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Are UFO's trying to warn us or planning an attack?


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Good thread, though the evidence has been out there for quite awhile


I've been down since high school. It's at least as legitimate as any bull**** religion.

The cover says it all. An ancient picture of a man (god) reclining in a chair? MUST BE AN ASTRONAUT! :laugh:

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This assumes that the natural state of evolution is to grow beyond war. We have nothing to back that up scientifically, and we only can wish that a species from beyond earth would be peaceful.

Fact is if they exist it's a very real possibility that they may not be so nice, and it's also possible that aggression is a natural state of sentient beings. (since we only have ourselves to study as a focus group, it stands to reason the possibility exists. The only 'proof' we have otherwise are the dreams of science fiction writers.


I agree, ethics and morality are uniquely human concepts, and people seem unable to grasp how completely unlike us in every way They are.

I happen to believe that races like the Greys are more prone to the Hive mentality. Hierarchical structures of drones, warriors, etc. Each with their own purpose to fill, and something not unlike a collective consciousness.

I have absolutely no doubt They are here and have been for a long time. The various races and their agendas may differ, but secrecy has always paramount.

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Seriously people. You would think that if aliens could travel the hundreds or thousands of light years to get here, they would have good enough technology to get all of the information they wanted without sticking a probe up some farmer's ass.

Crop circles? Debunked. 100% human in origin.

Abductions? See above.

Do aliens exist on other planets? I'm quite sure they do, and some may even be advanced.

But then again, considering what we know about the fragile nature of life on a planet, most life in the universe lives for a time and then dies. I'm betting that truly advanced races that can escape the cycles of life and death on a planet are EXTREMELY rare.

The idea that one of these extremely rare, incredibly advanced races would pick us out from the trillions upon trillions of planets in a universe who's size is almost beyond comprehension and repeatedly buzz us for some incomprehensible reason is just foolish. I think the idea speaks more of the overblown ego of humans and their perceived importance in the universe than it does of reality.


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The idea that one of these extremely rare, incredibly advanced races would pick us out from the trillions upon trillions of planets in a universe who's size is almost beyond comprehension and repeatedly buzz us for some incomprehensible reason is just foolish. I think the idea speaks more of the overblown ego of humans and their perceived importance in the universe than it does of reality.

Now that's just crazy talk.

It's pointless trying to counter irrational arguments and speculation with facts and logic. I don't know what you were thinking. :doh:


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While most alleged abductions and UFO encouters have been shown to be hoaxes, natural, or otherwise, there are a few major ones that that are not easily explained. The Rendlesham Forest incident at RAF Ben****ers and Betty and Barny Hill's experience is another. I would say my own two experiences with UFO's also fall into the unexplainable, especially with a lifetime spent around aviation.

And Crop Circles? They have been shown to be man-made, and very easily too.

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The Rendlesham Forest incident

I thought that was well explained. The 'flashing light' is from a nearby lighthouse. The eyewitness on tape even counts the frequency of the flashes and it is the same as the lightouse.

As others have said, for a craft of alien origin to get here it has to be far beyond our technology that we can't imagine its capabilities. Such advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic to us, as Arthur C Clarke said.

That such a civilization and craft would crash in forests, hover in plain sight and need to abduct farmers for anal probing is silly.

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Seriously people. You would think that if aliens could travel the hundreds or thousands of light years to get here, they would have good enough technology to get all of the information they wanted without sticking a probe up some farmer's ass.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'd love to see that exact phrase published in some scientific journal.

But,,, at the same time, we have the technology to travel to the bottom of the sea, but we still like to bring back what we find there so we can poke and prod it.

If they're here to study like ET the Botanist, well, there's nothing like a real specimen.

Now, if they're here in some capacity to try to destroy us before we reach out and damage a peaceful cosmic society we are unaware of,, well.. thanks to the tireless studies of Professor Ed Wood, we know Plan Nine consists of bringing back the dead to teach us a lesson, so we can take that and go from there.


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Yes, aliens are real. Hell, just last week a UFO landed in my yard and two aliens appeared outside my door. I heard a loud BOOM! My front door was blasted to peices by thier laser-particle beam guns. I was just sitting there reading and when I looked up, there was two strange beings staring at me just inside my front door.

They were very tall and lanky beings. Their skin was tinted a light shade of orange, and it was very rough looking, almost scale-like. Contrary to popular myth, they do not have big heads with huge black eyes and slits for noses. Thier heads looked somewhat human, albiet a little larger. The eyes were surprisingly small and beady like, with bright green rectangular pupils. The nose was somewhat like pinochio when he would start to lie.

Needless to say, I wasn't afraid of these goofy, orange skin, skinny ass holes. I pulled my fully loaded shotgun from beside the couch and demanded that they leave. They refused and just stood there motionless. Finally, the one on the right said, in fluent english:

"It's time for a probing. Pull down your pants"

They started to walk towards me with thier laser-particle beam guns pointed at me. I fired two shots at the one on the right. Alien brains and guts where everywhere. The remaining alien looked deeply shocked and was confused as to what he should then do. He raised his gun. I raised mine. As soon as he pulled the trigger, I threw myself behind the table, rolled over and fired. Caught him right in the ass and he fell to the ground.

I walked onto the spaceship that was parked on my lawn, and it was empty except for the captain. Computers, flashing lights of all colors nearly blinded me. I saw the glass probing table. The captain was a big sissy, and I told him that he should leave, unless he wants to end up like the other two. Then I told him to take this little spaceship to Lowes and get me new front door. He was back in about 30 seconds.

I think the **** stole it. Oh well.

He even cleaned up the alien guts and took the dead alien bodies and vowed not to return. I don't believe him though.

This is the third time this year that this has happened :mad: .

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Seriously people. You would think that if aliens could travel the hundreds or thousands of light years to get here, they would have good enough technology to get all of the information they wanted without sticking a probe up some farmer's ass.


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I thought that was well explained. The 'flashing light' is from a nearby lighthouse. The eyewitness on tape even counts the frequency of the flashes and it is the same as the lightouse.
Umm, no.

You see there is a big metal cover on the back side of the lighthouse so that its beam doesn't shine inland. Its always been there too. So that theory has been debunked.:)

Here is an image of a similar lighthouse:


As others have said, for a craft of alien origin to get here it has to be far beyond our technology that we can't imagine its capabilities. Such advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic to us, as Arthur C Clarke said.
I would normally agree. But tell that to the Soviet fighter pilots who engaged one over Kapustin Yar. Or to me. I've seen two UFO's myself. I'm not saying they are aliens though. But what I will say is, growing up around aviation, and working for an aerospace company who holds many contracts for T&E on military aircraft, that the things they did, were not possible for known military or civilian aircraft.

One was witnessed over the eastern shore and one less than 20 miles from Andrews Air Force Base.

That such a civilization and craft would crash in forests, hover in plain sight and need to abduct farmers for anal probing is silly.
Yes, it must be silly, because its just unthinkable. Kind of like the thought of the Titanic sinking. :2cents:
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This assumes that the natural state of evolution is to grow beyond war. We have nothing to back that up scientifically, and we only can wish that a species from beyond earth would be peaceful.

Fact is if they exist it's a very real possibility that they may not be so nice, and it's also possible that aggression is a natural state of sentient beings. (since we only have ourselves to study as a focus group, it stands to reason the possibility exists. The only 'proof' we have otherwise are the dreams of science fiction writers.


Absolutely, Bang. I should have been more clear about that.

Also- The Daniken stuff has been beaten up a lot over the years but Erich was not a stickler for detail and left himself open for it. I'd recommend the following for anyone looking to link UFOs to prehistory or ancinent history...


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But,,, at the same time, we have the technology to travel to the bottom of the sea, but we still like to bring back what we find there so we can poke and prod it.

If they're here to study like ET the Botanist, well, there's nothing like a real specimen.

Now, if they're here in some capacity to try to destroy us before we reach out and damage a peaceful cosmic society we are unaware of,, well.. thanks to the tireless studies of Professor Ed Wood, we know Plan Nine consists of bringing back the dead to teach us a lesson, so we can take that and go from there.


Except that comparing the technology required to launch a submersible to the deepest ocean depths -vs- travelling across millions of light years and defying the laws of physics just isn't the same thing.

It's like comparing a sling shot to the launching of a ballistic nuclear warhead. So I have to side with Mike on that point.

As to the question of whether they exist, I find it curious that there is no credible evidence among any waves of the spectrum (radio waves, etc.) that they are out there talking to each other, or trying to talk to us.

The discovery of the spectrum is the scientific equivalent of making fire. It would be one of the earliest discoveries of an advanced civilization.

I think that most who lend credibility to UFO's really have no concept of how large the galaxy is, nevermind the universe. Like Mad Mike said, it reeks of human arrogance and self-importance to say that we would be chosen for intermitent visits from Aliens who want to land their ships on our farms and give rectal exams to hillbillies. It's laughable in a sense.

Now of course I'm not saying that life outside our planet doesn't exist. Quite the opposite. But there are some very real possibilites:

1. Maybe intelligent life doesn't exist except for on earth?

2. The universe is overflowing with intelligent life, but thousands or millions of light years away. That means that our radio signals will reach them in millions of years, and their radio signals will reach us in a million years (to let us know what happened 1 million years ago)

3. They do exist, they DO visit, and they DO want to take over the planet. Well what are they waiting for? People have been reporting UFO's for what, 50+ years? Again, if they had the technology to get here, kicking us out and taking over our planet would be as easy as taking over a kindergarten classroom.


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I think that most who lend credibility to UFO's really have no concept of how large the galaxy is, nevermind the universe. Like Mad Mike said, it reeks of human arrogance and self-importance to say that we would be chosen for intermitent visits from Aliens who want to land their ships on our farms and give rectal exams to hillbillies. It's laughable in a sense.


The book (or series of books) I referenced in my last post overcomes the "distance" problem in it's theory. It proposes another planet within our solar system. I'm not going to go into detail here. You'd just have to read the book or do a search on the author.

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The book (or series of books) I referenced in my last post overcomes the "distance" problem in it's theory. It proposes another planet within our solar system. I'm not going to go into detail here. You'd just have to read the book or do a search on the author.

What are the physical properties of this planet?

Given that all of the planets in our solar system are extraordinarily unique, and no species could live from one to the next, I would assume this would fall in line with that.

in which case, what good would Earth do them? It would be like us conquering Jupiter. Who's gonna live there?


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What are the physical properties of this planet?

Given that all of the planets in our solar system are extraordinarily unique, and no species could live from one to the next, I would assume this would fall in line with that.

in which case, what good would Earth do them? It would be like us conquering Jupiter. Who's gonna live there?


If its the theory I'm thinking of, its supposed to be on the oppisite side of the sun roughly equal distance as Earth.
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What are the physical properties of this planet?

Given that all of the planets in our solar system are extraordinarily unique, and no species could live from one to the next, I would assume this would fall in line with that.

in which case, what good would Earth do them? It would be like us conquering Jupiter. Who's gonna live there?


Putting it in such short terms will get me laughed at but here goes- they came here looking for gold and ended up "creating" neanderthal man and homo sapiens as slaves, essentially becoming the gods we attribute to the bible and other ancient religious texts. :D I know, I know...

Apparently this planet has a VERY wide orbit and is heated from within it's core. It passes into the "inner solar system" every 2600 hundred years or something like that. The people of the planet had ruined their ozone and the propeties of gold particles suspended in their atmosphere would alleviate the problem.

Like I said, check it all out if you want. Sitchin has his debunkers like anyone else, but his whole take on it has held up pretty well for about 30 years. It's all based on his (and I stress "his") translations of the ancient sumerian tablets.

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People have been reporting UFO's for what, 50+ years? Again, if they had the technology to get here, kicking us out and taking over our planet would be as easy as taking over a kindergarten classroom.


Its actually been longer than that. There is artwork from the Renaissance depicting craft in the sky.
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If its the theory I'm thinking of, its supposed to be on the oppisite side of the sun roughly equal distance as Earth.

I think the gravitational effects of such a planet would be very easy to detect. Given that we are able to detect the smallest amounts of 'wobble' from stars thousands of light years away (which indicates a planet's presence)


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Cave paintings contain depictions of "saucers" but the context doesn't allow us to determine if they are flying.

saucers/plates, it's all the same :)

Its actually been longer than that. There is artwork from the Renaissance depicting craft in the sky.

I would be interested in seeing more about this. You don't have a link handy, do you?

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I think the gravitational effects of such a planet would be very easy to detect. Given that we are able to detect the smallest amounts of 'wobble' from stars thousands of light years away (which indicates a planet's presence)


Well there are current "Planet X" theories based on just that process, Zoon.

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Umm, no.

You see there is a big metal cover on the back side of the lighthouse so that its beam doesn't shine inland. Its always been there too. So that theory has been debunked.:)

Local newspapers and investigators say you can see the lighthouse inland.

I don't think this is taken seriously in the UK as an unexplained incident. It certainly wasn't during the period I lived there in the 80s & 90s.

I'm open to the possibility, but given the problems presented as we understand them in interstellar travel there has to be extraordinary compelling evidence before something unexplained is characterized as beings from another planet.

I haven't seen a UFO, but I have seen a number of very strange-looking objects. Last year a combination of a weather system and Jupiter being low on the horizon gave us a bright object in the sky that changed color - it even pulsed at times. Another time I saw a very strange object that looked like multiple craft flying close together. That turned out in binoculars to be a complex weather balloon.

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Considering the vastness of space which most of us cannot begin to comprehend I think it is foolish of us not to believe other intelligences have visited earth in some form or fashion or continue to do so.

The key point here is that until a flying saucer lands on the whitehouse lawn during rush hour people just cannot conceptualize life beyond their little bubble of existence.

I have no idea about what those intelligences intentions are but I imagine that is a matter of perspective like anything else. Maybe they are waiting for us to advance to a point where we can accept the idea that we are not alone. Maybe they want our planet because water seems to be very rare (at least from our limited view of space). Maybe we are like an interplanetary zoo that they bring their kids to watch?

Bottom line is their could be trillions of reasons why

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