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What was the dumbest thing you did as a kid?

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^^^^^^^^^^ it's amazing to see that kids growing up NOVA are still crazy as hell. I probably have a 1000 stories like that one and I've lived all over the country and people just don't believe the **** that we used to do. Living in north Arlington just on the edge of Mcleand/Langely (Glebe rd chainbridge rd. area) we had a lot of run ins with "Mcleaniacs" lol

I'm still saving a few other stories for separate posts...like this one.

Had two friends, we'll call them Eric and Jack to protect the guilty. Eric and Jack ran Cross Country in the Fall and Indoor track in the winter, but played other sports in the spring. So they're wandering past McLean one spring Saturday, and what do they see? The cars belonging to the McLean outdoor track team, all unattended. They were off at a meet. Eric and Jack quickly go to the local Giant and purchase large amounts of shaving cream and other items, and just destroy the cars. They used the shaving cream to write "Madison rules" among other things.

They leave...but come back a few hours later to admire their handywork. They pull into the parking lot and the entire team is there, looking at their cars and fuming. Pissed beyond belief. Eric gets out of the car and asks what happened, and they tell him, "Madison, those mother****ers, etc., etc.

Eric and Jack are kinda nervous, but Jack just blurts out, swear to God...

"Um....we think they went that way, let's get em!!!"

Eric and Jack jump in the car and peel out. Couldn't have been more conspicuous, but they got away with it. McLean track team, in an effort to get revenge, clean off their cars, go the store, and head over to Madison. Destroy Madison's track team cars...bananas up the tailpipes, shaving cream, the whole nine yards.

A few weeks later, the Liberty District meet takes place. Eric attends to support McLean, as he is also a runner but playing another sport. McLean and Madison's track teams square off against each other in the middle of the meet and get ready to start throwing, hurling all sorts of insults at each other.

Madison: "You mother****ers wrecked our cars, etc., etc."

McLean: "Just relaliating for the **** you did to ours!"

Madison: "No we didn't?????"

Confusion starts to reign. Eric left quickly before they could draw any conclusions.

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When I was four, my grandfather would sometimes allow me to play inside of vehicles in the driveway as long as he was outside to supervise. On this fateful day, I was playing in their mid-60s ragtop Convertible (can't remember make/model but a beaut of a car). I had bumped the gear shift into neutral and the car started to coast across the road. The car then started to go down a steep hill at a good clip. I fell underneath of the steering wheel and was able to somehow throw myself out of the car before it ran into a tree.

I was beaten by my grandmother, mother and my grandfather. A belt, a hand and a switch that I had to go pick out myself in the backyard. It was the worst beating I ever received in my life. They were scared to death because I easily could've died. However, that didn't stop them from almost beating me TO death.

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In 4th grade I broke a window at my school during recess. I was kicking a kick ball against the wall and hit the 2nd floor window. I never got caught, but I did have class in that room later that day.

When I was 15, my dad took my brother on a college campus tour and my mom was working. They made the mistake of leaving a set of car keys in their room. Me and a friend took the car for a spin in the neighborhood. Someone called the cops and they thought that my brother was driving. My mom got mad and told off some people about blaming my brother when he wasn't even in the state.

I have covered a tennis ball with WD-40 and set it on fire. We would play tennis with it in the middle of the street.

In my old neighborhood, we were havign a snowball fight and this kid was being a dick, so I decide to take an Egg and cover it in snow. I threw it at him and he ducked. It smashed on a neighbors window. I had to clean it up after the cops came by.

11th grade, I got really drunk and in the middle of night, I slept walked, opened a desk drawer, pissed in it and tried to flush my dad's stein. The next day, I found out that I did that and cleaned it up. My parents tried giving it to my brother and sister but couldn't figure out why no one wanted it. They found out why a couple years later.

There are a number of other ones, but nothing too big.

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Stole a mini-frisbee from People's Drug store. Scared the crap out of me when I got caught. The store mgr wanted to send me to jail (to scare me of course) and I've never taken so much as a stick of gum since. I was about 5 or 6.

that is so bizare that you mentioned that. when I was like 6 I lifted a pack of batman trading cards, from Peoples Drug. and got found out by my parents, who made me go back to the store. Do you remember that they had a **** load of ceiling fans back then, instead of AC?

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Stole a mini-frisbee from People's Drug store. Scared the crap out of me when I got caught. The store mgr wanted to send me to jail (to scare me of course) and I've never taken so much as a stick of gum since. I was about 5 or 6.

Frisbees were brand new back then too. I think they came in, in like '66, by Wham-O.

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I used to like to throw matches into the gas tank of my lawn mower. Since gasoline itself (the liquid) is not flammable only the gas immediately exposed to air would catch fire. So, basically, what you would have is a fire contained to the size of the opening which is easily extuingished by replacing the cap. Well, that is unless you don't take into account the spilled gas that leaves a trail over the lawnmower. Evidently I had spilled quite a bit as almost the entire mower went up in flames - I overturned it trying to smother out the flames and ran for the hose.


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