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What was the dumbest thing you did as a kid?

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Oh yeah,that one certainly qualifies ,bet you didn't ever do it again :laugh:

Holding a 12 gauge shell in my hand and striking it with a hammer doesn't seem so dumb now....relatively speaking ;)

Got that right!

Good thing that was only a low-voltage fence, to keep dogs in, rather than the ones designed for cattle....

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Got suspended in 6th grade for mooning the entire class.

Then again in 7th grade..

My mom thought I had a problem because I couldn't resist showing people my ass.:silly:

I was a pretty wild kid.

I also shoved a hot dog up my nose when I was like 5 and had to have surgery to get it out.

your nose.


might as well tell the whole truth.


Damn, Maj stole my thunder! :laugh:


I was in the 7th grade ( I think) and we were just about to leave math class. My boy Jeremy gave me a bottle to spill the contents out on this kid who sat in front of us and had a nasty smell. Well, needless to say, I opened up the bottle and spilled the ENTIRE contents on the back of the kids clothes. Needless to say the entire hallway stunk badly! As it turned out, the bottle was filled with 'doe lure'. All you hunters now how bad that reeks. Now imagine that smell in a crowded hallway. :doh: :laugh:

I got suspended for a week and a half for that.

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Threw a rock at the school bus.
Got suspended.....for mooning the entire class.
Tossing smoke bombs....
....doing doughnuts in the snow....
....throwing snow balls at cars....
I was doing 90+ in a 35.....
Your mama.....
....swallowing a whole bottle of chewable vitamins.....

Did all that too. Bunch of juvenile delinquents in here. Where are the parents?

In high school, after our friday night football games/parties, we would go into DC and mess with the hookers. Never had any cash, but they would swarm our cars, hanging in the windows, groping for money. My buddy Doug got mouthy with one and got spit in the face. At 4 am. I remind him of that every time I see him.

Like most in here, got a ton more.

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The SECOND time I went for the cookie dough in the mixing bowl while mom was making them,(she had her head turned both times). You would think that I would have learned after the first time she quick drawed that wooden spoon and nailed me with the thing on the hand. But oh no....... :rolleyes: :doh:

Woman was amazingly quick with that wooden spoon and had eyes in the back of her head.

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I just want to say at least I was never as dumb as THIS kid. :laugh: :notworthy

Ralph Hardy, a 13 year old from Newark, Texas confessed to ordering an extra credit card from his father's existing credit card company, and took his friends on a $30,000 spending spree, culminating in playing "Halo" on an Xbox with a couple of hookers in a Texas motel.


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In high school, after our friday night football games/parties, we would go into DC and mess with the hookers..

We used to do that too. We stole one of those fire extinguishers that were filled with water from our school and would wait until the coldest night of the winter and cruise around spraying the hookers with water as they approached our car. Too bad super soakers weren't around then.

It was fun until one of the pimps started chasing us in his car. We were only saved because as we went thru an intersection the light turned yellow and he tried to beat it and got pulled over by the cop that was behind him.

What the hell were we thinking?

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OK, here's a good one. When we were teenagers we used to steal shotgun shells from our respective homes and buy a big bag of marbles. you then would take a knife and cut the end of the shell and drain all of the BBs out of it. after that you take one of the marbles and tape it down to the primer.

after that you would take them and throw them and since the marble would be so much heavier it would land on that and the shell would fire off. there would be no BBs in it so it would just shoot the wad out and make a big noise. or so we thought..

my friends and I are walking down this street and he thought it would be funny to throw one down right behind us hard and fast so it would scare us. well when he did it, it landed straight up and the wad shot him right in his neck. it knocked him clean off his feet and hit him square in the adams apple. didnt really break the skin too bad but we all thought he was dead for a second. after we saw he was going to make it we all kicked him and left him to recover on his own.

dont try that at home kids..

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Oh, let's see here, BESIDES lighting a fake fern on fire and nearly burning down my parents' newly built house....

...or cutting off my friend's hair to her ears (to my credit, I did have her permission)...

...or destroying my wallpaper, some books, and a new outfit I'd recieved as a gift, in an effort to "frame" my little sister because I was mad at her...

...or palm thrusting my bedroom lightswitch through the wall because my mom was late in picking me up for karate lessons...

...or breaking a window on one of the garage doors because I was practicing my tennis stroke against the side...

...or tying a trashbag to our cat in an effort to create an "umbrella effect" and throwing her off our second story balcony...

...my childhood was relatively uneventful :laugh:

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About 6 years old......decided I wanted to try to jump like a frog in my kitchen.

I twisted my arms around my legs and jumped.

:laugh: :laugh:

Landed on my chin and busted it open.

Yep, I was a blonde then too.


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Probably my senior prank. Went to the local monastary and caught 4 ducks. Went to lowes and bought 8,000lb chain and locks. Climbed the roof of the school and put the ducks in the courtyard. Chained the doors of the school shut as well as the parking lot. Well school was delayed by about 2 hours to call in a locksmith cause the locks were to small to cut with bolt cutters so they had to be torched. Also, the 200+ student cars waiting to get into the parking lot cause the gates were chained shut. The teachers were filming in the courtyard cause the janitors spent almost 2 hours with a garbage pale trying to catch the ducks. They claimed it was the funniest thing they ever saw. Well, after my mom pleaded to the principal to walk graduation I ended up walking. After I didn't receive a diploma caused the police gave me 20+ hours of community service. I had to clean up graduation, then weed the courtyard of the school. It looks nice now :) After the community service I received my diploma. BTW, This was done by myself and 4 other kids.

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How did you get caught ? One of your boys is a snitch, or you are.

Not to sure to this day....someone did snitch on us. I was at work cause school was out and the principal called my work and cellphone about 50 times. I still didnt budge and told him to leave me alone. I was interrogated by 4 cops for about 2 hours inside the school. I still denied everything even after they told me I was going to jail for animal cruelty, destruction of property, ect. Then I had no choice but to confess because one of my dumb friends bought the locks and used a credit card at lowes. So it was tracked.

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3rd grade we had a school basketball tournament and I just HAD to have one of the tournament t-shirts. I don't remember how much they were, so instead of asking my grandparents (figured they'd say no), I took out my grandmother's checkbook one day and wrote a check for the shirt-forged signature and all. I don't know how my grandmother found out (school probably called her), but...man, did I have hell to pay for quite a while.

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When I was in the 5th grade my friends and I would terrorize the younger kids by throwing crab apples at them from the hill by our school. We got ina lot of trouble for hitting their parents cars. Throwing water ballons at passing cars was always fun

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Hid in my ex-girlfriends closet while wearing nothing but boxers :doh:

I was able to get my jeans on by the time her mother came into the room at 2 am. You should have seen the looks when she saw the bed sheets all in a pile :silly:

I thought that I was gonna die. Her father actually said (later) that he and his wife had done the same thing when they were teens. The guy had several authenic black bikers jackets from the 50's hanging in the closet. It's a good thing that he liked me.

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Filled a Dixie wax cup to the top with gasoline and set it on fire on the fence right next to the house. Tried to put said fire out with the garden hose. That's when I learned that you can't put out a gasoline fire really well with water. Soooo lucky that the house didn't burn down.

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In 10th grade I stole my older sisters car during the night to sneak out and meet my friends who were camping. Not only did I not have my drivers license but I got the inside and outside of her car full of mud. I was in trouble for a long time by my parents. Now that Iam older I cant believe I did something soo dangerous and dumb!

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This thread should be stickied, some of these are great. I'm going to do a couple posts here, this one will be similar stories to those I've already read.

My junior year at McLean High School, they were re-doing the roof. We always had workers up there. So around 2:00 a.m. (Why did we not have curfews) we go driving up to the school, and get the bright idea to climb onto the roof. Well, me and one of my friends, anyway. To get on the roof, you had to climb up the side of a pipe. I was much stronger relative to my weight in those days, so I managed. Anyway, I get up there with another friend, and we're walking around, throwing stones...and then we notice the Port-o-John. For the workers during the day, obviously.

You can imagine what happened next. We manuevered it to the side of the school, and heaved it off the roof. There was a large trash dumpster below us...one of those long, 20 foot deals used for building materials. The port-o-john was upside down by this point, and the roof of the john landed on the edge of the dumpster and caved in. The john was literally balanced in mid-air, on the side of the dumpster, and all the sins it contained had flown everywhere. Anyway, it started to tip, but since the dumpster was right next to the school, it wound up just balancing against the wall. Right after we threw it, a car came by, but it was full of other students, and we were still on the roof. As soon as it was clear, we got off the roof and ran like hell. People talked about that for weeks...

...Like an earlier poster stated, I had a car jumping experience as well. One of the entrances to McLean High used to have a big bump on it (the Westmoreland entrace, for those familiar) and we used to go car jumping. You would turn onto Westmoreland from Chain Bridge road, have a couple hundred yards to get up to speed, and then hit the bump. Well, my friends and I did this...probably fifty times. I noticed after awhile that my fathers car always pulled to the left if I didn't have my hands on the steering wheel...like, jerking into traffic. Turned out I had knocked it something like 4 degrees out of alignment, whatever that means. My mothers car...I cracked the back axel almost in two pieces. I explained both of these things away as "wear and tear" not having any idea how ridiculous that sounded. But I never got caught, so there was never any real proof, just a lot of suspicion.

...Super soakers were another tool, we used to blast people on the sidewalk, on bicycles, etc as we'd drive by. We got the cops called on us once for that, but I escaped because I was in the back seat, not driving or using the weapon, so the cops didn't bother coming to my house.

...Usual assortment of house eggings and baloney on cars, etc.

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^^^^^^^^^^ it's amazing to see that kids growing up NOVA are still crazy as hell.

I probably have a 1000 stories like that one and I've lived all over the country and people just don't believe the **** that we used to do. Living in north Arlington just on the edge of Mcleand/Langely (Glebe rd chainbridge rd. area) we had a lot of run ins with "Mcleaniacs" lol

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^^^^^^^^^^ it's amazing to see that kids growing up NOVA are still crazy as hell.

I probably have a 1000 stories like that one and I've lived all over the country and people just don't believe the **** that we used to do. Living in north Arlington just on the edge of Mcleand/Langely (Glebe rd chainbridge rd. area) we had a lot of run ins with "Mcleaniacs" lol

Im actually going through some of the things ive done and i cant post them because, while i view them as harmless mischief, they are actually felonies that i dont really want to post on a public message board. :paranoid:

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Im actually going through some of the things ive done and i cant post them because, while i view them as harmless mischief, they are actually felonies that i dont really want to post on a public message board. :paranoid:

:laugh: The statute of limitations is your friend ;)

I'm more afraid to list much because my kids might read it,and they already think I'm nuts just from the second hand stories still floating around.

Phoward12,the car jumping brings back a lot of fun memories :cheers:

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