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What was the dumbest thing you did as a kid?

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This kid brought his Mom's Mace to school and showed a few of us. I asked to see it and sprayed it towards the ceiling of the classroom like it was air freshener. :doh: A few students complained of symptoms, but no one was seriously affected by it. That basically did me in for that day and I got a 2 day suspension. These days I would have been on CNN and expelled.

I've done other things...but I would be here all night typing.

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when i was 12 i had a wrist rocket. basically that is a slingshot with a strap that goes over your wrist and extended out front. caltrans has their trucks so they can ride on the train tracks and some buddies and I decided to shoot one with our wrist rocket.

so, of couse I shot it!! boom!! window explodes, truck jumps off the tracks and we take off running. not thinking once that we were 3 blocks from home and they already knew who we were because we used to shoot at the bums who sat in the open cars when they rode by.

so caltrans is chasing me and my friends for hours and im like red dawn. im buried in the mountain and nobody can see me. im ducking these guys and im watching them go by looking for me. so they go to my house and get my mom. all she does is let my dog out and my dog comes racing into the woods and runs STRAIGHT to me. ****ing doberman might as well have been a bloodhound.

then theres always...

the time i started a forest fire that burned a couple hundred acres in northern california. i might have been 13 and still hiding the fact that i smoked cigarettes. sitting up in the woods with my buddies among all the dried pine needles and put my smoke out. well it hit the ground and in what seemed like an instant started smoldering. im trying to stomp it out but all im doing is spreading embers and now its a full on blaze. and of COURSE im a few blocks from home, AGAIN!!

so i take off and decide that im going to just go home and act like ive been there all day. they have pictures of me crossing the railroad tracks smoke not far behind me. they get the fire put out after hours and just walk to my house where im just freaking out because inside i knew.

and i got PLENTY more. like the time i started a "riot" in 11th grade...lol

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I'm not sure I should say being there may be a few things they could still throw me in jail for. ;) I brought out the fire department,(possibly more than one department), more than once, broke more than a few windows,(Sheriff actually wanted to throw my 9 year old butt in jail for one of those times), and some......borrowing from more than one store to name a few.

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I was 17, doing doughnuts in the snow of my church's parking lot. Half of it was cleared and half not, so you could crank it to 40-50 MPH and then use the edge of the plowed snow as a ramp into the powder. I nearly rolled the damn car. FUN then, looking back now, I could've killed someone (or myself). :laugh:

Ooooo, that reminded me of the time I was doing 90+ in a 35 on the street outside of my house. Had to be 17.

Caught air off a hill, actually I think my front tires just came off the pavement. Anyway, when they hit back down, I lost control momentarily...just swerved/jerked the car a bit...scary enough, but what was scarier was that a car was approaching in the other lane.

Definitely could have killed and been killed. Stupid.

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Oh, like many here I have stories that could go on forever. Many involving fires. :evil:

On that stood out though, was when me and some friends broke into the little league field concession stand and took EVERYTHING and loaded it into this car

I had so much candy and Big league chew it was unbelievable.

Of course we got cought, and had a lil talking with police to do but nothing serious happend.

As one of my teachers used to say "the only way three kids can keep a secret is if two of them are dead." And bragging got us cought.

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When I was 16-17 I used to "borrow" my Grandma's car late at night and go visit my girlfriend over in Takoma Park most nights. Well one night when I come out I noticed that someone had clipped it and put a big ass dent in the back of it. So i just panicked and took it home and put the car cover back on it. My G-ma went grocery shopping the other day and came home PISSED!! "Mike come here and look at this. Someone hit my car and didnt leave a note!!" I just acted shocked and nodded...

the night before my wedding my buddy and I were drunk and had a brilliant idea to steal a battery from someone's car and put it in his pimped out VW bug. Were in Guam so it was easy to get those old cars to pop the hoods and we got out battery. Put the thing in and say, "lets just start it and make sure it works". vrroooooom, right up. "Lets go for a ride!!" "HELL YA!!" on our way out of the parking lot he is doing about 40 and coming to a T in the road that has a ditch at the end with a big concrete telephone pole right in the middle. he locks it up, slams right into the ditch. I put my head thru the winshield and recoil back into the car. i end up knocked out laid across the front seat and he was out even more cold. i kick the passenger door open, drag him out and clear and im bleeding like a stuck pig. he wakes up and we get him to his room and he calls the cops to say it was stolen.

i hid in my room and had to stay up all night so i wouldnt go into a coma...i just drank anyways. so now my wedding is the next day. its already casual, it was 94 and were in guam so were wearing doc martens (green mine, oxblood hers) and flannels around the waist. but now im wearing a hat. she was pissed and tried to yank it off my head. i go lightheaded, fall to the ground and start bleeding again. yeah, my wedding pictures have me in a hat...lol

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A few years back I was making a campfire and was making it bigger with gasoline, well the fire went up the stream and into the gas can. so I decided to kick the gas can into the field behind my dad's house.

Needless to say there were multiple balls of fire going everywhere, I don't know what happened to the gas can :laugh:

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I also shoved a hot dog up my nose when I was like 5 and had to have surgery to get it out.
It's hard to say


That brings us to age 5, and telling my stepdad "it's none of your god dammed business" ranks right up there from what little I can remember of the beating.

Great thread. The above two made me laugh out loud.

I was a pretty good kid, so I don't have any really good stories.

My sister and I always woke up early. My dad was an officer in the Navy and was always at sea which made my mom sort of like a single mom. One early morning while we were living in Japan when I was 4 years old my 2 year old sister announced she wanted to be a boy. She had beautiful blonde curls which hung down to the middle of her waist. So I got the scissors out and cut her hair as short as I could.

My Mom woke up. She was a young mom, 21 when I was born which would make her 25 years old when I was 4. She woke up and saw my sister's beautiful hair all over the kitchen floor and she just started crying. I remember seeing her standing there and leaning her head against the refrigerator door and crying and crying. My sister's hair was never the same. It grew back straighter and darker.

I never even got punished for that one. It wasn't really necessary.

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Your mama...


Too many things to list here. Screw that. Dumbest or worst ?

Hell, I colored the soles of my sneakers with markers, during class one time...got up to go to the bathroom...footprints all over the carpet and floor. Had to miss recess for that one.

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Did any of you older ones live in dread that your kids would be like you were? :laugh:

I'm just so glad mine are much more sane and finally 18.

mine is turning 12 now and im terrified of it. he is fearless and is always outside.

its not if, but when. :doh:

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As a senior at McLean HS in the 70s a bunch of friends used to occasionally go to a restaurant in DC that had a lunch special of a huge roast beef sandwich and all the beer you could drink for like 7-8 bucks. We were seniors and the drinking age was 18 in DC so with like a month left to go before graduation it was definitely the thing to do.

After a particularly excellent outing I was in the back seat on the way back to school coming over Key Bridge when I turned around and noticed our principal was in the car behind us. I immediately started the mooning procedure and eventually the other two in the back seat joined in. The two in the front were deperately trying to keep us from mooning our principal to no avail.

As we pulled into McLean the principal pulled up in the lane next to us at a red light. My friend in the front seat rolled down his window (yes they were manual windows then) and said "I don't have a sixth period." The principal said "looks like none of you boys do." Of course we were ducking down in the back seat as best we could but the ****ing of bricks had begun.

We sobered up real quickly and began to contempate the scenarios of not graduating, not going to college etc. It was only the passing of about a week time that we stopped freaking out. It was a stupid thing to do but the story will live forever...

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I can only think of a few...

One was during a pyromaniac phase. I found some spray paint and would make big puddles of it in the dirt and light it on fire. Pretty tame, not like my friend who nearly burned down his entire back yard.

Another was while in the mall my mom was pissed off at us...(the kids). I guess having kids stresses you out?! haha. I must have said something wrong (don't remember what) and she started yelling at me and kinda slapped my mouth. I immediately, almost instinctively/reflex slapped her back and immediately said "sorry". I felt horrible...still do...even though I was like 10 or 11 at the time.

Also, we broke our ceiling fans in the basement by tieing stuffed animals (a small garfield plush toy) to one of the blades and then turned on the fan on its highest speed. Parents never figured out we broke it doing it that way until maybe 10 years later when we were joking about it.

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Well there are a few dumb things I did, the earliest was that I flushed my mothers diamond wedding ring down the toilet,she had to call a plumber but he couldn't retrieve it,she cried a lot about that.I flipped off a passing car,the guy turned around and chased me and when he finally caught me I found out that he was an off duty F.B.I agent,but he never took me back to the house(whew).My mother took me to the YMCA for swimming lessons,my first day I jumped into the pool and almost drowned but the off duty lifegaurd jumped in with her street clothes on and saved my dumb-ass(ruined her watch,mom had to buy her a new one).The last and dumbest thing was swallowing a whole bottle of chewable vitamins so I could use the empty bottle:doh: .Parents had to give me syrup of ipicac to make me vomit all of them up.They are some other things but I cant think of them right now. I hated being a kid.

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I can't come close to some of these stories, but thankfully I have time on my side :laugh:

Showing up with a hangover/still slightly drunk to do my driver's license exam. First thing I did after starting the car was blast the radio and sing a long. My suspension due to stupidity was lifted a month ago.

There's always the time me and some friends painted our bodies for the hockey game, in december. We painted ourselves outside in the middle of winter. Sick for the next 3 weeks. We also used dollarstore paint, my face was red and blue for two weeks :laugh:

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I would have to say the time my brother and I went out onto the busy road behind my house and rolled logs into the road so cars could hit them like a jump.

I also fed my brother rat poison once when he was sick becaue i thought it was medicine. He had to have his stomach pumped and what not.

Another time some friends and I had one of those water ballon launchers taht shoot ballons over a 100 yards. We'll there was snow on the ground and we used ice balls as ammo for target practice on cars. That game stopped when we caused the mail truck to go into the ditch.

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Age 9 if I remember-Jumping down the whole flight of stairs in my house. Around maybe 20 stairs. Older sister dared me too b/c she thought I couldn't do it. Landed on my legs, they proceeded to give out, and then landed on my wrist and broke it.

Age 11- Right before my first middle school dance as a 6th grader, some friends and I went to Kerr Drug to get some candy and mints. They bought, but somehow I ended up stealing them. Clerk caught me, called our parents, and was just embarrassed.

Sophomore year of high school...probably my funniest story lol....MY friends and I used to always pretend to dunk on the tops of doors leading into classrooms. Throwing alley's and everything. My friend threw me an alley with a paper ball one day and I didn't see my teacher (Ms. Daniels) at the door. Ended up posterizing her and dunking on her head lol. Pushed her forward a few feet and she fell. No one knew whether to laugh or ask her if she was ok. She ended up being ok Thank God. Got ASD for a whole week. Sucks, but I wish someone would have taken a picture. It would been on my wall lol MJ style

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I whizzed on the electric fence.

Oh yeah,that one certainly qualifies ,bet you didn't ever do it again :laugh:

Holding a 12 gauge shell in my hand and striking it with a hammer doesn't seem so dumb now....relatively speaking ;)

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When I lived in Kettering in the early 70's they used to do fireworks on the 4th down by the mill and fields. We went there the next day and gathered all these little black remnants of the fireworks that had rained down to the field. Put them in a wax paper cup (full) and added 3in1 oil and some gas. After 3 matches attempted, it lit and flames (more like sparks) shot up the back of the townhouse for about 30 seconds, scorching it to the top of the 2nd story. It looked like the space shuttle was launched upside down! Burnt almost through the picnic table it was on also.

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