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What was the dumbest thing you did as a kid?

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The 3rd and 4th times I broke my arm......I never went to the hospital......I just sucked it up, iced it in my room and hoped my step-dad didn't notice that I was out doing something somewhere I wasn't supposed to.

My radius and ulna fused 3 inches behind my wrist so I can't arm wrestle or straight curl w/o pain now......

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Got suspended in 6th grade for mooning the entire class.

Then again in 7th grade..

My mom thought I had a problem because I couldn't resist showing people my ass.:silly:

I was a pretty wild kid.

I also shoved a hot dog up my nose when I was like 5 and had to have surgery to get it out.

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dumbest but it is very funny. I was sitting near the front of the bus when i had a cold. I coughed some mucus out the window and the girl i liked was sitting near the back of the bus and the mucus landed front on her forehead. I didn't admit i was the one who did it but i busted out laughin

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Farted loudly during a test and turned around and said to the young lady behind me, "I didn't think girls did that".

I also didn't think girls would smack your ass right across the face in a crowded room.

Wrong on both accounts. :doh:

How old were you? :laugh:

Got busted for cheating on homework...pretty serious offense in my HS.

Copied it off a kid....half assed it, just needed to get it done before that class. My buddy copied mine but made his better.

Lady from the front office was waiting for us after our last class one day and hauled us into the office where we met with the assistant principal. He started reading my 2nd friends, then started reading mine. Accused me of cheating off HIM. Never found out about the original guy who I copied off of.

School had a pretty strict ethics code, but it didn't go on our transcripts. We confessed, then laughed about it when they realized they had their stories messed up. :)

Made a girl cry in 2nd grade with a whoopee cushion, too :)

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In 5th grade I short circuited the entire schools electrical system out, school was closed for a day and a half. Lucky I was not electrocuted

Remembered another, I put gas in a pump up sprayer and used it as a flame thrower when we played army, shot flames out a good 12 feet

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It's so hard to narrow down, being I was such a good kid.

Tossing smoke bombs into the open window of the waiting room for the doctors office across the street from our house. I didn't do it alone. I was forbidden to play with matches and had caught a good wippin for doing so in the past, so my best friend Richie lit the match while I held the smoke bombs, and lobbed then into the window.

Myself and two friends found it fun to jump from the top of a 15 ft fence that was around the church parking lot onto a brand new ford fairlane. By the time a nun spotted us, the roof was crushed, windshild blown out, and the hood caved in. The ironic part is we didn't run away when she yelled at us, and we could have been blocks away. She was on the other side of the fence, and had to walk easily 100 yeard to get to us. You were taught the fear of God back then. You feared the priests, then the brothers, and last. but in no way least the nuns.

Jumping off the garage roof with an umbrella as a parachute was the lest of my screw up's.

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I was talking so i was sent to stand in the hall so i would not disrupt class, they were working on the main electrical panel but were at lunch and left the cover off, so i stuck in a big metal paper clip and pulled the handle down. it fused the handle and fried the panel, sparks were flying everywhere, i ran all the way home and my mother was waiting for me.

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I threw a snowball that hit the passenger-side front window of a moving Maryland State Police cruiser -- square.

I remember a time in high school when they were cracking down on snowballs which I thought (and still do was pretty stupid) so, one time when all of us were clustering around the school buses, I packed a nice fat snowball and heaved it up as far and high as I could throw it. About four seconds later we heard an "Ow" Everyone around me just busted out laughing. No one had any idea who I hit, but whoever it was just about the unluckiest bum that day.

I throw a snowball into the air and who it hits I do not care... I still smile remembering it.

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I was talking so i was sent to stand in the hall so i would not disrupt class, they were working on the main electrical panel but were at lunch and left the cover off, so i stuck in a big metal paper clip and pulled the handle down. it fused the handle and fried the panel, sparks were flying everywhere, i ran all the way home and my mother was waiting for me.

Is it me or is this board malfunctioning ?

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I was 17, doing doughnuts in the snow of my church's parking lot. Half of it was cleared and half not, so you could crank it to 40-50 MPH and then use the edge of the plowed snow as a ramp into the powder. I nearly rolled the damn car. FUN then, looking back now, I could've killed someone (or myself). :laugh:

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I threw a snowball that hit the passenger-side front window of a moving Maryland State Police cruiser -- square.

Me and my friends did something like that 1 time, only it wasnt to a cop car..We were throwing snow balls at cars and apparently the persons passenger window was down and the snowball hit the woman sitting in the passenger seat..So the guy turned around and came to my house and told my parents about what we did.:laugh:

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hmmm quite a few things come to mind...here is a select few

5th grade I got suspended for singing "I Saw Mommy ****ing Santa Claus"

flipped a desk and threw a chair at my teacher, got suspended

supposebly I threatened to kill one of the school police officers when one of my boys got locked up, got suspended for that too...

plenty more, but that was a select few...

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It's hard to say

Burning down the field next to the house was memorable,followed by making a torch,lighting it,then trying to hide it behind the couch...that probably was the stupidest.

Trying to hang a cat in the front yard wasn't one of my better moments,nor very successful other than pissing off the neighbor.

That brings us to age 5, and telling my stepdad "it's none of your god dammed business" ranks right up there from what little I can remember of the beating.

That man defined stomping a mudpuddle on your ass and kicking it dry for me.

Perhaps I'll share more later,I have plenty of dumb ones to choose from.

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- Fireball Tennis wasn't the smartest idea.

- Fireball Soccer, see above.

- Fireball Tennis cannon, see above.

- Touching the pretty orange glow of a car cigarette lighter, not smart.

.... let's just say I did a lot of dumb **** and call it a day. :)

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When I was about 11 a kid got hit by a car, and we all ran over to 'see the blood'.

When we got there, the ambulance was pulling away and there was only a small bit of blood on the street. So, like a jackass I loudly complained that the least the kid could have done was bleed for us... and his dad was standing right there.

I felt about two inches tall and made a hasty retreat.

I don't think I'll ever live down the look he shot me.


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