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Are UFO's trying to warn us or planning an attack?


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I guess I should ask first if you believe in UFO's,but if you think thousands of people and their sightings are just nothing more than strange anamolies...then so be it...

Now..back to the thread title...

Are UFO's trying to protect us by their crop circles and our lack of technology against maybe other foreign beings or planetary disasters?.....or......Are they preparing an attack on us by the testimonies of Alien abductions or a "War of the Worlds","Independance Day" type of scenario?

Questions that are very important


1)Are the Crop circles really all fakes?If not,what are the UFO's trying to tell us?

2)If humans are being abducted as many have reported they were?Why?

3)If they are hostile,why haven't they attacked us yet?If they exist of course...

4)Are there more than 1 race visiting our planet?If so,how many races?

5)If they live here,where could they be hiding,that would be impossible for us to find them?

6)How long have they been visiting us...100's of years....1000's of years....or even millions of years...?

7)Was Roswell New Mexico an actual crash landing of an interglactic spaceship or was it a hot air baloon as our government says?Do they have bodies of these Aliens or did?

8)If UFO's really are being seen more and more by people,why haven't I seen one?or you?or him?Why aren't they out just flying around my city,like some normal day...Why would they give a crap whether I saw them or not?Why are they so secretive on being spotted?

9)Where can I buy one? :cheers: J/K...How suprised would you be,if your driving on some highway or dirt road and spotted some huge spaceship or object in the air that had colors and was rotating or whatever?Would you think it was just some new military experiment or would you totally freak out?

10)Is it possible that all these people who claim to have seen one or been abducted by one are totally wack?Either their eyes are playing tricks on them or maybe it's just some government experiment that nobody knows about?

Last question....If a spaceship landed in your backyard and some alien came out and spoke English to you and was very friendly and asked you to come with him...Would you do it?

Would you be too scared to answer?Would you go with him into the ship and explore the universe?

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1)The man is a closet muslim...

2)Muslims hate Americans....

3)Christian Americans believe in Jesus Christ

4)Muslims believe in Mohammad

5)Obama believes iin Mohammad and not Jesus Christ

6)Obama will have the power over all Americans if elected

7)Obama could get middle Eastern Countries and their people to like him,but not America

8)Obama could make peace in the Middle East and Specially with those against Isreal

9)Obama would make an excellent candidate to be leader of the European Union....

10)Obama could get the middle East to sign a 7 year year peace treaty with Isreal for peace..

11)Biblical prophesies being fullfilled,but everyone loves Obama as they remain to pass out in his presence

12)Everyone that loves Obama will be decieved as Obama is the Antichrist...Also...a prophesy in the bible as well...

13)First 3 1/2 years will seem to be peaceful


15)Then Obama breaks treaty and lets the wolves loose on Isreal

16)Obama sits at the thrown of the house of David in Jerusalem,where the temple is currently today in the works for being rebuilt...and claims he is GOD!

17)Jesus Christs feet hit the mount of olives and splits the world from East to West...

18)Christs army defeats Obama and Jesus throws him in the lake of fire!

19)Christs reigns on earth for a 1000 years...(good defeats evil as it was written)

20)uh...You might not want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama!

look....I may be wrong...and probably are...But why take the chance?The Guys dad is from Africa and was an evil man....Him and his son (obama) attended Muslim mosques when he was young

He says he's christian,but is he?How do you know where his heart is....and I'm sure Roger Clemens never took HGH either?

McCain is the perfect candidate people....He's a POW....He's too old to be the antichrist....and I like where his heart his even if his views aren't perfect!

The man spilled blood in the same MUD with American Soldiers....

I'll take that over a guy,who has a very clouded past, as well as religion...He's a **** child,with excellent oratory skills...Almost the mouth of a dragon doesn't he?

I promise you people....You vote for Obama...you'll regret it!

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I'm a sucker for this subject. I'm not so much a crop circle expert but I'm pretty darn good with UFO folklore/legend/documentation. I can only answer responsibly that your questions are unanswerable. This is where the state of UFO investigation begins and ends. I understand that you're only asking for opinions, so here are mine:

1. I cannot viably connect crop circles with UFOs.

2. Abduction is either a very real activity or a very real illness.

3. The fear of them "attacking" us is a testimony to our infantility as an intelligent species. We think war first.

4. There are 4 main "profiles" of races that are widely claimed in sightings.

a. "Greys." Your basic Close Encounters-looking dudes.

b. "Reptilians." Velociraptors with human-like arms and legs.

c. "Vikings." Blonde, extremely blue-eyed musclemen/women.

d. "Insectoids." Almost like greys but with mantis-like limbs and sinister eyes.

5. The sea floor or beneath it IMHO. For more info, search "Unidentified Submerged Objects."

6. There are cave paintings that some would describe as UFOs. There are bible encounters that could be seen as UFO experiences. There are ancient works of art that definitely have UFOs in them, flat out. The ancient Indian books like the Rig Veda overtly describe the flying machines of their gods. If they have been here at all, they've been here longer than homo sapiens.

7. Roswell is a question that only leads to questions. I'd run a search on "Majestic 12" to find more info on the whole evolution of that from 1947-Kennedy.

8. I have never seen a "UFO."

9. Check an Air Force garage sale? :)

10. I don't think it's possible for all the accounts of UFO activity to be lies or mistakes.

Of course I'd go.

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Clearly the aliens have come here for one thing and one thing only.... they are addicted to anal sex.


Travel many light years to sick a cold tube up someones ass.

1. UFO's are real. As in Unidentified Flying Object. As far as an alien space ship, doubtful

2. If all these aliens are obducting people how come not one person had a house alarm that woke them up? How come no one else in the family woke up to the shock of aliens in their house.

3. How come it always seems to be country white people that are obducted? I've never heard of spanish, asain, or black obduction.

Just odd questions I wonder about.

Another thought i've always had is, if there are aliens, why do we think they resemble humans? In all probability, they probably look like something we can not even fathom, nor have even imagined.

My feeling is that the people who get "obducted" had a very very vivid nightmare or they are just flat out lying looking for attention, and are good at it. Many people who claim to be abducted are taking anti-psychotic medication (according to Penn and Teller's show Bull****!)

WHo knows, I could be completely wrong. And I do believe that somewhere out there their is intelligent life. But think about if we were to find intelligent life out there. The first thing we would do would be to try and make contact right? Why wouldn't they? I dunno. Its all strange.

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Originally Posted by michael_33

1)The man is a closet muslim...

2)Muslims hate Americans.... Says who taliban and CNN?

3)Christian Americans believe in Jesus Christ

4)Muslims believe in Mohammad- you might want to do some research muslims dont believe in mohammad they beleive in allah(arabic word for god). Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, Abraham are the prophets of islam according to the quran.

5)Obama believes iin Mohammad and not Jesus Christ- This is your theory not a fact.

6)Obama will have the power over all Americans if elected- Yes the president has power over all americans when elected.

7)Obama could get middle Eastern Countries and their people to like him,but not America- Whats wrong with obama attracting arab countries to like america? Oil is the #1 product in the world and obama would only boost our economy up. Not to mention less terroristattacks.

8)Obama could make peace in the Middle East and Specially with those against Isreal- Yes whats wrong with that? peace is bad now?

9)Obama would make an excellent candidate to be leader of the European Union....

10)Obama could get the middle East to sign a 7 year year peace treaty with Isreal for peace.. If he can do that he got my vote.

11)Biblical prophesies being fullfilled,but everyone loves Obama as they remain to pass out in his presence

12)Everyone that loves Obama will be decieved as Obama is the Antichrist...Also...a prophesy in the bible as well... You claim hes a muslim but say hes a anti christ? Last time i checked jesus is part of the islamic religion.

13)First 3 1/2 years will seem to be peaceful


15)Then Obama breaks treaty and lets the wolves loose on Isreal

16)Obama sits at the thrown of the house of David in Jerusalem,where the temple is currently today in the works for being rebuilt...and claims he is GOD!

17)Jesus Christs feet hit the mount of olives and splits the world from East to West...

18)Christs army defeats Obama and Jesus throws him in the lake of fire!

19)Christs reigns on earth for a 1000 years...(good defeats evil as it was written)

20)uh...You might not want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama!

look....I may be wrong...and probably are...But why take the chance?The Guys dad is from Africa and was an evil man....Him and his son (obama) attended Muslim mosques when he was young- Attending mosques is evil?

He says he's christian,but is he?How do you know where his heart is....and I'm sure Roger Clemens never took HGH either?

McCain is the perfect candidate people....He's a POW....He's too old to be the antichrist....and I like where his heart his even if his views aren't perfect!

The man spilled blood in the same MUD with American Soldiers....

I'll take that over a guy,who has a very clouded past, as well as religion...He's a **** child,with excellent oratory skills...Almost the mouth of a dragon doesn't he?

I promise you people....You vote for Obama...you'll regret it!

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The REAL question is, why are the UFO's going to such great lengths to be secretive?

If they have the technology to get here, it is a logical assumption that they have the technology to pretty much do whatever they want with no fear about what we might do in return.

Unless of coure, they just like to **** with us. Like Bill Bryson says, "after all, they must have teenagers." :)

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Questions that are very important


1)Are the Crop circles really all fakes?If not,what are the UFO's trying to tell us?

I think a good % of crop circles are made by people. The rest are created by UFOs. They are probably a meaningless artifact of a UFO landing or something.

2)If humans are being abducted as many have reported they were?Why?

Humans would do the same thing. Matter of fact they do the same thing to animals on earth. Take one figure out how it works and put it back. They've gotten so good at it that most abducted don't even know they were taken.

3)If they are hostile,why haven't they attacked us yet?If they exist of course...

They don't think of us as a threat.

4)Are there more than 1 race visiting our planet?If so,how many races?


5)If they live here,where could they be hiding,that would be impossible for us to find them?

If they live here, they probably look just like us.

6)How long have they been visiting us...100's of years....1000's of years....or even millions of years...?

I would assume 1000's of years since early cultures seem to demonstrate knowledge of flying beings.

7)Was Roswell New Mexico an actual crash landing of an interglactic spaceship or was it a hot air baloon as our government says?Do they have bodies of these Aliens or did?

Maybe/maybe not. I would assume that governments (not just USA) probably know more about or have made contact with aliens if they existed.

8)If UFO's really are being seen more and more by people,why haven't I seen one?or you?or him?Why aren't they out just flying around my city,like some normal day...Why would they give a crap whether I saw them or not?Why are they so secretive on being spotted?

I assume they don't want to disturb us. Kind of how they keep their distance from animals on the discovery channel.

I've known people who claim they have seen UFOs. They aren't UFO nuts and have no reason to lie to be about it.

9)Where can I buy one? :cheers: J/K...How suprised would you be,if your driving on some highway or dirt road and spotted some huge spaceship or object in the air that had colors and was rotating or whatever?Would you think it was just some new military experiment or would you totally freak out?

I probably would assume its a military aircraft. But if did some wacky maneuvers and/or nonhuman looking beings jumped out. I'd be mad nervous.

10)Is it possible that all these people who claim to have seen one or been abducted by one are totally wack?Either their eyes are playing tricks on them or maybe it's just some government experiment that nobody knows about?

Both possibilities are possible. I always doubt people who try to make money off their UFO experiences.

The govt has does worse to its citizens so I wouldn't be surprised.

Last question....If a spaceship landed in your backyard and some alien came out and spoke English to you and was very friendly and asked you to come with him...Would you do it?


Would you be too scared to answer?Would you go with him into the ship and explore the universe?

Hell no I wouldn't go.

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Too much evidence, imho, to deny the existence of other beings in this and other universes. I have read too many articles, and watched too many credibly videos and interviews to believe its all manufactured. That said, I believe many beings are simply observing our planet and waiting to see what steps we take next in our evolution (are we going to step forward towards peaceful inhabitants of this universe, or away towards separation & destruction?)...some are probably here for their own personal agenda, but naturally I believe most are here for peaceful reasons often in direct revelation with our creator to assist us on some level in evolving/transcending.

Google the Ascension process to find out more about other perspectives as to what is going on right now. Of course this is very metaphysical and quantum in nature so it depends on your level of understanding and acceptance of these matters (it certainly is a process). 2012, aliens, ascension, esoteric, higher beings, mayan calendar, hopi prophecies, light bodies, unified consciousness....all of these terms are linked and connect to the same phenomenon, imho.

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2012, aliens, ascension, esoteric, higher beings, mayan calendar, hopi prophecies, light bodies, unified consciousness....all of these terms are linked and connect to the same phenomenon, imho.

Now that's something I can agree on, although I'm probably not thinking of the same phenomenom as you. :)

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I've been down since high school.

It's at least as legitimate as any bull**** religion.

Erich Von Daniken's work has all been refuted.

And I won't argue with your second point. Although I don't know who admits to following a bull**** religion. Other people do that.:)

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Wasn't there an episode of "Bullsh*t" about alien abductions? I remember that one being pretty funny.

But seriously... Isn't there a comet passing near earth soon? I think it might be a good idea to have one of them mass suicides and we can ride away with the aliens that are bound to be inside the comet.

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Wasn't there an episode of "Bullsh*t" about alien abductions? I remember that one being pretty funny.

But seriously... Isn't there a comet passing near earth soon? I think it might be a good idea to have one of them mass suicides and we can ride away with the aliens that are bound to be inside the comet.

Should we stop having the "mass suicides" for oil and heaven, or just add another for the comet.

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The aliens must "REALLY" be enlightened.

They can travel billions of miles in the time it takes us to go to the store. They are so much more advanced than we are.. And yet they treat us better than we would EVER treat something so far inferior.

If i was them and saw how we acted.. I'd wipe us clean and start over just on principle.

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3. The fear of them "attacking" us is a testimony to our infantility as an intelligent species. We think war first.

This assumes that the natural state of evolution is to grow beyond war. We have nothing to back that up scientifically, and we only can wish that a species from beyond earth would be peaceful.

Fact is if they exist it's a very real possibility that they may not be so nice, and it's also possible that aggression is a natural state of sentient beings. (since we only have ourselves to study as a focus group, it stands to reason the possibility exists. The only 'proof' we have otherwise are the dreams of science fiction writers.


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