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FOXNews: Talk Show Host John McLaughlin Calls Obama "Oreo"


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A representative for John McLaughlin told FOXNews.com Monday that the television talk show host wasn’t using a racist expression — “Oreo” — to describe Barack Obama during an episode that aired this past weekend, but was merely summing up what he believed to be the view of Rev. Jesse Jackson.

McLaughlin spokeswoman Becca Baker said the transcript shows that McLaughlin was not expressing his own point of view, but Jackson’s view of Obama.

“It’s clear from both text and context that John McLaughlin is speculating why Jesse Jackson said what he said about Barack Obama. It’s Jackson’s view of Obama, not McLaughlin’s,” she said.

The former Jesuit priest and Nixon administration official was asking his panel about the tense relationship between Obama and Jackson when he called Obama an “Oreo.”

While also a delicious cookie, the term “Oreo” is a derogatory term used against blacks that accuses an individual of being “black on the outside, white on the inside”

“Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that someone like Obama, who fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo — a black on the outside, a white on the inside — that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for,” McLaughlin asked, according to a transcript from The McLaughlin Group, the highly-rated show that launched the shouting head-fest that embodies cable news.

McLaughlin was discussing the recent Obama-Jackson clash in which Jackson was caught on an open microphone accusing the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of being condescending toward black people during a Father’s day speech about responsibility. He also then said, “I want to cut his nuts off.”

Jackson apologized multiple times afterward and Obama said he accepted Jackson’s contrition.

In addressing the panel, McLaughlin said Jackson may be angry about Obama potentially replacing Jackson as a civil rights speaker, a position Jackson has fought for in speeches and past election runs throughout his career.

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McLaughlin is an old Republican at heart, but he actually is pretty bright and while he loves to stir the pot usually is pretty clean. I actually like his show. My father calls them "the loud ones" as an endearment. Personally, I think he's too much of a pro to go the racist route and I don't think it's really in him.

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I just want to take a moment and point out that Obama may be the only human being in the Earth's multi-billion-year history who (intentionally or not) caused Jesse Jackson to apologize.

But I don't remember or know enough about ol' Jesse's career to say that for sure. Has he ever publicly apologized for an insensitive remark before? It just seems so... backwards.

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Perfect example of a word that keeps racism alive and well. "Black on the outside and white on the inside". WTF is that?

I was thinking the same thing. Anyone care to explain what makes a black man "white on the inside". Does Obama need more "street cred" or some such nonsense to not be considered an "oreo" by race dinosaurs like Jesse Jackson.

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I was thinking the same thing. Anyone care to explain what makes a black man "white on the inside". Does Obama need more "street cred" or some such nonsense to not be considered an "oreo" by race dinosaurs like Jesse Jackson.

Let's be clear - Jackson did not call Obama an Oreo. That was ALL John McLaughlin speculating about reasons for Jackson's seeming anger toward Obama.

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But I don't remember or know enough about ol' Jesse's career to say that for sure. Has he ever publicly apologized for an insensitive remark before? It just seems so... backwards.

The only thing I could find:


Jesse Jackson's 'Hymietown' Remark – 1984

Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. Jackson had assumed the references would not be printed because of his racial bond with Coleman, but several weeks later Coleman permitted the slurs to be included far down in an article by another Post reporter on Jackson's rocky relations with American Jews.

A storm of protest erupted, and Jackson at first denied the remarks, then accused Jews of conspiring to defeat him. The Nation of Islam's radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally, made a difficult situation worse by threatening Coleman in a radio broadcast and issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson's presence: "If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm."

Finally, Jackson doused the fires in late February with an emotional speech admitting guilt and seeking atonement before national Jewish leaders in a Manchester, New Hampshire synagogue. Yet Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan, and lingering, deeply rooted suspicions have led to an enduring split between Jackson and many Jews. The frenzy also heightened tensions between Jackson and the mostly white establishment press.

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I was thinking the same thing. Anyone care to explain what makes a black man "white on the inside". Does Obama need more "street cred" or some such nonsense to not be considered an "oreo" by race dinosaurs like Jesse Jackson.

You say some ish that makes me roll my eyes, but you also say some ish that makes me respect your opinions. Guess that's why I don't put you on ignore. Then again, I've got nobody on ignore, so do the math. :)

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I just want to take a moment and point out that Obama may be the only human being in the Earth's multi-billion-year history who (intentionally or not) caused Jesse Jackson to apologize.

But I don't remember or know enough about ol' Jesse's career to say that for sure. Has he ever publicly apologized for an insensitive remark before? It just seems so... backwards.

Obama is now the HNIC

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