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Official - Do You Support Jim Zorn Thread ('nother merge)


Did GW really stab Joe Gibbs in the Back??  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Did GW really stab Joe Gibbs in the Back??

    • GW did not say anything bad about Joe Gibbs in his interview, the Media made this rumor up
    • GW did not say anything bad about Joe Gibbs in his interview, Dan and Vinny made this rumor up
    • GW did say something bad about Joe Gibbs in his interview
    • I don't even care anymore!!!!

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.....Most importantly, when the 2008 season rolls around, Jim Zorn will be wearing a burgundy and/or gold polo; and that alone makes him worth rooting for in my book.


Woooooooooooooo HHooooooooooooooooo

Go Jim Zorn!

Go Redskins!!!


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You do realize that Zorn is 54, right? He's young in terms of playcalling experience. I hope he makes the most of this opportunity.
Nope, I sure didn't.:doh:

How is this, I like it because he should be able to help a young QB improve, because after all, he has made Hasselback look like a league leader, when IMO, he is only an average system guy. Does that work?:D

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As a skin fan I hope he does well. I don't like the WC offense. I don't like creating instability by forcing JC to learn a new offense- AGAIN! But, whoever the new coach or coaches are, I am a skin fan. I will support the team. And I hope the Vertically Challanged One- proves us all wrong and installs winning leadership. With that said, he's made an extremely bold, if not idiotic move. By choosing change over stabilty- Snyder has countered Gibbs. To incorrectly counter Gibbs' plan, will force my hand. I've haven't missed a Skins game in over 25 years and as a loyal skins fan- I won't be able to justify going through another lean period- with some egomaniacial jack ass at the helm. Clouds needs silver linings. Snyder's gone all in. And, if he doesn't win, I don't think I'm alone in shifting from Redskins loyal to fair weather. Voting with your pocket book and loyalty is the only way to correct an incompetent owner. It's time for this franchise to become accountable.

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I put myself firmly in the undecided column. After a decade of watching Dan Snyder, it seems like an impossible feat to feel certain about anything while he's calling the shots.

It's like watching a friend or relative with a substance abuse problem. Some people do recover and lead productive lives, and after a while, you begin to trust them after they demonstrate a new behavior pattern over a long period of time. Others have brief periods of recovery followed by another episode. As soon as you begin to think that they've got it kicked, they go on a 3-week bender and wind up screwing everything up again.

With Snyder, it's as if he's addicted to the thrill of owning a football team, and Cerrato is his enabler. The two of them constitute a fool's paradise, where they justify each other's delusions. With Cerrato being promoted, Zorn being hired with no head coach on board, and the the promise of continuity falling off the bone like meat from a well smoked rack of ribs, I'm left in doubt as to the true motavation of Snyder's heart.

I've seen this movie before. It doesn't end with the good guys winnning - more like a unfullfilling dark comedy.

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....how in the hell do you go out and find an OC before hiring the head coach? If anyone can explain this logic please let me know.

Williams is already a lock and he wanted Zorn

Zorn was up for grabs at the time and we got him before someone else

Timing is everything

Not saying this is what happened....but this might be the case

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I dont think the two(supporting Zorn and being upset Saunders was let go) are mutually exclusive. I hate the fact that we let Saunders go, but im still going to support Zorn.

I dont understand the obsession with either/or polls that dont actually let you choose the appropriate options. Though usually its intentional unlike this one.

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I have a combination of 2 and 3. I disagree with the hiring, I wish we would have kept Saunders, but I will support Zorn because he's just taking an opportunity. Plus he's not going to be head coach. I'll give the head coach, if not Williams, much less slack.

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I support the decision.

I've been critical of this team and it's offense of being to vanilla at times. You know the conservative play calling, the predictable style in the 2nd half of games (you know..run, run, pass, punt..:doh: ) which has cost us to lose many games over the last 4 years, & the thinking that 17 or 20 points is enough to win in this league.

I'll gladly take a new look and a new attitude toward the offensive side of the ball.

Jim Zorn, you have my support.


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The team never scored many points under Saunders (the Detroit game this year an exception). Yes, I wholeheartedly support Zorn. I used to root for him to steal the starting job back from Krieg when I was a kid.

Our offense wasn't hugely better this year, except at the end. It's our defense that improved.

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My question is this:

IF our offense blows it up and we surge in productivity offensively, will the same people that ***** and moan about how STUPID THE DAN is, go back and say..this is a good hire?

I think this will help JC. Obviously, he struggles....and right now we KNOW he needs improvement in many areas.........but.....I do think this offense will allow him to be comfortable and find his groove. I still think the game is too fast for him, and the new offense will NOT cure that......but if he gets in a new groove, that might not be as important.

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My support towards Zorn at the moment is kinda leaning towards him. Though, I'm still not sure at the moment.

Hiring him definitely shows that developing Campbell is #1 priority, however it may also show that we may lose a few integral players on offense.

Also, I kinda felt that keeping AS might've been the right direction, since the players may have just started to find their niche on offense, and having them learn a new one would definitely be a step back. But, it's certainly understandable for them to get rid of Saunders since the offense wasn't as great as advertised during the past couple of years.

A positive thing is, the playbook that Zorn brings (if he'll bring one) will probably be nowhere near as complicated as what Saunders brought, so it wouldn't be that much of a step back.

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I like it in some ways and in some ways I don't.

I don't because IMO is sets the team back next year -- now they have to learn a whole new offense AGAIN! And Campbell ditto. Also Zorn really has to come up with a playbook I assume since he hasn't done this in the NFL so we'd expereince Zorn's own learning curve.

Plus: He apparently is one of the best developers of QBs in the league, so I suspect even if next season is a down year for Campbell becuase he has to readjust again -- long term it will be good for him.

My question is this:

IF our offense blows it up and we surge in productivity offensively, will the same people that ***** and moan about how STUPID THE DAN is, go back and say..this is a good hire?

I think this will help JC. Obviously, he struggles....and right now we KNOW he needs improvement in many areas.........but.....I do think this offense will allow him to be comfortable and find his groove. I still think the game is too fast for him, and the new offense will NOT cure that......but if he gets in a new groove, that might not be as important.

From what I read this isn't Danny's original idea -- but BOTH Fassel and Gregg Williams talked him up, so Danny thought heck this guy must be good. I give Danny credit for working out the deal but from how the reporters painted it this was something that Danny learned from Gregg and Fassel not the other way around.

Got me on this one if its going to work. As I said I can see it long term -- hard to imagine though next season won't be a step back though I can live with a temporary step back

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From what I read this isn't Danny's original idea -- but BOTH Fassel and Gregg Williams talked him up, so Danny thought heck this guy must be good. I give Danny credit for working out the deal but from how the reporters painted it this was something that Danny learned from Gregg and Fassel not the other way around.

Got me on this one if its going to work. As I said I can see it long term -- hard to imagine though next season won't be a step back though I can live with a temporary step back


Isn't that what SO MANY ON HERE are complaining about? THE DAN doesn't know anything.......and yet he goes out and gets the offensive guy that the current defensive coordinator AND FAN FAVORITE says is good?

Can't have it both ways.

Either THE DAN is trying or he isn't.

This man is damned no matter what he does.

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WAIT! So you guys are hiring a Offensive Coordinator before you've hired the Head Coach?

Sounds very familiar to me... I wonder why?

Why because that is EXACTLY what Jerry Jones and the Cowboys did with hiring Jason Garrett to be the OC for the Cowboys and then hiring Wadeas the HC.

I seem to recall all the smack you guys heaped on the Cowboys for this move. What happened to allowing the eventual HC to choose their own staff?

This is par for course. Jerry Jones and the Cowboys do something and then a year later, Snyder and the Redskins try to copy.

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That said, I'm also going to say that Campbell is going to be one of the guys who does make the transition. He works so hard. He was the hardest worker last season. There's no way he won't work harder this year. And a guy like Zorn is going to absolutely love that. I don't know that Campbell is the perfect fit for Zorn's system, but I see both guys compromising enough to earn big successes.

Yeah... and it paid off for him didn't it?:applause:

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If he brings an uncluttered and simple game plan (that is less than 250 pages) then the skins will be much better off, simple is better, JC should excell under this coach. The offence should be much better with simple routes and plans.

Gee... where ahve we heard this before? :rolleyes:

They'll still have to dumb it down for him.

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Yeah... and it paid off for him didn't it?:applause:

First, as an aside...

Way back when, when we signed Todd Collins, I wanted TC to be our QB. There were a lot of negatives swirling about TC - primarily his age - but I wanted to see what Saunders system was capable of, and I think it was pretty obvious that TC understood the system inside and out. He could play, everyone could see how it was supposed to look, and then it'd be easier to see the deficiencies. Who fit? Who didn't fit?

We finally got to see that, to a degree. We got to see Collins start five game and perform pretty well. But we still don't know, exactly, how the Saunders system looks in burgundy-and-gold. I call that a (head) coaching mistake. We bought a sports car and then drove it 10mph under the speed limit. I don't think we ever saw what that system could do in DC. What a waste of two years. :P

Anyway, to the point...

JC didn't light it up. He didn't have the greatest year. Other than his completion percentage and its significant improvement, he performed at a similar level to the prior year. So did his hard work pay off?

It's hard to say. Would he have played worse without working so hard all off-season? Would he have performed better had we played and coached with JC in there the way we did with TC? And no, this isn't a cop-out. :)

Look at Tom Brady. People call him one of the hardest workers, yet when you look at his year-to-year stats they go up and down. Three years of a QB rating in the mid-80s, followed by two years in the 90s - and then it drops back into the 80s (before Randy Moss and Wes Welker were brought on board). So if we can't see the results of hard-work in the off-season with someone like Brady, how are we going to see it with Campbell?

About the only thing we can say is that it sounds better to know that Campbell is taking this seriously. We at least know it positively affects his teammates, theoretically helps in pressure situations, and likely helps his continued growth as a QB.

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