and multiplayer is blast. Horde mode, a new feature in Gears 2, is probably the best addition to the sequal and gets very addicting.

As far as Sports games go... I've been disappointed in Madden since it made the switch the next gen systems, but the Madden 09 version isnt bad. Personally I always have more fun playing FIFA 09. The new version is probably the best one to date, but if you arent a fan of soccer games that probably won't do much for you.

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As previously mentioned Soulcalibur IV is also a good one. It looks really good in HD. It's a little easy though, but worthwhile.

Ninja Gaiden II also offers visceral thrills. Defenitely one of the bloodiest dismembering games out there. Good challenge level and also looks great.

And I'm personally stoked for Feb. 17- Street Fighter IV. Although it does look like Super Street Fighter II HD remix will satisfy until it comes out and then some.

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Gears of War 2 - Both Gears 1 and 2 are great, I'm alreayd looking forward to the next one. The gameplay is unique and excellent, the campaign mode is solid, and multiplayer is blast. Horde mode, a new feature in Gears 2, is probably the best addition to the sequal and gets very addicting.

Horde mode is probably the most fun I've had gaming in a few years. Me and my 13 year old son will play it for hours. It's kind of amazing how intelligent the bots seem to be compared to older games.

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NHL 09- ridiculously awesome.

NCAA Football 09- been playing the NCAA series since I was a kid.

Call of Duty WaW- very similar to COD 4, but with a few improvements.

Guitar Hero: World Tour- very comparable to Rock Band 2, but I like the setlist of GH: WT better.

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Yeah, you are right about Halo2 having more cheaters then 3, but 3 was still bad in the beginning, so i left Halo3 for Call of Duty4. I just felt it was a much more polished game then Halo. Also, I found more older/adult individuals playing CoD4 at the time, so I never went back to Halo, even after the free map packs dropped. I downloaded them too, just never played them. Good call about muting the obnoxious ones, I just don't like going doing it mid game and standing idle while i do and possibly being shot, though the converse is to put up with it until you are dead. Either way. Its a great game, but other FPS's came out and it got buried for me.

:applause: Says it all right there. I feel the exact same way. Halo 2 was amazing online even with all of the problems but Halo 3 just didnt seem to have what halo 2 did online. I left and got COD4 which I think everyone should have, I have grown to really enjoy CODWAW and suggest that too.

I really think you should go back and buy Left 4 Dead and play it online. Old school games like Oblivion and Fight Night are good and you can get Bad Company now for like 20 bucks.

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Horde mode is probably the most fun I've had gaming in a few years. Me and my 13 year old son will play it for hours. It's kind of amazing how intelligent the bots seem to be compared to older games.

so you can play split screen, and add bots to play on your team in horde?

or am i missing something?

can you tell me how to do this?

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so you can play split screen, and add bots to play on your team in horde?

or am i missing something?

can you tell me how to do this?

No, the two of us play against the bad guys. I think you can play up to 5 against the horde if you link consoles or play online.

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