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Are UFO's trying to warn us or planning an attack?


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... Lock Ness Monster..?

"Loch" please! interesting point, as mentioned earlier, how sightings of Nessie have declined in recent years. Most of the famous 'pictures' have now been debunked as fakes (and obvious ones when you look at it!) or honest mistakes by people 'seeing' something on the "Loch" that isnt there. The brain is an amazing thing and will try to make 'sense' and 'patterns' out of things that arent actually there in its attempt to get some idea of what you are looking at. On another thread I gave an example of the Canals of Mars which people thought they could see through telescopes many years ago. This is what lead to the idea that they had to have been built by someone, so Martians etc

In reality they were simply seeing large land masses riddled with huge canyons that would dwarf anything here. Trying to make sense of it all, they put straight lines and a man-made order on it when there wasnt any. The same with things we see in the sky, they not only become 'object's but we stick wings on etc that we cant actually see - as mentioned before, rather like memories of some sci-fi movie or TV series which tend to look a bit like some of the 'aliens' people claim to have been abducted by (I agree, either charlatans looking to make money or just people that have had a major, almost real-like dream that they for whatever reason have brought in to the real world and cant detatch themselves from).

Interesting subject but I think it says more about the brain and how it functions rather than wee green men out there.

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The same with things we see in the sky, they not only become 'object's but we stick wings on etc that we cant actually see - as mentioned before, rather like memories of some sci-fi movie or TV series which tend to look a bit like some of the 'aliens' people claim to have been abducted by (I agree, either charlatans looking to make money or just people that have had a major, almost real-like dream that they for whatever reason have brought in to the real world and cant detatch themselves from).

Interesting subject but I think it says more about the brain and how it functions rather than wee green men out there.

We are also dealing with govt docs detailing "procedure", NORAD reports, astronaut communication, military and airline pilot reports, naval ship logs, etc. Not to mention video footage (the one's that cannot be proven fake, even if they cannot be proven genuine) of actual metallic vehicles making maneuvers that our current technology cannot duplicate. These things cannot be classified as mind tricks. Your point is valid for many sightings but not for many others.

There are also 911 calls of events that are witnessed by regular folks but come in bunches from various parts of a city all at the same time, so the object/formation in question is being viewed from many angles by many citizens, not all of which can be mistaken, insane, or on drugs. These objects may not be spaceships, but they certainly are not weather balloons or meteors either.

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Indeed, indeed. However, one thing I have to pick you up on is when you say, 'current technology cannot duplicate'. That is the technology we are allowed to know about! I am pretty sure a lot of stuff that really have been solid objects doing amazing manouvres etc in the sky werent aliens but have years later become every day, accepted military aircraft that were top secret at the time. Its no surprise when someone sees something like that moving at phenomenal speed that they say its a UFO - in many ways they are right!

Of course, you always end up with the 1% where everyone will say, "well, I really dont know what that was", but most of those incidents are still only blurry photographs or film, or recorded/written statements that can be interpreted in many ways. For all the acres of movies and pictures that people have no one ever seems to have the money shot that would make the biggest headline of all time, despite the fact (shouldnt say 'fact'!!) that if you go by some of the paintings etc put on this thread its been happening for centuries.

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Or could it be they saw this object and attributed it to divine intervention?

Yest hey could, but you already know my thoughts on that :silly:

That would be me. :) Be nice, Chom! You do have a penchant for slander.

Yea, that is a downfall that I have, I will admit. . .being called on it now and again is actually a good thing, it tends to keep me in check.

I don't know too many cases where someone remains stable after being abducted by humans, much less a being they had not previously conceived of.

:laugh: true enough, I guess my mentality would be a bit knocked off kilter if I was anally raped by a green amn with big eyes.

There is easily more video now of UFOs than ever before. There are plenty more fakes, but also plenty more unexplainable vids too.

Also more reports from military and airline pilots. Why nobody wants to lend any credibility to these accounts is beyond me.

Again Occam's razor if there is, I would love to see it, and I would also love to see the counter argument to it. David Blane is a great magician, but nothing he does is magical, he just tricks people into thinking it is. I don't doubt there are a lot of UFO sightings, on the Blane train of reasoning.

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with regard to the mediaeval paintings of apparent flying machines with people in them, perhaps you should consider these drawings all from the 1500's of creatures apparently roaming this planet:




The last one is a depiction of an elephant by someone that presumably had never seen one before! you dont need aliens when you have a good imagination!


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with regard to the mediaeval paintings of apparent flying machines with people in them, perhaps you should consider these drawings all from the 1500's of creatures apparently roaming this planet:




The last one is a depiction of an elephant by someone that presumably had never seen one before! you dont need aliens when you have a good imagination!


Pretty conclusive proof that not only are the pictures of UFOs genuine, but the occupants landed and walked the Earth. :laugh:

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with regard to the mediaeval paintings of apparent flying machines with people in them, perhaps you should consider these drawings all from the 1500's of creatures apparently roaming this planet:

:) Touche, Hogs.. but-

There's nothing in those pics that indicates the artists thought those animals were real. There's also nothing that we believe in today that we can compare those creatures to so there's no common thread in making a decision on whether or not the artists were attempting to portray something they claim to have seen.

In the renaissance paintings that ZGuy posted, the buildings are buildings, the people are people, and the anomalies in the sky look and behave exactly like what we describe as flying machines here in the 21st century. There's a reference for reality or a perception of reality in those paintings.

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well these depictions were based on 'evidence' from people that said they had seen them. The first was in an edition of a book 'On Monsters and Marvels' about creatures 'that appear outside of Nature'.

The second one is the 'Beast of Krakow' (i.e. Poland), claimed to have roamed the area at the time.

The last one as I noted is a REAL creature! an elephant, but as I mentioned drawn in such a way as utterly bizarre and unrecognisable. If people can paint an elephant that way it doesnt take much to paint a flying object with someone in it. After all, people were burned at the stake then for flying through the air on broomsticks. Witchcraft and the ability to take on animal form, fly through the air etc was accepted then. People beleived it and put it in art work (not that I can say thats what those paintings depict put it proves perfectly my point *ahem*)

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well these depictions were based on 'evidence' from people that said they had seen them. The first was in an edition of a book 'On Monsters and Marvels' about creatures 'that appear outside of Nature'.

The second one is the 'Beast of Krakow' (i.e. Poland), claimed to have roamed the area at the time.

The last one as I noted is a REAL creature! an elephant, but as I mentioned drawn in such a way as utterly bizarre and unrecognisable. If people can paint an elephant that way it doesnt take much to paint a flying object with someone in it. After all, people were burned at the stake then for flying through the air on broomsticks. Witchcraft and the ability to take on animal form, fly through the air etc was accepted then. People beleived it and put it in art work (not that I can say thats what those paintings depict put it proves perfectly my point *ahem*)

*Ahem.* Fine, another point well-taken. :)

But quite honestly, I find it far too coincidental that people painted UFOs when they didn't even have toaster ovens or electric shavers and those UFOs look exactly like the UFOs described by people who do have toaster ovens and electric shavers.

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agreed, it is odd that they are depicted in a way that we recognise in some way or other. Even so, if they could depict them back then I cant see how no one can come up with an absolute single, killer frame - never mind a roll of film - of an actual UFO. It does beg the question that if it is real then where is the evidence beyond fuzzy, never-quite-what-you-want pictures etc.

Anyhoo, way past the witching hour over here. I'm off to be abducted for the night :)

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Clearly the aliens have come here for one thing and one thing only.... they are addicted to anal sex.
How come it always seems to be country white people that are obducted? I've never heard of spanish, asain, or black obduction.

Because they're fetishists -- see the quote above. This is the one CLEARLY valid application of Occam's Razor to this thread. :)

But seriously, as much as I enjoy seeing an intelligent, respectful, and well-written debate (thank you, Chachie, chomerics, et. al.), don't we hear enough of the "do aliens exist" argument? I'm a little disappointed one of the original questions didn't get more consideration, since it could be answered as a hypothetical -- regardless of whether you think we've been contacted by another sentient species:

Last question....If a spaceship landed in your backyard and some alien came out and spoke English to you and was very friendly and asked you to come with him...Would you do it?

My answer would be "no." I'd say it would be worth risking some really painful experience because you'd get the opportunity to do something very few (if any) people have done . . . but the problem is that it would probably isolate you for the rest of your life. Upon returning to earth (assuming you did so), it would be almost impossible to relate the experience to anybody; not only would you have to convince them that you're not a lunatic, you'd also have to try to communicate about things that we probably have no analogs for. I think, in the end, it would be a very frustrating and empty experience.

Other answers? Please?

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