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Anyone else getting this text message? Is it ok to laugh at it?


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A black friend of mine forwarded a text message to me (I am white) that he received from someone he goes to school with.

When I read it, I have to admit I laughed my ass off. Then I thought about it for a second. I was like, "damn, that's really bad."

Then I thought about it some more. I realized that coming from him to me, it was funny as hell, but at the same time, it was so screwed up. Then I felt kinda bad for laughing.

This is the text.....

"President Obama said all honkies to the cotton field at 6 A.M."

Has anyone else gotten this? A few of my friends say they did, and they all had pretty much the same reaction I did.

I'm confused, was it wrong of me to laugh, or was it really ironically funny?

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My goodness, we've been getting that one all day. On a listerve that I belong to with predominately african-americans, everyone thought it was funny. Only a few didn't take to it. They weren't sure if it was inciteful to some so they didn't want it going around, but its everywhere. I personally got a chuckle out of it.

EDIT: I just read yours. Actually the one I read was different. It just said white people report to the cotton fields for orientation at 6am.

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Agree...would everyone think it was funny if it was with McCain's name and blacks? jw

First of all these are person to person messages and none of us have any right to say if its ok to make those transmissions. Ofcourse its ok no matter how much it hurts you.

I have no doubt that if mccain had won that the same thing would have been said in different context and detail, or that when obama won that some idiot sent something equally as stupid.

Statements like that show the base quality of man, and many enjoy that excercise. It is a fact of life and everyone has to accept it, the only recourse individuals have is to rise above it.

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Jesus H. Christ! If you think it's funny, laugh. I sure as hell did. I'm looking forward to some great stand up over the next 4 years that will be along the same lines. My guess is this will be considered tame compared to some of the stuff I expect to here from my brothers of the non Caucasian persuasion.

Grow a set, and let's all laugh at ourselves. Especially those who suffer from "White Guilt Complex." Consider it part of your therapy.

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Jesus H. Christ! If you think it's funny, laugh. I sure as hell did. I'm looking forward to some great stand up over the next 4 years that will be along the same lines. My guess is this will be considered tame compared to some of the stuff I expect to here from my brothers of the non Caucasian persuasion.

Grow a set, and let's all laugh at ourselves. Especially those who suffer from "White Guilt Complex." Consider it part of your therapy.

Uh again, I don't really think it's offensive. And you can take that white guilt bull**** somewhere else. No, I don't think it's funny because...shocker,it's not funny.

I'm curious, what are some other things that make you laugh? Like what's your go-to comedy tv show or comedy movie? Or who is your favorite comedian?

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